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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Dydo's avatar

The Guardians (proper noun): An extinct human-like alien race who existed 1-2 million years ago. They are known for it's advanced tecnology, which is the believed reason of their extinction. An Ancient Ruin related to them was first discovered on Synuefe XR-H d11-102, on 3302.

Constructs (proper noun): A robotic species made by the Guardians that became self-aware. They were divided by military constructs an non-military constructs, which were used by the Guardians as utility and labor force. The latter were supposedly responsible for revolting against the Guardians and promoting their annihilation.

The Thargoids (proper noun): An insectoid alien race with millions of years of existence. The only living race on the galaxy known by humans besides themselves. They show to be agressive and fought a war with the Guardians, as with human race.

Faster Than Light (adjective): Used to reference technologies that operate at speeds greater than that of light, as in communications (which the Guardians apparently developed), or in space travel (supercruise). It's acronym (FTL) is often used to refer to it.

Coriolis (proper noun): A design by Galactic Cooperative (GalCop) of a modular starport that is common to be the first in new colonized systems for it's efficiency. It has a dodecahedral design on a hexagonal shape made with squares and triangles interconnected, with intricate, detailed metallic structures covering its surface.

Orbis (proper noun): A design by the Federation of a cylindrical starport with multiple circular, ring-like structures connected by a central spine. The rings may serve as habitats with rotational sections designed to simulate gravity through centrifugal force.

Ocellus (proper noun): A design by Gutamaya (Imperial ship manufacturer) of a spherical starport with a large circular ring attached to its central structure that may serve as habitats with rotational sections designed to simulate gravity through centrifugal force.

Osiliran's avatar

The Landscape Signal (proper noun): A mysterious signal that appears to originate from the center of the Milky Way, though its exact location is unknown. A spectrogram image of the signal reveals a mountainous landscape.


Pilot 1 - Hey, the landscape signal kind of looks like Matterhorn.

Pilot 2 - What the heck is a Matterhorn?!

Phoenix_Dfire's avatar

SEALCLUBBER (Noun) - Normally an Cowardly Commander who delights in killing new players who don't know how to fly their sidewinder yet (See Griefer, Ganker, or <Expressive Deletional>).

BROWN ALERT(Noun) - Finding yourself in an Alarming life threatening state. i.e. You've just shot one of your own side in a conflict zone and all ships turn hostile, a hostile capital ship jumps in, or you've been jumped by a wing of Sealclubbers! Note :- this will involve changing the bulb...

BRAVE SIR ROBIN (Verb) - To Bravely run away, i.e. either high or low wake, from a serious Brown Alert Scenario.

Eralm_237's avatar


Limpet (noun): (1) a programmable item used by limpet controllers for multiple tasks needed by pilots and Commanders; purpose of limpet is placed before the word to denote functionality (2) an item forgotten most in the station requiring a CMDR to re-dock; most common problem for a CMDR to be unable to swap ships

Usage: "I could use a repair limpet if anyone has one, my hull is at 10%."


Synth of Shame (noun): the act of synthesizing limpets due to forgetfulness

Usage: "Had to do the synth of shame today in the Conflict Zone."

ENDERS's avatar

When I first started playing Elite: Dangerous I was curious as to the etymology of the word limpet. It flows so wounderfully with the nautical terms used along side "ships" and other lingo in the space-age. Gotta love those little suckers!


Neutron Jump (noun): Using the outer parts of a neutron star to increase your jump range beyond what the installed FSD in your ship is capable of.

Neutron Highway(noun): A series of neutron stars in a row that can be used like a "highway" to jump your way to your destination. There are 3rd party tools that will help find already known highways or you can just discover your own using the Galaxy Map.


Space Madness (proper noun): The condition of sudden-onset loss of mental clarity due to yet undiscovered interactions between biological matter and Witch Space.

Usage: "Have you heard? Commander Hans has contracted Space Madness, the first documented case since the introduction of the modern hyperdrives!"

Mats (abbreviated noun, plural): Short for "materials", referring to components required by engineers to upgrade equipment. Split into three groups: Raw, manufactured, and encoded materials.

Usage: "I want to engineer my FSD but Felicity Farseer wants mats I don't have, guess I'll have to go find them!"

Niceygy's avatar

SCO FSD (noun - es see oh eff ess dee): The supercruse overcharge version of the FSD (Frame Shift Drive) manufactured by Achillies Areospace. Functions as a normal FSD, only with marginally better jump range and the ability to dramatically accelerate a ship in supercruse.

