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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
SergeantRogers's avatar

Meet Daniel Jurcsak, he is kind of a jack of all trades, master of none.

He started out his career as a humble courier, delivering packages from station to station, he did this until he had enough money to buy a Cobra Mk3. This ship is very good for a bunch of different tasks, He started trading a bit, just enough money to start bounty hunting. He quickly climbed the ranks of the Federation, until he decided to take a break form all the killing. He took up exobiology after hearing that it pays extremely well. This is how he made his first 100 Million.
Doing this quickly became boring however, so he once again returned to combat oriented jobs. He started participating in ground conflict zones, mostly for the fun of it. He occasionally also performed some pirate activities on the side. During all this, he was working on creating an AX Krait Mk2, which he did with the help of a CMDR from the AXI. This CMDR also practiced with him until he was satisified with his skills. To this day, he is actively participating in the war against the thargoids. He'd like to go out and explore the galaxy after the war ends.

Sturmer's avatar

Meet the CMDR Heenaku: A captain with no memory, haunted by the unknown, navigating the vast expanse of space while piecing together fragments of a lost past. Silent, sharp, and searching for the truth.


O7 commanders! Commander LEEEROY JENKINS here. I've been piloting all sorts of boats around the vast 'verse for about 10 years now. I've done just about every kind of job you can do. I'm not very partial to mining (boring!!!) or huntin' thargoids (even scarier than space werewolves). My philosophy is island time on my mind. I float here and there earning space bucks and collecting stories. Most of my earnings are from trade though (Elite II thank you very much). I look forward to meeting newb commanders and helping them get a start by earning the dough they need to get into shiny new boats. I've got stories to tell and i'm sure that you do too. Pull up a stool, pour some Eranin Pearl whiskey and light a cigarette. Hey, you gotta light?


This is L'il Mikey. Her alias keeps her alive. Her real name is [REDACTED]. I'd share more about her but there's not much outside of legend and speculation. Some rumors claim she isn't actually an influential figure since nothing she's reportedly done could be confirmed. Loyal Federalist, Eager explorer. Deadly ground combat leader.

Gadnok's avatar

Real name: Gadnok Breakstone

Place of birth: 85 Pegasi

Year of birth: 3278

Age: 32

I was born and raised on a small continent on 85 Pegasi A3, a world around 40 LY from Sol and near the Pilots' Federation District of systems. With our neighbor world A4 in a dancing orbit and clear in the sky, my aspirations for space exploration were prominent at a young age. I carry a profound respect for all organic life and the amazing strains it comes in, and always wondered if that planet in the sky was just like ours. After buying my first Cobra Mk3 "Nugget" and earning my wings at age 16, I quickly learned it wasn't, but the people there were. I grew close friendships with pilots from 85 Pegasi A3 and A4, and then became employed by the Federation at age 22 as an Astrobiologist, specializing in quantum organics and micro-auditory communications. I have since conducted research from labs in Wyrd, Colonia, Hermitage and HIP 23759. I am now aligned with Sidewinder Syndicate aboard Breaker of Worlds V8Z-T8F and regularly travel out of the bubble to catalog new discoveries.

o7 CMDRs

Doc's avatar

Hello, CMDR Doc Santos here, most of the time I'm an explorer affiliated with Universal Cartographics and Vista Genomics, particularly interested in finding new planets and gathering samples of exobiology into deep space. In fact those are my main income generators in game. I fly an old Diamondback Explorer, it's a small ship but is very tough for my line of work. My longest expedition to date has been to the center of the galaxy, Sagittarius A. It was very far, but there are more adventures awaiting.

GeneMarine's avatar

Name: Unknown
Born: 3268 *approximately
Place of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Independent
Occupation: Freelancer / Explorer
Relations: Unknown

I am CMDR Gene Marine, however that is not my real name, my birth name remains a mystery. Mine is a life lived in intrigue, with no record of my birth parents or where I was born, it is almost as if I simply just came to be.

According to the scientists, the epigenetic clock in my DNA suggests that I was born around the year 3268, I think that sounds about right. My DNA also shows signs of heritable genome editing going back some eleven generations. This led to a rumour that I am a descendent of a cloned Imperial infantry unit, so people started to call me the Gene Marine. Looks like the name stuck. I guess that makes me a mutant or something, I've read ancient Earth stories about those guys, I named my ships after them.

I lived most of my life on stations near the Alioth system. My earliest memory is hearing of the birth of Princess Aisling Duval, I guess I was around 8 years old at the time. It kind of stayed with me because like the Princess, I never knew my mother either, and for the first time in my life I didn't feel quite so alone. As we both grew older the Princess became someone that I admired, someone I respected, we shared a lot of the same values, and I carry that with me as an inspiration while I try to live my life by my own core values of justice, truth, honour, and loyalty. Always striving to be the best that I can be.

Over the years I have worked various jobs onboard stations and megaships, earning credits wherever I could. It had always been a dream of mine to have my own ship one day, to fly out into the black, and in the year 3300 it finally happened. I became the CMDR of my very own ship, a Sidewinder. I named it Cyclops, and it was glorious. Many years later I am now lucky enough have my own fleet of ships, and I frequently venture out into the black, also working as an independent freelancer to earn some extra credits. I found my peace, the place where I belong, in the freedom amongst the stars. Fly safe fellow CMDRs, I hope to see you out in the black sometime o7


"I have always dreamed of the stars. When I look back to the sky in my home planet, I have always wanted to soar through it. Like I heard from my old man stories about. He said that on Earth, centuries ago, people took hours and hours to travel across the world. They flew high on the so called aeroplanes. I've got marveled by that."

So, I founded the L&L Travel Company, together with my wife. I wanted to share my dream of taking to the stars, so any citizen, low or high tier will be transported through the wonders of the stars, and any world or destination they have.

Nice to meet you all. This is CMDR James Lauer, small travel company owner, and musician during free time, taking people back and forth through all human colonized space.

Safe Flights, Commanders! o7

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar

Name’s Cmdr. Travis Robicheaux, your friendly neighborhood space trucker, haulin' cargo across the galaxy in my trusty Lakon Type-9. She may fly like a brick, but with enough room to transport a small moon’s worth of goods, she gets the job done. Been haulin' everything from exotic bath salts to, no joke, 200 live chickens. Space sure has a way of keepin' things interesting.

I’ve dodged pirates, outrun black holes (well, kinda), and even had a close encounter with a floating herd of inflatable llamas. Yeah, the job's dangerous, but there’s always a laugh along the way—usually right around the time you realize your ‘precious cargo’ is just 500 tons of cabbage. Ain’t glamorous, but hey, it’s a living.

So, if you got a weird delivery to make or just need a trucker who’s seen it all, I’m your guy. Just don’t ask me why those exercise bikes ended up in the middle of space—I’m still workin’ on that mystery myself.

Catch ya on the star lanes—and don’t forget to give a honk when you see ol' Travis cruisin' by.

If you want to get to know me better watch this!


My commander in 2016, before travelling the galaxy, I've not read this in 5 years haha, I would write a very different story now.

The Spice Beetles

The water is choppy and the boat is leaky.  It’s made of reed fibre and it leaks.  The coating of bangaloon oil has long since leeched from the surface and Jude used fish oil in an attempt to replenish it.  It hasn’t worked well and it smells. So does Jude.  Judes hands hurt from barnacle slime in cuts and the slightly caustic saltwater of the lagoons.  It’s not a great living fishing the beetle groves but it makes enough to justify hanging around the tightly regulated Hanandroo main 3 terminal area.  Much of the surface of the terraformed world is wetland, the ideal place for the marsh dwelling Bangaloon beetle to thrive in.

Today is tepid and blustery, but the wind doesn’t cut through the clothes to the skin like the shanty town ports of Hanandroo main 1. That is a miserable place to live.  The seals that bark on its harbour side rocks in the afternoon witnessing the great star ships come and go seem clamped and battened down in the same way as the great poly-fabric  ship-hangars’ guy ropes.  Driving unending cold winds.

It’s warmer down by terminal 3, some way further south.  The security are quite careful and suspicious round here, the beetle trade is pretty tightly regulated.  It’s in everything though here.  Jude’s hands are green from handling raw beetle paste, toxic to non-natives of Hanandroo. It’s a mild rush; better than a strong coffee. ‘I’m not dizzy and I can handle my boat’.

