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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
yan57436's avatar

The frighten moment of the Stargoids appearance

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Some old archive of a thargoid attack years before the Titans arrival!

Photo of interceptor taken from the distance since my Anaconda wasn't equipped with the needed weapon and armour or shields!

Block9's avatar

Here is the best place to make good money disturbing the Thargoids' home hahaha

In the image we see the Thargoid Pinnacle and one of my ships, the Anaconda (Hive Shermar), at least it was daytime on the planet and that helped a little in the photo.


Some alien life pictures collected during a one year journey while flying to the other side of the galaxy. Beside some plants there are also Aster Pods and Aster Trees and an alien remnant found on Syre Thaa TX-L c7-0 A 4 c.

Lambda's avatar

I usually don't do ExoBio in the Bubble, but when I come across something I've never seen before I GOTTA scan it.

CMDR_M's avatar


Here are some plants I found on an exploration jaunt earlier this year. it was a particularly bountiful planet. I liked the low moon and the green sky. I did not like the Osseus Fractus.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Stunning. Congratulations Wotherspoon - first-place is yours!


Oh, wow, thanks! There were some pretty good entries - I've enjoyed scrolling through them.

Niceygy's avatar

A screenshot of the guardian sites I took whilst getting the FSD booster unlock! Looking rather spooky.... BOO

Osiliran's avatar

Plenty of alien life in Elite, just not all of it is looking for confrontation. This mollusc wanted to keep its distance , but did let me get close enough for a photo. It wasn't a fan of star light and emitted some kind of field around itself to block out light.

Evoflash's avatar

I headed to my first Thargoid Ground Combat Zone this week where I encountered a dreaded HYDRA! The most deadly of all enemies in Elite Dangerous - other than real-life-work.

I detailed in the post below the final moments of its existance as I PUMMELLED it to bits, including the lovely, satisfying screenfilling explosion followed by the lucious sixty million credit bond that followed. WHAT A NIGHT.

Elsewhere, I managed to disgust myself with my desire for credits combined with morbid curiosity. Worse still...that outfit...

mastercesspit's avatar


it's succulent and repellent all at the same time!!

LiquidMorkite's avatar

This feels like Deep Rock Galactic, lol

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

Quite possibly one of my favorite side projects born from a sleep deprived "I wonder if..." idea. It took some work, but I fit a Guardian Fighter inside a Thargoid Surface Structure. The first image actually won a Stellar Screenshot for me.

The second set of screenshots was secured with the help of CMDR Koben Boettger and CMDR ALL0CES from the XSF squadron.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Always fun (and a bit scary) to find out there are lives out there beside us human.

XCezor's avatar

Here are some of the pictures from my collection 🫡
First 2 pictures showcase a Thargoid structure that remains active after all these years and shows a map of... something.
The last one isn't actually an "alien life", I'd rather call it "end of an alien life" 😅 It's a destruction of the Titan mothership.

Slamscape's avatar

The two from the crash site Thargoid machine are really amazing

Stormseeker's avatar

Some Thor images, a thargoid titan and a Spire site.
The last screen is the last moments of the titan, while the second and forth I took them while farming some materials on a silent ship.
The First is a place full of little thargoids, you can farm some thargoid mats there too.

Donut's avatar

I was just minding my own business, Picking up some Meta materials, when this thing swoops out of the sky, shuts down my SRV and puts on the craziest light show this side of Pink Floyd.

This is why you always bring extra pants, kids.

  • Your connected social media post including the image

  • The image itself (optional)

  • A couple of sentences of explanatory text

Alex Sinclair's avatar

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G screenshot. Can you add a couple of sentences of explanatory text?

RicZA's avatar

These are some of my favorite screen shots over the years. Between battling and researching the Thargoids to investigating and unlocking the Guardian Secrets, Elite Dangerous really does make for some breath-taking scenes.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

These are absolutely amazing. We haven't granted you the top prize, because we said 'up to six images per entrant' so it wouldn't be fair on other entrants, but still, thank you for sharing these. They're some of the best ED screenshots I've seen! I'm so intrigued by what some of them are, like this one:

RicZA's avatar

Perhaps I should learn to read! My apologies.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

No apologies required :)

RicZA's avatar

All good! The image in question is of a Thargoid Sensor, here's a piece from the Wiki