WARNING: unless ship is "SCO Enabled", the long-term use of supercruse overcharge can generate excessive heat & fuel consumption. Use with caution.

Also known as: "SCO", "Scone Drive".


The Black (proper noun): Nickname for uninhabitable space. The expanse that you can get lost in and die unimaginable(highly imaginable) deaths that make a CMDR alt-F4, or make a boatload of money for all of your horrendous ideas on how you'll outfit the federal corvette.

Usage: "Headed out to the black CMDRs', SHOULD be back in a couple of weeks, maybe a couple of hours if I happen to gravity bounce."

RicZA's avatar

Hutton Orbital (proper noun): An Outpost located in the Alpha Centauri System. Contains the rare: Hutton Mug, Centauri Mega Gin and the Free Python MkI

Stormseeker's avatar

Engeneering (verb): Acton of modifying a module with the help of engineers in exchange for the proper materials.

Slamscape's avatar

Honk (proper noun): The nickname given by explorers when the discovery scanner is used upon first entering a new system, based loosely on the sound the device makes.


Space Cow (Noun) An affectionate term for the Lakon Type 9, so called because it has the turning circle of a cow chewing grass.

AndyRice's avatar

I think this glossary is familiar to many of the explorers.

The Suicide-winder(proper noun): A Sidewinder class spaceship, which is one of the cheapest ship in the game. Also this is the ship that you will get if you don’t have sufficient money to pay for the insurance fee for your destroyed ship.

When players’ ship got destroyed, they can choose to pay the insurance fee and redeem their ships or respawn at LHS3447 with a free sidewinder. Many players use it as a short cut for long distance travel. For example, if you are currently at Colonia and want to go back to the bubble ASAP, you can buy a new sidewinder(so that you will not lose your original ship) and fly outside of the spaceport and self destruct. Then you can choose to respawn at LHS3447 with a new sidewinder.

CMDR_Oso's avatar

N00bhammer (noun): Nickname for the extended struts of a rotating starport (Coriolis style). Named after inexperienced CMDRs getting hit by their spinning arcs:

mastercesspit's avatar

GREIFER (proper noun) an experienced player who victimises new players to gain combat rank quickly, to show off, or that's their character. (australian translation: WANKER.)

GANKER (proper noun) a player who engages in the victimisation of other players in a "wing" or "TEAM" with multiple other players. (australian translation: GRUB)

have fun, 07 ;)

yan57436's avatar

Thargoids (noun): Ancient alien race with arachnids characteristics.

Guardias (noun): Extinct alien race that lived near to the Bubble region

Bubble (noun): The most famous human inhabited region in the galaxy.

Colonia (noun): Name of the region near to the galaxy center where the humans are establishing new colonies.

CMDR_nailz_'s avatar

Mats (proper noun): Shorthand for Materials: Manufactured, Encoded and Raw. Used by the Engineers to upgrade your ships Hull, Hardpoints, Utilities, Core and Optional modules.

Manufactured Materials (proper noun): Man made materials, used in Engineer Blueprints. Sub-types are, Chemical, Thermic, Heat, Conductive, Mechanical Components, Capacitors, Shielding, Composite, Crystals and Alloys.

Raw Materials (proper noun): Naturally occurring elemental materials, used in Engineer Blueprints. There are 7 categories of Raw Materials, ranging from Carbon to Antimony.

Encoded Materials (proper noun): Data obtained from scanning objects and ships, used in Engineer Blueprints. Sub-types are, Emission Data, Wake Scans, Shield Data, Encryption Files, Data Archives and Encoded Firmware.

Engineer Blueprints (proper noun): Required materials needed to engineer a module to a desired grade. You will need to have multiples of the ingredients needed for each grade as the recipe will have to be applied multiple times to reach the next grade.

mypets's avatar

Pilots Federation (noun): A secret organization that represents the independent pilots in the galaxy.

Elte (noun): The maximum rank that a pilot form the Pilots Federation can receive

Hunter's avatar

Thargoids(proper noun): A mysterious alien race, feared for their aggression and advanced technology. They’re believed to have first encountered humans in the 32nd century and are infamous for their strange organic ships and powerful combat abilities.

GalNet(proper noun) : The galaxy's go-to source for news. It keeps everyone updated on the latest political shifts, trade developments, and reports from the various factions and powers across space.

Sagittarius A(proper noun) : The supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way. It’s a must-visit for explorers, as it marks one of the furthest points from the inhabited regions known as the Bubble.

Block9's avatar
  1. Gank (verb/noun): The act of being attacked and destroyed by another player, usually in an unfair or unprovoked way, often involving multiple attackers or vastly superior ships. Common in Open Play.