Jude sells a little of the part processed ‘spice’ to the more adventurous commanders that make it onto land.  It’s a welcome bonus. Processing makes the product into the complex intoxicant and hallucinogen that gives Tranquillity its famous name.  Sometimes, on a rest day Jude will go and sit and watch as the interstellar traffic ebbs and flows in the land-side base, back and forth to the great flat horizon of Hanandroo; Tarach Tor;  the crossroads of the powers.  It’s coming.  War is coming and she really, really wants to get off planet.

Before that

The back wall of the building was made from Masswood – a biomodified variant of the Red Mangrove. The clean desalinated water that it extracted from the sodden soil of Tranquillity Bay beaded gently on the surface of the inner wall of the great processing station. People lived here and this moisture was collected with tiny taps driven into the wall, a little like maple sap extraction. The tap points were deeply whorled and over grown, they had been in place centuries.  The wall was matted with aerial roots reaching out as if to catch passers-by, integrating into the side and front walls; the metal bulkheads from some long forgotten landing craft - of no design that could be recognised these days.  Truth be told this place looked ancient.  Tarach Tor’s primary planet Hanandroo had been a very early terraform target, its lack of a moon gave quiet seas and the waters were shallow. The Introduction of Masswood forests created silts and permanent soil, the seeding of life from the great bio-banks on Earth’s moon and at Eden research base deep under the ground of Alpha Centauri created a thriving eco system.

Small Crabs and vibrant poisonous frogs shared this building with the Humans working there.  There had been hard times and the Masswood crabs were treated kindly for their sacrifices to the cooking pot in times gone by.  Jude was wearing waterproofs today – straight in off the beetle mosses with a large vaguely wriggling sack.  “ey-up Boss” An old woman raised an eyebrow slightly and primly gestured with a tiny palette knife to a blue crate with green stains sitting by the desk. Jude deposited the glittering contents of the sack into it grinning broadly, swaying from the lack of pressure. A few tiny glittering beetles made an escape from the crate and skittered  a few yards across the floor before being hoovered up by the suddenly lightning fast crabs, which melted back into crevices in the rear wall.  Jude made sure her eyes didn’t linger too long on the old crones face, that it was her today was immaterial; the woman, the man the young girl – they all meant the same thing, credits in the account, a place to stay, free spice and food if she needed it. Jude was careful not to interfere with the arcane.  The old woman spoke, using the voice of the man; “good haul, 300 Credits today, get some stew while it’s hot.  It’s offworld, not fish.” The woman looked past her to another figure in the doorway with a significantly smaller bag of beetles and flashed a smile at Jude.

The Rush

Spice was in Jude's first meal, in her mother’s milk. Spice, the gentle persuasion of its alterations went unnoticed by the villagers.  Living in small watermill driven hamlets with surreptitious riches hidden behind shutters.  The frameshift capable vehicle used at night;  the suspiciously weather resistant coating of the outdoor furniture in the mossgarden;  the windows that were not simple meltsand but transalumium.  This was the future backwater.  Low profit. Not a power target. Not worth it.  But the Spice…it was the spice that made the difference and put the blue-green haze over the little town hospital and the gears that seemed to be magic under the watermill.

Just a little beetle living on the moss.  This moss was in bread and soup and the paper Jude learned to write on.  Paper was apparently so precious that humanity found a way to recreate it wherever they lived. Fibres.  Lignin. The soft fluffy parts and the strong roots locking together and making a surface, all you need is water and warmth to cook down those scented heady leaves. The seedbanks despite their brash advertisements and confidence went only so far and moss seemed to be in everything. But that moss turned the hands green and sweet-talked the people. Eating the beetles was only a step – like a prawn really. With all that rice that grew so abundantly on planet the new Hanandrooans had a plethora of familiar dishes to draw from. All green mind. But you got used to it.  It was all Jude had ever known.

The Rush though.  The Aganippe Rush.  Now that wasn’t spice.  As far as Jude was concerned it was drugs. Tried it once.  Bit of a coming of age thing.  Silly and embarrassing.

Aganippe and Tarach Tor seemed to have some connection. Judemagog was aware of the traders that spoke of the distances they travelled and the profits they made.  Credits Jude couldn’t imagine getting her hands on were spoken of frequently in the loading bay full of exotic humans in spacesuits tailored for comfort on planet with snap open Remlok helmets attached to their sides.

They joked about canopy breaches and compared loadouts; class 4, class 5. Strange weapons that fired with unbelievable levels of power and their stories of the fuel scoop and the terror of the sungrazing.  Jude was a worker and she kept her head down but it all made its mark. She noticed the boss looking at her. Today it was the Girl. She was sat in a corner playing with a small seal pup. The traders ignored her and went to the large bearded man at the desk by the blue bucket. The man who spoke with the old womans  voice. If the traders frowned at the cracked antique voice of the man they hid it very swiftly.  A spice factory isn’t a safe place for an offworlder.  The girl was chewing on a little green stick as she played with the fluffy seal. Jude felt the inexorable and familiar drag and walk shuffled sideways to the girl at the back of the room.

The green within green eyes abruptly left the pet and turned to Jude, locked on and the bearded mans voice – his real voice - said “you’re going to Aganippe, I’ll speak to you there.


OMG I cant believe its the lady who whats on the Galnet News Digest, I watch your show all the time, I love you guys!!!


yay!! haha it's not something I am considering taking up- I think I'm much safer sticking to reading stuff that's written for me and colouring in peoples screenshots :-D <3

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well I think 2016 Beetlejude did an excellent job; I really enjoyed reading this!


above and beyond the call of duty I feel, reading that wodge but ta hahah

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ha! Well you get further praise for that usage of 'wodge'

sesheta's avatar

Commander Pam Sniktau, a pilot with a history as fragmented as the stars she navigates, is a relic of a forgotten past.

Born long before the emergence of the Dark Wheel, she now finds herself chasing its shadow across the galaxy. A remnant from a forgotten era, her past is a mystery even to herself. The timeline of her life is fractured, with gaps of centuries between memories, fragments of forgotten knowledge, and a deep-rooted connection to technologies and secrets long considered lost.

Her story took a strange and fateful turn when her defective cryo-locked pod was discovered drifting in an uncharted region of space, far from the familiar routes of humanity. The recovery was orchestrated by C.E.A. Psychiatric Institutions Ltd., a shadowy organization specializing in the treatment of pilots experiencing the psychological fallout from deep-space exploration and temporal anomalies. Sniktau’s cryo pod, believed to be faulty after centuries of use, had preserved her longer than intended, causing severe memory loss and temporal disorientation. The pod itself was a relic—predating modern cryogenics—and its malfunction only deepened the mystery of Sniktau’s origins.

C.E.A. Psychiatric Institutions Ltd. initially recovered Sniktau as part of their ongoing efforts to address the mental toll of long-term stasis and deep-space travel. The organization, known for operating on the fringes of human space, specializes in time-displacement syndromes, cryo-senescence, and other cognitive disorders that emerge from prolonged isolation or exposure to extreme FSD manipulations. Upon waking, Sniktau found herself subjected to extensive medical testing, her chart hand-delivered by specialists in hopes of unraveling the enigmatic circumstances surrounding her past.

As part of her rehabilitation, Sniktau began coordinating with other pilots under the CEA banner. These pilots were known for pushing the boundaries of known space, exploring regions far off the galactic plane where the laws of time and space seemed more fluid. Together, they embarked on expeditions to highly isolated systems, scouring the void in search of forgotten knowledge and hidden truths. For Sniktau, these expeditions were more than just explorations—they were quests to uncover her lost identity and her place in a galaxy that had changed beyond recognition.

Despite her cooperation with the CEA, Sniktau’s true allegiance lies in her pursuit of the Dark Wheel—an organization whose existence is shrouded in myth and legend. Though the Dark Wheel is known to be an ancient faction seeking the secrets of Raxxla, Sniktau’s involvement is more personal. She seeks them not just for the legends they chase, but because she feels a strange, inexplicable connection to their goals. It is as if the secrets they hunt were part of her past, a forgotten legacy that stretches back beyond the stars.