Thargoid Sensors, originally known as Unknown Artefacts or UAs, are devices of unknown purpose created by the Thargoids and found at numerous sites across the Pleiades Nebula. The first of these objects was discovered by independent pilots on May 4, 3301, although it is believed that the Federation was already researching them by then. When Starports began going offline due to technical problems caused by Unknown Artefacts sold on local black markets, a phenomenon first reported in the Warkushanui system, it became a popular practice among outlaw pilots to sell the objects with the express aim of shutting certain Starports down. On June 26, 3303, it was discovered that the objects could be used to open doors in Thargoid Surface Sites, directly linking them to the Thargoids for the first time. On September 26, 3303, Unknown Artefacts were formally reclassified as Thargoid Sensors.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice one, thank you. And congratulations again on such amazing photographs. They're 10/10 shots

mastercesspit's avatar

yeah ok, tried, put the link to my you tube post AND 3 images, says must include images, cant submit

don't know why the link is in another language though Alex Sinclair

Boomer's avatar

Hi mastercesspit, are you adding the image directly into the submission?

The bounty is looking for an embedded image shared via your connected socials so this might be causing the error message. If you are sharing via a connected social account then this might be a bug.

If you let me know how you're adding the image then I can flag it with the team.

mastercesspit's avatar

i worked out how to post screenshots on you tube, put the link in, then uploaded the images, (which are in the post) from my pc, still get msg saying submission must contain image, it's a meta alloy site with no thargoids killing you, thought it might help new players as meta alloy off a carrier in deciat costs up to 2 million to unlock felicity farseer, used to take the squad noobs out there to get it

Boomer's avatar

Ah I see. I think that might be a bug then so I'll flag it with our team and get back to you. I appreciate you sharing more info.

mastercesspit's avatar

sharing is caring, 07, i created a discussion with the info anyway, worked fine. :)

Boomer's avatar

Hey mastercesspit, I've heard back from the team. We'd like to support YouTube images in the future but unfortunately it's not something we can do at the moment.

Are you able to share the image to X/Twitter or Instagram and embed that as your submission?

mastercesspit's avatar

i'll make a new social media under mastercesspit for gaming.

mastercesspit's avatar

i'm going to do an info post on setting up your nav for exploration, very important, or you'll run out of fuel, couple days, god knows when i started i could've used some pointers, lmao

Boomer's avatar

That's great! As a new Elite player I welcome any pointers I can get 😅

mastercesspit's avatar

i've got a tip, don't buy the bounty hunter headstart vulture, nice little ships, i have one, but an unengineered vulture?, RTV, rebuy training vehicle, roflmao!

Hunter's avatar

is the bounty closed , because I don't see if my screenshots has being selected or if not .
Alex Sinclair

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Hunter - we're just making a moderation decision on one of the other entries, which is delaying the formal awarding of the bounty. Rest assured that your image has been selected as a winner and your reward will be added to your wallet when we formally close the bounty tomorrow. o7

Hunter's avatar

Oh Gotcha , yes there are a lot of amazing screenshots, thank you .

Alex Sinclair's avatar


We've marked this entry as ineligible because the third shot appears to be a screenshot of someone else's YouTube video rather than your own screenshot as required in the bounty instructions. As per the notice provided on another bounty, I'd like to remind you that Just About exists to reward authentic engagement.

We noticed that your submission to the 'assault on Titan Thor' bounty also included a screenshot you'd submitted as being part of the assault on Thor, but actually depicted a previous Titan. We chalked that one up to an honest mistake, but this is now a repeated behaviour.

Happy to hear your side if we've misunderstood anything, but otherwise please only submit content that fits the brief and - unless third-party assets are explicitly permitted in the instructions - which you own to bounties. Further attempts to submit low-effort AI content or content that is not your own will be considered anti-social conduct and result in limitations to your access to the platform or other appropriate penalties.

USCSS's avatar

Hello Alex

It's true. The third image is not mine. With more than 1700 hours of gameplay and a YouTube channel in Spanish about Elite Dangerous, I have many screenshots of myself and others. Since the Corvette was with the guardian skin I thought it was also an image of me. I apologize and I will pay more attention to that matter.

What I do want to clarify is that I use Google Translate a lot because I don't know English.

Greetings. Commander: USCSS


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