    Usage: I was just running some cargo in Open Play when a wing of three ships dropped in and ganked me out of nowhere. I didn’t even have time to react—they had way better ships. It’s so frustrating!

  2. Grind (noun/verb): The repetitive process of completing missions, gathering resources, or earning credits, typically to gain ranks, unlock engineers, or buy ships. Seen as a necessary evil by many players.

    Usage: I’ve been grinding for days to unlock the last engineer. The missions are getting repetitive, but once I get those upgrades, it’ll all be worth it!

  3. Engineer (proper noun): Special NPCs (non-player characters) that allow players to upgrade or modify their ships beyond standard capabilities. Each engineer has specific requirements to unlock their services.

    Usage: I finally unlocked the engineer, Felicity Farseer, after completing the necessary missions. Her modifications are going to take my ship’s performance to the next level

JHenckes's avatar

Fuel Rats (noun): Players that volunteer to save other pilots that run out of fuel. (best players in the galaxy!)

Bounty (noun): A reward that a pilot receives over its head for commit crimes

Bounty Hunting (noun): The act of hunt wanted criminals for Combat Bond Voucher}

Combat Bond Voucher (noun): The reward that a pilot receives for killing a wanted criminal.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Jump (verb; noun): the act of engage in a hyperspace travel, going from system to system within seconds 

Supercruise (noun): Method to travel faster than light within star system

Hyperdrive (noun): Device that allows ships to travel great distance though the witchspace (hyperspace) 

Witchspace (noun): The name some pilots give to the space/dimension they travel while doing a hyperdrive jump 

Matt G's avatar

FSS (noun): Full Spectrum System Scanner (or sometimes just Full Spectrum Scanner). A scanner on all ships used to determine what the various signal sources in a system are.

Honk (noun,verb): Discovery Scan. An initial scan performed by the FSS that gives a count of the signals within a system, broken down to celestial body count and non-body count. Required before the FSS can be used to resolve the signal sources. So called because of the sound it makes.

DSS (noun): Detailed Surface Scanner. Fires probes at a planet to map the surface. Reveals geographic and biological maps, and increases exploration earnings. Can also be used on planet rings to find mining hotspots.

CelestialFlea's avatar


Core mining: (Noun phrase)

Refers to the search for core asteroids, a special type of asteroid called "core asteroids" found in planetary rings with cores of very rare and highly valuable materials.

Void opals: (Noun phrase)

A very rare gem found in core asteroids that is highly sought after by miners due to it's high value.

Limpets: (Noun, plural)

Specialised drones that can perform various automated tasks, such as the collection of loose materials extracted from a core asteroid. But more advanced ones can perform both collection and prospecting.

Fissure: (Noun)

A weakpoint of a core asteroid that are used to attach charges to in order to crack it open so it's core can be extracted.

Mother Load/Motherlode: (noun phrase)

Slang used to describe an area which is abnormally rich in high-value minerals usually found in planetary rings. Finding these requires specifically fitted ships, knowledge of game mechanics and plenty of practice.

MQC's avatar

Loop of Shame (proper noun): situation where a player overshoots his destination while in supercruise mode and has to make a big loop to get back to the correct approach route, mainly due to the player traveling too fast and not stopping in time.

Cold Orbit (proper noun): maneuver used in AX combat against Thargoid interceptors, especially the Cyclops variant. The technique involves orbiting around the target at a specific distance, ideally around 1.8 km, but no closer than 800 meters, while keeping the ship's thermal signature low, usually below 20%. This helps to avoid detection and minimize damage.

XCezor's avatar

o7 (act - salute, o is head, 7 is a saluting arm) - Some games have their own unique greetings. In Elite, every player is a Commander (short: CMDR) of his own ship, so it's important to greet him with the proper respect. After all, that's how military greeting looks like in many countries.

o7 to every CMDR and civilian reading this!

Evoflash's avatar

The Macedonica Principle (proper noun): The requirement for all explorers that use Jumponium to equip a mining laser as a countermeasure for accidently running out of materials.

Usage: "That's a nice build to jump far but you've forgotten the Macedonica Principle".


I love it! A great addition to the glossary. For those who don't know its origin, the rescue of CMDR Macedonica (who ran out of materials and did not have a mining laser) is retold in this article.

Evoflash's avatar

ha! thanks CMDR and O7. I had just submitted a memory of the event to another posting here and it seemed so obvious!

What a lovely memory of a special event.