Though she is older than the Dark Wheel itself, Sniktau is driven by a sense that their secrets are intertwined with her own. As she ventures into the deepest, most uncharted regions of the galaxy, she balances on the edge of time and memory, pushing herself—and her ship—far beyond the limits of ordinary pilots. Each discovery brings her closer to understanding who she was and why she was left adrift, with only the whisper of a forgotten star as a clue to her origin.

In the dark silence of the galactic fringes, Sniktau continues her quest. She seeks not just the Dark Wheel, but herself—an ancient wanderer, lost to time, now fighting to reclaim the truth of her past from the cold, uncaring void.

Her expertise in Frame Shift Drive manipulation—particularly a controversial, scarcely understood maneuvers that may have led to her dereliction—has earned her a reputation as both a resourceful and reckless pilot. Sniktau's loyalties remain fluid, shaped by a need for survival and a hunger for knowledge. As she embarks on dangerous missions, from rescuing stranded souls from Thargoid incursions to exploring the farthest reaches of deep space, she grapples with the knowledge that the key to her past—and perhaps the future of humanity—may lie buried in the stars.

Driven by purpose, but haunted by what she's lost, Sniktau is more than a pilot—she's a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Excellent depth! This was a very enjoyable read.


Hello everyone! I'm HeiseN, and I'm excited to join this community and connect with fellow Commanders. My journey in Elite Dangerous started a few years ago, and I've been hooked ever since. What drew me in initially was the sheer scale of the galaxy and the endless possibilities for exploration. There’s something incredibly satisfying about charting a course into the unknown and discovering systems that few, if any, have seen before.

Over the years, I’ve dabbled in just about every activity the game has to offer. I’ve spent countless hours exploring distant star systems, mapping planets, and searching for those elusive, undiscovered wonders. I’ve also had my share of adrenaline-pumping dogfights, where the stakes are high, and every maneuver counts. Bounty hunting is a particular favorite of mine, especially when I’m in the mood for some action.

On the quieter side, I enjoy trading and mining, finding the best trade routes, and making a profit to fund my bigger adventures. The balance between intense combat, peaceful exploration, and strategic trading is what keeps me coming back.

I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone here, sharing stories, tips, and maybe even teaming up for some epic missions. The galaxy is vast, and there’s always something new to discover, so I’m excited to see where our journeys will take us. Fly safe, Commanders!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi HeiseN. This bounty is actually for introducing your character from a roleplay perspective. Can I suggest copying and pasting your (lovely) introduction here:

P.S. Because you're new to the platform and it was an easy mistake to make, we've awarded you a prize anyway. But do double check the bounty descriptions 😊


I had always had an interest in technology and from an early age tried to pursue this. When the opportunity arose , however, I decided to invest my money into a beat up Sidewinder and see what the Galaxy had for me.
It was at this point I stumbled across GreyBeard Delta, a group of likeminded Cmdrs. A group of Cmdrs that were interested in all aspects of Stellar life....from exploration and mining, to trading and combat, eventually this would lead to us aquiring systems and a large family of planets and like minded individuals.

So it stayed like this for a number of years, until news from home changed a few things. I had to return to Sol, and deal with some family issues (very difficult at the time, and only now is the "grey mist" starting to clear) I eventually made the decision to return to the Black... this time in my trusty Aspx, with Exo on my mind.

So now a new chapter has been started for Cmdr BZSm1th (formerly BazingaSmith), I stll contribute to the GBD efforts and will hopefully continue for many years to come.

Providing the results of my Exo Bio discoveries to hopefully aid in a better understanding of our vast galaxy, while simultaneously spreading the word of Formidline Greybeard Guild, is my gosh.

Fly Safe o7

USCSS's avatar

Commander USCSS – A Void Explorer

Values: Commander USCSS values freedom and exploration above all. They believe the galaxy is a vast place meant to be charted, with each discovery bringing humanity one step closer to understanding its place in the cosmos.

Ambitions: USCSS dreams of finding the elusive unknown, whether it's a new star system, an ancient alien artifact, or the untouched remains of a forgotten civilization. Their ultimate goal is to establish a network of remote outposts where explorers can gather and share knowledge.

Greatest Achievement: The discovery of a previously uncharted Earth-like planet, which has since become a hub for independent explorers seeking a place to rest and refuel.

Personal Lore: Once an officer in a Federation fleet, USCSS abandoned their military career after a near-fatal encounter with Thargoids. Surviving that experience, they vowed never to be tied down by political alliances or military objectives again. Now, they navigate the unknown, a lone wolf in a vast universe, offering aid to fellow explorers whenever needed.


The Fall of Cmdr. Icarus Thorn

In the shimmering towers of Selene IV, the Thorn family were pillars of the elite, their influence stretching across the stars. Icarus Thorn grew up in the shadow of his father, Admiral Darius Thorn, a venerated war hero and respected figure within the Pilots Federation. His mother, Dr. Elara Thorn, was equally renowned—a scientist responsible for breakthroughs in terraforming technologies. From birth, Icarus was groomed for greatness, a child destined to soar among the stars.

Yet, even as a boy, Icarus felt a strange dissonance. His family’s grand halls were filled with luxury, but also with secrets. His father’s frequent absences were shrouded in silence, and his mother’s gaze, when it wasn’t buried in data, seemed distant, haunted. One night, when he was just 12 years old, Icarus overheard a hushed argument between his parents. His father had been involved in something dark, something dangerous that could cost them everything. His mother pleaded with him to stop, her voice shaking with fear. Darius Thorn’s response was cold, as though bound by something that neither of them could escape.

That was the last night Icarus saw his mother alive.

The next morning, news broke of a “tragic accident” during one of Dr. Elara Thorn's experiments in the outer systems. The official reports were too neat, too perfectly tailored to close any further inquiry. But Icarus never believed it. As the years passed, whispers of sabotage and betrayal followed him. He became obsessed with uncovering the truth, digging into his mother’s erased research files, only to find roadblocks at every turn. His inquiries were met with warnings from powerful figures, old family friends who seemed more interested in burying the past than revealing it.

As Icarus pieced together fragments of information, he discovered unsettling truths about his father’s secret dealings. Admiral Thorn had been part of covert operations, shady alliances that hinted at involvement in criminal syndicates and secretive corporations. These same entities had ties to his mother’s death. When Icarus confronted him, demanding the truth, Darius offered only a cold warning: "Walk away, or you’ll end up like her." With that, Icarus was cast out, a pariah within the Federation, forced to abandon his home and the life he had known.

In the years that followed, Icarus drifted across the galaxy, surviving as a pilot-for-hire, while silently pursuing the truth behind his mother’s death. He discovered rumors of a hidden archive—somewhere in the vast, lawless frontier—where the final pieces of Dr. Thorn’s research were said to be stored. If the archive exists, it could reveal not only what truly happened to her but also the dangerous potential of the technology she had been working on. But there are others searching for it, shadowy figures who seem to know more about his mother’s work than he does.

Then, there was the mysterious message. It arrived untraceable, encrypted, from someone claiming to have known his mother. They spoke of secrets she had kept even from him, and they offered help—but on their terms. The sender’s motives are unclear, and Icarus knows better than to trust easily. But the faint hope that they hold the key to unraveling his family’s dark past is too compelling to ignore.

Now, adrift in the unforgiving blackness of space, Cmdr. Icarus Thorn is a man with nothing left to lose—except the truth. Every system he jumps into, every faction he crosses, pulls him deeper into the web of secrets that claimed his mother’s life. And behind it all, the shadow of his father looms large. Admiral Thorn may know the full extent of the conspiracy, or he may be a pawn himself. But Icarus knows one thing for certain: their final reckoning is coming. And when it does, only one Thorn will survive.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is excellent; nice work!


A free citizen of the Empire I might be, but only thanks to the sacrifices my parents made.
They bought themselves out of slavery through hard work, giving me and my siblings a simple, but comfortable childhood. I was always "the smart one", not a people person but full of potential. Honestly, I failed to harness it for most of my life - and never had that much ambition anyway, so I hit a certain plateau as a young adult in and, for me, it was just enough.

