We're pretty sure you already know what you're submitting to this reward simply from reading the title, right? Getting stuck in somewhere in a video game means you spend hours in one place, meaning it burns an image into your memory (and possibly your TV). For me, it's the Deling City sewers in Final Fantasy VIII. Or the D-District Prison. Or Galbadia Garden. I guess FF8 had a few sticky patches...
Anyway, for this reward, tell us about an area of any video game where you got stuck for a looong time - perhaps you got lost, got stuck on a puzzle, or were underleveled and couldn't fight your way out - and show us, too, by adding screenshots, videos, or video links in a social media post on any platform. Your illustrations don't have to be original for this one, it's fine to reshare existing media, but give credit to other creators if you do so.
already paid
$105 / 150
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