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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
XCezor's avatar

o7 Commanders!
Twitter is very limited in terms of letters in one post so I'll post here extended version, and shortened on Twitter.

So there is a couple things I'd like to acquire this year, the most important is of course claiming a star system with a lot of valuable planets or rich materials in rings so I'll be able to create a huge mining company (I hope I'll be getting any profit from those resources ๐Ÿ˜„).

Next up is getting the Mandalay because I'm so hyped for getting this ship, if I only didn't spend all my arx on ship kits earlier ๐Ÿ˜…. But I've heard and seen this ship is very popular among the explorers and not only them and it look amazing so I hope it will be available for credits before end of this month.

And the last thing I can think of is to achieve 100 rank in PowerPlay for one of the powers, I don't know which exactly but it will be someone with either exploration data or trading profit.

It's only 11 days before the colonization system, so far it looks really promising and I hope it will bring a lot of very satisfying features!

Doc's avatar

I was not sure about my goals in Elite Dangerous this year, but after Trailblazers now I'm decided:

1st: I need to finish my initial system infrastructure;

2nd: I need to expand the system infrastructure to all slots available.

Since there is a lot of material hauling involved, and this will require a considerable amount of time, there are only two goals. So let's go now!

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Lovely Twitter's goal in 2025 seems to be making me pay for premium if I want to post about something that is longer than a one-liner. But here's the goals:

- Learn how to pvp - reach Elite rank in Combat

- Unlock the rest of engineers: ships and on foot

- Colonise new systems

- 2hot2messy by Hutton Orbital Truckers: Deliver all mugs and gins to my squadron's space

- Reach elite rank in exobiology

Reaching rank 100 in PowerPlay was one of them, but I just got it yesterday :)

And it seems like we're up for a good year, the goal list might be updating soon enough as long as we know about more upcoming features from FDev.

Fly Dangerously o7

Block9's avatar

As I said in the post, my biggest goal is to be able to explore the universe and discover several rare and incredible planets and star systems. Currently I took a short trip to Cologne and discovered incredible planets and stars that I had never seen in the game, and decided to take a great trip very soon ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


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