However, because my parents got out of the bottom ladder of the Empire by their own effort, they considered themselves as proof that the system works. And, living in Princess Aisling's homeland, the Imperator's call seemed particularly alluring to more traditional folk like them ("abolishing slavery? how dare she? we went through it and got out just fine!"), so they pledged support to Nova Imperium and their puppet Hadrian. As bad as Emperor Arissa might be, I felt that a coup from those guys would only make things worse - but my parents disagreed, harshly, and we went separate ways.

With Mordanticus executed on the Senate floor, the following year, any supporters outside the organization's home in Paresa were fair game. The Emperor's purge was relentless, and my parents were no exception - I was only spared because, when Imperial intelligence tapped one of Nova Imperium's communication networks (which were, at the end of the day, little more than sketchy propaganda outlets), they were recorded as disappointed at me for staying on the Emperor's side. And the Princess, of course, expressed publicly her very deepest condolences about how things ended up.
Yeah, like her own legion of sycophants were not the ones actively chasing down anyone who, despite holding strongly misguided beliefs, had never held even a hand against the Empire. The two-faced [REDACTED].

Ironically, one unexpected character from all this farce ended up catching my attention: Lady Astrid, Hadrian's wife and a fledgling pilot. The news from Paresa about her pregnancy went on about her complaining that she could no longer fly her missions - "Once a Commander, always a Commander!", they claimed.
I never gave that much thought about the Pilots Federation before, but was sick of the Empire's power games, repulsive stratified culture and the impact it all had on my family. The galaxy is enormous, so why not make a new life on my own terms? I applied for a license, and eventually got it by the middle of 3308.

A semi-retired Elite Commander became a friend from the very beginning, and a valuable ally when l was getting my first steps out there as a trader. Eventually my ambition started to increase; he retreated back - content with my progress - to the Founders World, and I tried everything out there: bounty hunting, mining, warfare, you name it. The war against the Thargoids might be howling now, but I set my sights at the vastness of space, still looking with fascination by new things to find.
I am no longer that Imperial nobody with an unremarkable life. I am CMDR El Saico, captain of the Algarve fleet carrier and explorer of deep space.


07 Commanders

My name is Sarah lionheart

I was born on the planet earth. Where I grew up in an orphanage.

One day an older lady approached me and asked me if I could go under her wing.

She taught me everything she knew about the universe from traveling the universe to combat to even different trade skills

One day she passed away.

Since then I devoted my life to keeping her memory.

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

Imperial Senator Bluecrash // Empire said to repost this here for bounty - as the other was just a reply. Getting used to your new system. #CommanderCreations

Raxxla Hunter's Guide to the Galaxy was really the first player journal on Cmdr Bluecrash's adventures.

Later came a year of:


January // February // March // April // May // July // August // September // October // November // December

i   R_XXLA



 4.1) moments of sanity (three-panel comics)

 4.2) Some Girls Wander by Mistake (Rated-K)

4.3) Misadventure, War and the Love of one albino Thargoid

4.4) Other Sanity


Order of Twelve // Dark Wheel // The Club

5.1) Dark Wheel Death videos 

5.2) Spokes of the Wheel Possible Locations, How to Travel Between Them, And Why!

vi Question Authority?

6.1) Aegis Is A̶ ̶L̶i̶e̶  DEAD

6.2) Azimuth Biotech and the Black Flight Is a Lie

6.3) REDACTED Gone forever.  and nothing will bring back what was.

6.4) Sagittarius-Eye Magazine Is A̶ ̶L̶i̶e̶  DEAD

6.5) Canonn Is A̶ ̶L̶i̶e̶  DEAD

vii Groups and Events of Interest

7.1) Milky Way Investigation with Fermata Guard Initiates, Every Month of 3308

7.2) Investigative Tools

a) Second Sight // Fringe Science Lab: Floor One

b) additional investigative tools

7.3) Colonia(Yin) vs Facece(Yang) Jaques (Hades-below) pilots memorial & Facece (Heavens-above) 

7.4) Azura Space Fleet Initiative, Void Watch Against Galactic Threat

7.5) The KIN (The Consortium?)

7.6) The Club - CMDR Jarrus Tano

7.7) The Silence

7.8) Wallglass Investigations

7.9) Maelstrom ‘Titan’ Investigations 3309

viii ::WISH LIST::

8.1) items, game mechanics, and cosmetics

8.2) R_xxla Powered Items

 9.18) Guide to Lore with a touching map on what’s connected - amazing - not sure of the programmer- but this is their link



Thank you Johnny Watts, Mark Allen, Elon Musk and the Frontier Staff, for continually being Pioneers, and taking risks to move forward.

the real friend was the cancer we made along the way

unSPECIAL THANKS Canonn admins: Node (NERO’S-FIDDLE) -asking me to commit to writing a  document, instead of having civil discourse in Discord.  Won’t ever forget: Larzok (ISCARIOT) Sovereignwinter (ET TU BRUTUS) and all the other RP-Scientists mapping the galaxy - so CMDRs could one day, GO BEYOND CANONN.

CMDR Bluecrash aka Morgan Freeman, Elder ZeroBedbug Zero, (Cannon-Exile/IRH-Exile) Gadfly,Verbal, Tenth manFOTRaymond Reddington of E:D, Imperial Senator BluecrashElder Zero, Leading Xeno-Archeologist, Breaker of Hive Minds, Abra of Worms, Emperor of R_xxla, Keeper of LingLangs, Healer of Seraph, Rider-of-Irukama Snails, Fallen Angel Demonologist



I am Commander Panacide looking for the Satellite of love in all the wrong places. My mission is as follows:

I'm from a not too distant passed time,

Last Sunday AD,

I must find a guy named Joel,

Somewhere in this Galaxy.

I am looking every day and every night

For a metal bone shaped satellite

Docking every station that I see in space

Scooping any star just so I can keep the pace.

On the way I'll hunt bounties,

the worst I can find,

After I've won and claimed them all I will take a break and mine.

I'll slip past Sol when on patrol, maybe sell some medicine

Then I'll trade some special robot parts to fund my jumps again.

If you're wondering why Joel left earth again and if Mike plays into this,

I hadn't really thought that far and I'll add that question to my list,

So bye for now I am on jump number 3,000.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Mz.DragonGaming - we've made an exception and awarded your entry, but do keep an eye on the accepted submission types; this bounty is meant to be written entries only. o7

Mz.DragonGaming's avatar

Absolutely, I'm new to the platform and learning the ropes. I will definitely take this into consideration. Thanks for the positive feedback.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

No problem, and welcome to Just About! :)

Luriant's avatar

CMDR Luriant, born in Lave, in 3270, 5 years after Lave Revolution and the death of the "Good Doctor Walden", the dictator that ruled over Lave for 91 years.

His mother was a teacher in the controlled Lave education, and his father was a maintenance worker for all the holovid panels that show the goverment propaganda.

Luriant grow in the new Lave without the goverment censorship, with his mother taking him to all the public libraries in the city 2 times per week, and his father teaching him electronics, but also nature and other activities. His father recommended finding a job in space, because "the space its too big to be controlled by a single man".

Luriant took some minor works in his planet, but finally in 3306 obtained the Pilot Federation License and move away, with theoretical knowledge of the universe.

This time, the Codex, and the pilot federation network become the new source of info about the reality of freelancer pilots, and later squadron knowledge like Remlok Industries, AXI Wiki and Canonn Codex. The first attempts of making profit with Rare Commodities become outdated and .... problematic, when Hutton Orbital with 2 rare items appear under the radar..... Also become alarmed by the alien presence in pleaides , as first alien interaction.

Two squadrons become interesting, AntiXeno Initative, and Canonn Research. The limited efficiency as AX Pilot, and the huge effect that Ram Tah job made over him, for the xenoarchelogy and download of all guardian data, make him join the Canonn Institute, when huge part of the Canonn Codex were already visited, already 6 months as pilot.

From here, exploring most of the jobs, taking part in the community goals, and sharing most of the knowledge in the Pilot network with another fresh pilots like him months ago, learning (and corrected) by veterans. He become a miner, and bought a Fleet Carrier.

Witchhead war was the first active AX contact, and worked as second line fighter against scouts, and barely survived the first encounter against a cyclops. For the Coalsack war, he obtained his first Cyclops, moving form interceptors to this new target.

During the 9 Martyrs attack, He reached King and Admiral rank with both superpowers for the rescue efforts.

Luriant continued to climb the official ranks in the pilot federation, and later the unnoficial ranks on Inara system, reaching all awards and Top30, but lossing ground so at the moment have Top45 place. During this race, he reached Hero status in Caleano for the Elite combat rank, billions on credits in trade profit during Golconda's Tritium ressuply CG, 11B in 6 days for exobiology, and using the advice from Captain Scrotium (1 place over him). Also reached a good rank helping Hutton Truckers to update all the settlements and won a special mug. Also the discoverer for Tussock Virgam - Teal on Izanami sector, and a ignored interaction with the old Amphora plants

Canonn recognized him as Professor for his efforts in the pilot network, validating his hours in social networks as scientific divulgation. And without more goals, he joined Canonn efforts more active that in the past. Joined the Aegis Reforged Coalition for the human pods rescue, working against Cocijo in preparation for the final week.

During his work, Luriant had problems with his equipment, limited to second hand parts and handmade replacements, but thanks to his father teachings, was very resourceful with the broken parts that other pilots discarded, prizes from the Pilot Federation admins, pilot donations , and finally official open request from the Pilot Federation, managed by a special committee.

Historical reference: The Spanish Dictator died 4 years before Lave dictator, using 3010 as current year, giving a similar time frame for this events.

Slamscape's avatar

Commander Jonah Galen is a retired combat pilot who realized retired life didn't suit him. He found himself on Chamberlain's rest with an empty bank account and a loaner sidewinder. He eventually made his way into Imperial space where he now makes his home in the remote system of Reienadi.

You can follow his adventures in my series, Maverick Zero.


Kalo was born and raised on TZ Arietis, a technologically advanced planet, where every conceivable need could be met by computers and machines. Growing up in such a place, Kalo became intimately familiar with all the trappings of the modern galaxy and was fortunate to have acceess to higher education, eventually becoming accomplished in physical and social sciences.

After graduating from university, Kalo was offered the position of mechanical engineer for a major private security firm. Taking the role, Kalo underwent basic combat training, although his key role was not that of a combatant. Kalo served for many years, undertaking many dangerous tasks across the core worlds, but inside Kalo often struggled with the ambiguous ethics of his work.

On March 11, 3307, a string of brutal terror attacks took place; known now as the Nine Martyrs. Kalo lost many friends in these attacks, and a new appreciation for life was kindled. Life was too short to toil away at the behest of a morally dubious corporation. It was time to strike out on his own and work towards his true dream in life; to leave the core worlds and head out into the frontier on a long expedition of discovery, to see distant stars and planets, and to experience the wonders and mysteries of space.

In his spare time, Kalo worked towards earning his required licences; "the freelance operation of spacecrafts", and "the use of the generic systems, weapons, and engine functions of conventional spacecrafts."

After successfully completing his evaluation, Kalo handed in his notice and set out as a freelance Commander of his first ship - the “TS Shuttlebug”.

Block9's avatar

My character is called Block, he is 30 years old and used to be just a civilian at the age of 22 he joined the pilots federation and since then he battles and protects an area against the thargoids with other CMDR.


These are the life and times of Commander Vingtetun.

Pilot, entrepreneur, amateur exobiologist, explorer and mother Trucker to Hutton Orbital Truckers' Co-Operative...

Where did it all begin?

As with many pilots of my slightly greying hair and aching knees, it began with a bequest. 100 Credits in the bank, some home schooling on how to fly a venerable Cobra and.... of course, the keys to my very OWN ship.

My mother was the one that suggested I take to the stars. A trader, a keeper of records of commodities and markets - a cartographer who mapped out the what, and the where - by the time I reached the age where I could comfortably see over the radar screen, she needed a pilot.

By "needed" - it's quite clear that she didn't NEED a pilot - it was her way of encouraging me to take my first flight, and to learn what I needed to know to make my way in the Galaxy.

From Lave to Diso. From Diso to Leesti and beyond. Buying rare furs, computers, gem stones and exotic goods and back again. The occasional interruption to fend off pirates in ships no longer seen in the galaxy - The Gecko, Boa and Moray Star Boat. (I'm showing my age a little there).

She encouraged me to forge a name - and, as "David" was, at the time, too frequently used - I picked a number - "21" - there are many reasons, from the Hull Identifier on my first ship - but, in a sea of "Davids" - being "21" stuck with my peers. But 21 is just a number - an important number, but a number nonetheless. So, when I came of an age to have my FULL pilots' license - something more appropriate was needed - and "Vingt-et-un" was a game many of the old spacers played in the bar - so Vingtetun was who I became.

By this point, my mother had "retired" - she still read Galnet, and kept her eye on the Pilots' Federation communications, but her flying days were long behind her and she enjoyed MY exploits in the galaxy vicariously.

But - I needed a contact. Someone at "home base" who could look after the paperwork, the contacts and the mission messages. Step up "Auntie Val" - a one woman legend when it came to being organised. Widowed for 25 years, EVERYONE adopted "Auntie Val" - and the lady had talents - 3 screens at a time, 2 phones on the desk - and a recipe for rum cakes adored through local space.

It's said that when you know NOTHING, the best thing you can do is find someone who knows EVERYTHING and learn from them - fast - and learn I did. We affectionally called Auntie Val the "Shady Lady" - she ALWAYS wore something purple and.... the pictures of her in her youth standing on the back of bikes while they jumped through fiery hoops was a lifetime away from the sweet old aunt everyone now knew.

Sadly, we lost Auntie Val. Time, and age, and a sudden collapse took her but in her memory, "21" on my ship was painted out and "The Shady Lady" headed out to the stars. And yes, it's purple. ALL the ships are purple in her memory.

And... in her memory, and in tribute to her outlook on life - two pieces of advice for my career in space persist - "doing the right thing is ALWAYS the right thing to do" - and never forget "be excellent to each other".

At Lave, in the bar - friendships were forged with fellow pilots - and a new home was discovered. Hutton Orbital. 0.22ly from the jump point - a place with a rare but delicious Gin, distilled by old spacers.

But, while drinking there - 1 and a half hours flight from anywhere - the conversation turned to how to get MORE people to know and love this little orbital. "What we need is something commemorative for people who make the journey".

And, as luck would have it - a local salvager had discovered something special - the salvaged drive plates of ships that FAILED the long supercruise had a special property - in the presence of frameshift energies, this material warmed to the touch - in fact, warmed to JUST the right temperature to keep your drink piping hot for the entire hour and a half journey.

So - collectively, we started a salvage operation to bring as MUCH of this salvage scrap to the orbital, and forge them into what is NOW recognised as the rare Hutton Mug.

Everyone needed company to help prevent the space madness setting in, trip.. after trip... after trip... So, from a small office out at Hutton, and with some scavenged radio equipment, Hutton Orbital Radio was born - keeping truckers throughout the galaxy company through their long journeys.

From there? The co-operative, the independent faction that sits just next to Sol - helping anyone and everything and taking on the most difficult challenges in the galaxy. Repairing 10 burning stations in 10 days? Done. Filing ALL the top 10 slots in a trade CG? Done. Circumnavigating the milky way in a Sidewinder? A walk in the park. Convoys and challenges - the more ideas we came up with, the more people took part.

All of them, working TOGETHER - as a co-operative. Keeping each other company every week and helping ANYONE that asked.

As the theme song says "the profit margins never really mattered at all". They help, though....

And all the while, Commander Vingtetun and the good ship "The Shady Lady" (These days, the name sits on a Python) take the memory of Auntie Val througout the stars.

Oh, and mum STILL keeps her eye on things - just to make sure I'm behaving myself. Even at my age.


Interview with a girl who doesnt exist

"You want to know who I am but honestly I'm not even sure who I am msyself right now, you caught me at a very strange point in my life." , her words are draped in the hint of what would pass for ancient earth French accent and although her smile and demenour are inviting shes the kind of person that unless you were already staring at her you would probably not even notice.
She's slender, elagent and actually not unattractive if you favored brunettes with bright green eyes and sharper features, but the longer you spend interviewing her you get uneasy.
"I cant even tell you if my name is Anri or D'ian, am I the mother or the daughter you know what I mean, ive got three lifetimes of memories and none of it in the right order." she takes a drag of her cigar and slowly stares at you with a piercing smile. "Right now what I do know is I have half the galaxy that wants me dead or in a cage, and the other half will join then if they find out what ive done. Fact is you should probably just forget about this interview, for your own safety you know." - excerpt unnamed interviewee Vox Galactica

The Ancilla Vacui , or what's in a maid

Anri LaRosa aka D'ian LaRosa is the character I have had the pleasure of roleplaying into life for the last two years. Affectionately reffered to as the Maid by those in the loop in the inner workings of the secret wars that go on in the background of Elite Dangerous, my character is the result of allowing my character to go at its own pace and her lore unraveled as I learned as I went so did she. I like to think of her as taking a lot of notes from characters like River Tam, Ada Wong and Aeon Flux, I am also a fan of the Stainless steel rat series leading me to add a touch of conwoman to the mix of things.

I actually wound up not leaving the new player bubble for a long time, at least several weeks, I remember what drew me out was finally meeting new players in open in the new player area, both of them had just started and were already going to leave and I had been sitting there , thinking about what to do. My answer was to follow the news and at that time the Golconda Generation ship was being visited by a dredger clan who would upgrade the old generation ship.
My instincts were on the money because that would wind up being the location of the Community Goal for supplying the newly retrofitting Golconda for a journey. I made a small fortune and it set me up for the following act of my career.
I should probably preface this next stage of my story with the admission.

Im the bad guy.
On June 20th 3308 Salvation declared that Taurus Mining Ventures was in fact Azimuth Biotech, a modern branch of an old defunct corporation. Shortly after a large uprising of players who called themselves Operation Wych Hunt came into being and I felt my calling.
No not helping OWH, I signed up as Azimuth Biotech Logistics, possibly the first Pro Azimuth player squadron in the game. My character had the start of an identity and from there ive slowly fleshed out her backstory and motivations. I worked hard to supply the Proteus wave along with many other cmdrs, managed to get all 4 of the reward paint jobs before we set off that big old bomb and started that second Thargoid war, you know the one still ongoing. Yea i helped with that. After the death of Salvation (WHO IS ALIVE AND WILL RETURN) I spent much of my time being the mouth of Azimuth Biotech in the game , I would make sure to remind players at CG events to GET YOUR MBOONI PERMIT TODAY. I even like to take credit for the jump of the megaship Musashi into Wandarama, a system that we managed to keep Azimuth housed in for nearly 8 months until a concerted effort of the Anti Club Accord and allies who intended to see the last fires of my dear Azimuth stamped out.

Since then Anri has been chased out of the bubble by Anti Club Accord, a clandestine group that has ties to many player groups allied for good. They even held a trial for me and everything , It was an honor. In fact although I play a great villain in game im glad to say that Ive made a great number of friends all over the galaxy. Some even promise not to shoot on sight.
Everything from 3308 til now has been the first act of my characters new life story, from waking up from Cryo with no memory of who she was to slowly coming to terms with the reality of who she was and the close to 300 years of memories in her head.
I've decided to really lean into the villain angle and having come up with a back story that includes being a memetic clone, my characters lovely work history includes working with some of the worst people in history, INRA, Hans Walden, The Club, just to name a few.
Dont ask what she did at Taylor Keep

I know things might look bad but I promise shes not a bad person, well ok shes not evil.
She would be the first to admit shes a pretty awful person, but she also knows that these kinds of people that rule from the shadows only allow you to live as long as you are useful, and a maid is nothing if not useful. She knows that her hands are blood stained, but she knows that if she stops then she might not get the chance she needs, the chance shes waiting for to take the wheel for her own. If she cant have the wheel she will shatter it , and the Club with it if need be.
The maid is a very unruly and complex character, not to mention a largely unreliable narrator of her own stories most of the time. And having already taken up much of your time I should let you find out more for yourself if you want.

Read about the latest misadvantures You always were a kidder D'ian

Start at the Biography She doesnt exist

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is fantastic - a highly enjoyable read! You had me by the intro, but by the time you got to 'River Tam, Ada Wong and Aeon Flux', I was all in.


My name is ANW1RZ I never tell my full name
I was born on EDEN in Alpha Centauri during some war events that I do not really know much about
my mom was a researcher and my dad was a pilot. At least that is what I was told.
growing up on a space station orphanage I realized what I wanted to do the most is becoming a freelance and explore the world to follow my father's steps and honor him
Now I am fighting Thargoids and exploring the wonders of space. LIFE COULDN'T BE BETTER

RicZA's avatar

> Accessing Pilots Federation Database

> Shinrata Dezhra Mainframe

------ Pilot_Data_Request Input=RicZA -------

:::::: Begin Transmission :::::::

Pilot: RicZA - Commander

Allegiance: Federation

Squadron: Skeleton Crew [SKC] Senior Officer

Home System: Backlumba

Faction: Black Skull Conclave

Primary Ships: Krait MKII, Python MKII, Federal Corvette, Anaconda


Flight Hours: 2948.8
Notable Missions: Gnosis Incident, Operation IDA, Operation HOT MIST, Azimuth Saga, AXI Maelstrom Counterattack, HIP 22460
Combat Record: 9720 Bounties, 7499 Combat Bonds, 4593 Thargoid Scout, 189 Thargoid Interceptor, 3 Thargoid Titans


Commander Ricza was recruited to the Pilots Federation in 3301, the details of which have recently being declassified by Senator Denton Patreus. We commissioned a task force to surveil Pira based on intelligence gathered pertaining to Slave Trading activities, either the Empire was behind this or the Independant's, we were to find out. Operation "Skylark" was to last 3 weeks with our forces taking cover in the icy rings of Pira 3. It was here that we would have our first encounter with the commander... By pure chance our cover location was within sensor range of a trafficking rendezvous which had led to a rather hastily planned sting operation. We deployed a tactical wing designated Sigma 7, comprising of 3 Vultures and a newly commissioned Corvette to intercept the ring and detain those involved. The operation itself was a success, two Type 6 Transporters with 196 souls onboard were liberated their escort however had proved troublesome, a Python MkI which had taken 8 days to apprehend. The python which had been heavily modified, was fast, agile and ran at temperatures that made it hard to track. Sigma 7 employed text book manuevres and tactics in their efforts to cripple the Python but its pilot had them outmatched and outwitted time after time- im embarrassed to say. We would later find the Python, or as the report would read, he found us... the pilot radiod the lead Vulture stating his name, RicZA, that he had had great fun eluding our pilots and if we had any beer onboard.... Ricza would later be charged with collution , however, due to his clear skill; it was ruled that he would be put into a experimrntal program run by Azimuth Biotech in testing AX weaponary.

Ricza exhibits a complex personality, characterized by a profound sense of autonomy and a relentless drive to complete his objectives. He demonstrates a remarkable persistence, an almost obsessive determination to see tasks through to completion. This tenacity can be both a strength and a potential risk, as it may lead to overcommitment or a refusal to abandon a mission, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Beneath this exterior, however, lies a deep care for humanity. This underlying compassion may serve as the driving force behind his aggressive actions, protecting humanity from external threats. His fierce loyalty to his squadron further emphasizes his strong bonds with those he considers allies, indicating a capacity for deep emotional connections and a protective instinct towards his comrades.

In summary, Ricza is a complex individual, driven by a strong sense of duty and an unwavering loyalty to his cause and his squadron. His fearlessness and determination make him a formidable force in battle, while his underlying care for humanity provides a moral anchor to his otherwise rebellious nature.

Current Whereabouts:
Ricza's carrier, the SPLINT [SKC] was last tracked to his home system of Backlumba, where he is thought to be refitting for the next Thargoid Titan which is perilously close to the afore mentioned system. Logs show that he has been spending a fair amount of time in INTI, judging by the amount of dead pirates being reported from that sector, i have no doubt its him.

:::::: End Transmission :::::::

> Connection Terminated

yan57436's avatar

Alexandra "Starhawk" Sinclair grew up on a remote mining colony, where she dreamed of exploring the stars from a young age. With determination and strategic brilliance, she enlisted in the Federation Navy and quickly rose through the ranks, earning the nickname "Starhawk" for her daring maneuvers in battle. After a distinguished military career, Alexandra chose a freer path, dedicating herself to exploration and the discovery of new worlds.

Guided by a strong code of honor, Starhawk always keeps her promises and stands up for the underdog. Her insatiable curiosity drives her to unravel the mysteries of the galaxy, while her unwavering loyalty ensures she never abandons an ally or friend. Among her greatest achievements are making first contact with an unknown alien species, leading her fleet to victory at the Battle of Orion's Belt, and building a trading empire that brought prosperity to distant colonies. Now, Starhawk navigates the galaxy, determined to leave a legacy of discovery, reach the highest ranks, and unite warring factions.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This fellow Alex Sinclair approves!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

CMDR Henckes

Real name: Yngvarr Henckes

Place of birth: 19 Phi-2 Ceti

Year of birth: 3281

Age: 29

Height: 180 cm / 5' 11"

Weight: 79 kg / 174 lb

Gender: Male

Build type: Slim

Skin color: White

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Accent: Federation

Born in 19 Phi-2 Ceti AB 2, a Earth like planet with rings, an marvellous world. With completed 18 years old Yngvarr Henckes decided to move to Crick City and start to study to make part of the Pilot Federation, with 23 years he brought his first Sidewinder and start explorer new worlds far from the bubble and until this day he try to make part of every expedition that he can.

He make it's first fortune after sell all the data the he accumulated in the Distant Worlds 2 expedition, after that he brought he first Anaconda that turned into the main exploration ships, and many other ships as well and started to train to make other activities like mining even start to do some bounty hunting.

I the year of 3308 he moved to the Naren system to help the local communist, the Nagii Union, to expand and keep close communist system prevail. He rent a apartment in the Sorcha Abhril' Station.

Since the end of the year 3308 CMDR Henckes start to help how he could in Thargoid War, even though he's against unjustified aggression against any living been, and dream about a coexistence with the Thargoids, but for that happen he decided to engage in the war attacking small vessels and rescuing the population in attacked system. "There won't be any peace between humans and Thargoids if the human race get wipes out from our galaxy". Due the war CMDR Henckes decided to give a pause in it's exploration and keep in the Bubble while the war didn't end.

This is also in my Biography in INARA, you can check more information and rankings about me in there .

JHenckes's avatar

I really liked your character, very nice to read about!

mMONTAGEe's avatar

NAME: Harrison "Wells" Sahakyan

Birth place: Jakuta

Allegiance: Empire, Nova Paresa and its Science Team, Canonn Scientific Community

Born into a family of artists in Mikoyan City, Jakuta, Harrison Sahakyan was a young boy who constantly questioned the world around him. Despite his family's modest means, they owned a farm on an Earth-like world around which orbits Mikoyan City. Harrison's familial ties extended to the Paresa system, specifically Dyson City, where he would occasionally visit relatives. Harrison received his education at a private school funded by the Alliance, where he formed lasting friendships that would become invaluable later in life.

The turning point in Harrison's life came during the civil unrest in Jakuta, prompting his family to swiftly relocate to Paresa in search of safety. However, their hopes were dashed when the Empire's purge, known as the Battle of Paresa 1, struck the region weeks later.

Following the Empire's agreement to cease actions in Paresa, Harrison found himself drawn to the Nova Navy, the naval arm of Nova Imperium. Utilizing his degree in Theoretical Physics and Computer Network Engineering, he was offered the opportunity to work in the STEM field.

Years later, Nauarch Harrison's confidence grew, leading him to establish the Nova Science Team, initially a branch of the Nova Navy's "Auxiliary." Under the administration of Praetor LilliStarGazer, the Nova Science Team provided a platform for explorers, Guardian researchers, Thargoid xenologists, and others to collaborate. Eventually, with sufficient support, it evolved into a faction entity in the Indri system through diplomatic negotiations with the Alliance Assembly and Imperial Senate.

Harrison Wells emerged as a prominent figure in Nova Paresa's scientific community. As the General Speaker of the Nova Technocratic Scientific Assembly, he spearheaded research and development efforts, pushing the boundaries of scientific possibility. A veteran of the Second Battle of Paresa.
Was honored with a Medal of Honor for his role in conducting rescue operations in Dyson City after the NMLA attack.

In tribute to Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval and his wife, Astrid Minevra Duval, Harrison established tourist beacons around Binary Earth-like worlds, naming them "Imperator" and "Imperatrix."

Harrison's insatiable passion for discovery fueled his tireless pursuit of knowledge. Despite facing numerous challenges, he remained resolute, knowing that the mysteries of the cosmos awaited those willing to delve into its depths.

CMDR_OptimusKoala's avatar

I was born into a modest family on a planet in the Kamadhenu system. From a young age, I was taught the history of the Empire and learned about the Emperor's kindness and benevolence.
I followed an exemplary academic path and developed an interest in science and mathematics.
Even as a child, my eyes were always fixed on the sky, dreaming of space and freedom. It wasn't until the age of 18 that I was finally able to join the Empire's pilot training academy.

I quickly distinguished myself with my piloting skills and combat abilities. My first assignment was with the security squadron at Couper Hub station in the Kamadhenu system.
After several months of proving myself in this squadron, I was assigned to Commander Thargos's elite squad. Aboard a magnificent Imperial Courier, we patrolled various conflict zones against the Empire.

After three years of service, I finally earned the rank of Commander and was able to chart my own course through the universe. My dream was to own my own Imperial Cutter, the crown jewel of the Imperial fleet.
I needed help on this adventure, and that’s when I met Julia Bruce, a former pilot turned mercenary who agreed to join my crew.

Together, we roamed the systems, hunting down criminals and making a name for ourselves in bounty hunting. As I gained experience, I was soon able to acquire an incredible Krait MKII.
With this ship, we uncovered some of the universe's mysteries, such as the Guardians and the formidable Thargoids.

Shortly after my 27th birthday, I was honored to become an Archduke of the Empire, and I was finally able to commission my very first Imperial Cutter.
It was delivered to me at Israel Station in the CHICK BARA system.

Finally, aboard this majestic warship, my mission was clear: to defend the Empire and honor Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.

Delmarfishy's avatar

Hes Commander Berj, he just likes flying ships into things, hes great at flying his all healing beam corvette into his friends who run shieldless combat builds

Delmarfishy's avatar

I tried making this as simple as possible, as if he wrote it (hes an idiot)


o7 Commander !

I was born on CELAENO in 3255.

I worked as a civil engineer when space called me, in 3302. I did some trading, some mining, some exploration, some bounty hunting, until I met my first Thargoid interceptor, which attacked me after an hyperdiction. I wasn't ready and lost an eye in the battle.

Now, I focus on fighting them and intend to take part in the destruction of the 8 Titans...

Fly safe,


JHenckes's avatar

Commander Name: Lyra "Specter" Callahan
Faction Affiliation: Independent (Allegiance to the Alliance)
Home System: Alioth
Ship of Choice: Krait Phantom, Spectral Dawn

I’m Commander Lyra Callahan, but most in the black know me as "Specter." The nickname stuck after years of operating in the shadows, running covert ops, and slipping in and out of systems undetected. I’ve carved out a reputation as a ghost—someone who’s there when you least expect it, delivering justice to those who think they’re untouchable.

I’ve always believed in freedom—the kind that the Alliance fights for. But my allegiance isn’t blind. I value the power of the individual to make a difference in a galaxy dominated by megacorporations and empires that would see us all as pawns in their games. My ambition is simple: to carve out a corner of the galaxy where the little guy has a fighting chance. I don’t fight for credits or fame. I fight to give a voice to the voiceless and to remind the powers that be that not all of us can be bought.

I led a covert operation to evacuate hundreds of refugees from a system on the brink of war. The mission was supposed to be impossible, but I pulled it off with a ragtag fleet of pilots who believed in the cause. We saved countless lives and made the galaxy remember what we stand for.

My story started in the bustling starports of Alioth, where I grew up watching ships come and go, each with their own stories, their own missions. I enlisted with the Alliance as soon as I could, eager to make a difference. But it wasn’t long before I realized that the most important battles weren’t always fought on the front lines.

I became a ghost in the machine, the operator you call when the odds are impossible, when the mission has to succeed, and no one can know about it. I’ve spent years honing my skills in stealth, combat, and diplomacy, learning how to navigate the dangerous waters of galactic politics without getting swept away.

Now, I’m at a crossroads. The galaxy is more chaotic than ever, with new threats emerging from the shadows. But I’m not done yet. There are still people who need protecting, secrets that need uncovering, and battles that need fighting.

In the end, I’m just one pilot in the vast expanse of the galaxy. But I’ve learned that sometimes, that’s all it takes to change the course of history. So I’ll keep flying, keep fighting, and keep reminding the galaxy that as long as there are people like me, there will always be hope.

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

WoTB Personnel Logs, 28 Aug 3310

Personal Entry ID: CEN

It's not often that I give myself time enough to relax and make these entries. I probably should make more time, but it's easy enough to say that's not possible thanks to the Thargoid War...

I wonder if my parents would be proud of what I have accomplished. I've brought over 11,000 refugees out of warfront systems and I've retrieved hundreds of those bio-storage pods from the Titans. I have even managed to secure numerous confirmed kills against Thargoid Interceptors, and I have been present for the destruction of each of the 6 Titans that have been destroyed so far.

To think that before all this started, I was following in my father's footsteps as a miner and trader, making LHS 492 my home. I was good at what I did, better than my father by his admission, and it wasn't long before I was able to help my parents move out to a more comfortable system to enjoy an early retirement. They deserved it after everything they had to sacrifice to raise me. Lem Port was nice, but it was far from luxurious. It had an uncanny way of making you look well beyond your years, though I've seen that effect in just about every mining and refining colony I have ever visited.

My only regret about moving them is that I inadvertently set them up in one of the first systems hit by the Thargoid invasion. I stopped blaming myself for their deaths months ago, but that doesn't ease the pain of losing my only relatives.

Once the war is over, I think I'll take a nice long vacation. There are some rather beautiful nebula to visit across the galaxy, and plenty of unexplored space to chart. Until then, there's plenty more work to do. I'm on the next rotation to retrieve bio pods from Raijin, so I'd best get my ship prepped.


Centuris Blake

Precentor Martial, Wrath of Turtle Bay

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I love this, thanks for sharing!


I am Josue Ramirez and this is my story

I was born on Earth, in a small town where the stars seemed to be within reach. For as long as I can remember, I always dreamed of traveling among them, discovering what lay beyond that night sky that fascinated me so much. I spent hours looking up, imagining what it would be like to be among the stars, exploring unknown worlds and living epic adventures.

When I came of age, I didn't think twice. I took a shuttle and left Earth behind. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I also knew I couldn't live with the doubt of not having tried to achieve my dreams. I joined an independent faction and began working as a mercenary, fulfilling assignments that ranged from protecting convoys to hunting pirates. Those were five hard years, full of constant dangers: pirates, asteroids, and the constant fear of being stranded in space. But each day I overcame made me stronger, more skilled, more determined to continue.

I finally managed to strike out on my own and try my luck at the Federation Pilots' exam. I knew few made it, but the thought of giving up never crossed my mind. I prepared with dedication and effort, and after many sleepless nights, I did it: I passed the exam and obtained my license. With a humble Sidewinder as my first ship, I began trading between Dromi and Matet, buying and selling goods, learning every trick of the trade and growing as a pilot.

Five years later, my life has changed more than I ever imagined. I now find myself in Colonia, preparing to visit Sagittarius. I have earned the title of Prince of the Imperial Navy and Rear Admiral of the Federation. I have achieved Elite status in Combat and Trade, becoming a legend to many who venture into deep space.

But my journey does not end here. I continue to explore, challenging the known and delving into the unknown. "Ad astra per aspera," I repeat to myself every time I face a new challenge. To the stars through the difficulties. This has been my life, and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is epic, thanks for sharing!

sesheta's avatar

See you around Sag A, fellow explorer

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

Raxxla Hunter's Guide to the Galaxy was really the first player journal on Cmdr Bluecrash's adventures.

Later came a year of:


January // February // March // April // May // July // August // September // October // November // December

i   R_XXLA



 4.1) moments of sanity (three-panel comics)

 4.2) Some Girls Wander by Mistake (Rated-K)

4.3) Misadventure, War and the Love of one albino Thargoid

4.4) Other Sanity


Order of Twelve // Dark Wheel // The Club

5.1) Dark Wheel Death videos 

5.2) Spokes of the Wheel Possible Locations, How to Travel Between Them, And Why!

vi Question Authority?

6.1) Aegis Is A̶ ̶L̶i̶e̶  DEAD

6.2) Azimuth Biotech and the Black Flight Is a Lie

6.3) REDACTED Gone forever.  and nothing will bring back what was.

6.4) Sagittarius-Eye Magazine Is A̶ ̶L̶i̶e̶  DEAD

6.5) Canonn Is A̶ ̶L̶i̶e̶  DEAD

vii Groups and Events of Interest

7.1) Milky Way Investigation with Fermata Guard Initiates, Every Month of 3308

7.2) Investigative Tools

a) Second Sight // Fringe Science Lab: Floor One

b) additional investigative tools

7.3) Colonia(Yin) vs Facece(Yang) Jaques (Hades-below) pilots memorial & Facece (Heavens-above) 

7.4) Azura Space Fleet Initiative, Void Watch Against Galactic Threat

7.5) The KIN (The Consortium?)

7.6) The Club - CMDR Jarrus Tano

7.7) The Silence

7.8) Wallglass Investigations

7.9) Maelstrom ‘Titan’ Investigations 3309

viii ::WISH LIST::

8.1) items, game mechanics, and cosmetics

8.2) R_xxla Powered Items

 9.18) Guide to Lore with a touching map on what’s connected - amazing - not sure of the programmer- but this is their link



Thank you Johnny Watts, Mark Allen, Elon Musk and the Frontier Staff, for continually being Pioneers, and taking risks to move forward.

the real friend was the cancer we made along the way

unSPECIAL THANKS Canonn admins: Node (NERO’S-FIDDLE) -asking me to commit to writing a  document, instead of having civil discourse in Discord.  Won’t ever forget: Larzok (ISCARIOT) Sovereignwinter (ET TU BRUTUS) and all the other RP-Scientists mapping the galaxy - so CMDRs could one day, GO BEYOND CANONN.

CMDR Bluecrash aka Morgan Freeman, Elder ZeroBedbug Zero, (Cannon-Exile/IRH-Exile) Gadfly,Verbal, Tenth manFOTRaymond Reddington of E:D, Imperial Senator BluecrashElder Zero, Leading Xeno-Archeologist, Breaker of Hive Minds, Abra of Worms, Emperor of R_xxla, Keeper of LingLangs, Healer of Seraph, Rider-of-Irukama Snails, Fallen Angel Demonologist


[Removed QR code from the first image]

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I think your submission should make your earn a bonus for real! That's fantastic!!

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

Did you expect any less from Empire... or one of their Imperial Senators?

JHenckes's avatar

What is this, some kind of work of art? Hahaha

Very nice!

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

You have probably never heard of Order of Twelve, as we are a secret group.

We have a pretty famous Fringe Lab.

Floor Seventeen is probably the most popular. Help us heal Allamanda. She fell during the battle of Modigi, December 2, 3308, defending Empire space.


O7 commanders! Commander LEEEROY JENKINS here. I've been piloting all sorts of boats around the vast 'verse for about 10 years now. I've done just about every kind of job you can do. I'm not very partial to mining (boring!!!) or huntin' thargoids (even scarier than space werewolves). My philosophy is island time on my mind. I float here and there earning space bucks and collecting stories. Most of my earnings are from trade though (Elite II thank you very much). I look forward to meeting newb commanders and helping them get a start by earning the dough they need to get into shiny new boats. I've got stories to tell and i'm sure that you do too. Pull up a stool, pour some Eranin Pearl whiskey and light a cigarette. Hey, you gotta light?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Howdy LeeeroyJenkins I just wanted to let you know that you've entered this as a 'reply' rather than a 'submission'. Please hit the 'submit to this bounty' button and copy your post in if you'd like to be considered for a prize. And welcome to Just About!


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