Hyperdiction (Noun - hahy-per-dikt-shuhn): The act of overpowering then dragging a ship from witchspace into real space between star systems by a Thargoid vessel.
Other forms: Hyperdict (Verb - hahy-per-dikt)

Usage: "The Thargoid Hyperdicted me as I jumped through the Pleiades"


APlease use the following format:

The Bubble (proper noun): Nickname for the Core Systems, the relatively densely populated star systems that make up the centre of human civilisation. Also known as the Core Worlds.

2024-10-9 18:22 UTC

Elite Dangerous Glossary

Elite Dangerous and the community has almost its own language. Here you can find most of the terminology and brief explanations of what each means.

General Context

  • "O7" "o7" "<O" "<o" "<0" "ZO" "zo" - variations of saluting (the 0 is the head)

  • CMDR - Commander

  • FDev - Frontier Developments

  • Hyperspace - means of travelling between star systems

  • Meta - term used to current "optimal" approach for something

  • NPC - Non-Player Character

  • PMF - Player Minor Faction

  • Wanted - the pilot has committed crimes and has a bounty

  • Wing - a group of up to four ships flying together

Ship Nicknames

  • AspX - Asp Explorer

  • AspS - Asp Scout

  • Chally - Alliance Challenger

  • Chief - Alliance Chieftain

  • Conda - Anaconda

  • ​DBX - Diamondback Explorer

  • DBS - Diamondback Scout

  • FAS - Federal Assault Ship

  • FDS - Federal Dropship

  • FC - Fleet Carrier

  • FDL - Fer-De-Lance

  • FGS - Federal Gunship

  • Sidey - Sidewinder

  • Suicide-winder - use of a Sidewinder to Self Destruct back into the BUBBLE

  • SLF - Ship Launched Fighter

  • SRV - Surface Recon Vehicle

  • T10 - Type 10 Defender

  • T6 - Type 6 Transporter

  • T7 - Type 7 Transporter

  • T9 - Type 9 Heavy

  • Vette - Federal Corvette

Engineering & Modules

  • AFMU - Automatic Field Maintenance Unit

  • APA - Advanced Plasma Accelerator

  • Commodities - goods that can be traded for credits

  • Engineering - a process for modification of ship modules to change their stats

  • Engineer - NPC who can perform modifications to modules

  • Fuel Scoop - a module used to collect hydrogen from a star to use as fuel

  • ​FSD - Frame Shift Drive

  • FSD Booster - Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster

  • G1/G2/.../G5 - engineering modification grades, or grades of engineering materials

  • Gauss - Guardian Gauss Cannons - a type of weapon

  • GMRP - Guardian Module Reinforcement Package

  • Grom Bomb - Containment Missiles (a powerplay weapon from Yuri Grom)

  • Hammer - Imperial Hammer (a powerplay weapon from Arissa Lavigny-Duval)

  • KWS - Kill Warrant Scanner - a utility module that is used to scan ships for any active bounties acquired in other jurisdictions.

  • LR - Long Range - an engineering modification for certain weapons

  • Materials - used for engineering and synthesis crafting

  • Mat Trader - Material Trader - an NPC that trades materials

  • MRP - Module Reinforcement Package

  • PA - Plasma Accelerator - a type of weapon

  • Paci - Pacifier Fragment Cannon (a powerplay module from Zachary Hudson)

  • Prismo - Prismatic Shield Generator (a powerplay module from Aisling Duval)

  • PP - Power Plant or Powerplay

  • Distro - Power Distributor - a core module used to manage power flow

  • Rails - Rail Guns - a type of weapon

  • Regen - an engineering modification that regenerates shields of wingmates

  • Reverb Cascade - an engineering modification that damages the shield generator

  • SCA - Supercruise Assist - a module that helps manage supercruise flight

  • SCB - Shield Cell Bank - a module used to restore shields

  • ​SFN - Shutdown Field Neutraliser - a module used to protect against Thargoids

  • SRB - Short Range Blaster - an engineering modification which reduces range and increases damage

  • Tech Broker - an NPC that unlocks human and guardian modules.

  • TC - Thermal Conduit - an engineering modification that increases damage with heat

  • TV - Thermal Vent - an engineering modification that reduces ship heat

Point Of Interests / Events

  • Ancient Ruins - a Guardian ruin that has only obelisks.

  • Beagle Point - a star system on the opposite side of the galaxy to sol

  • Bubble - the human inhabited area of space

  • CNB - Compromised Navigation Beacon, a nav beacon which has been hacked by Pirates

  • CG - Community Goal

  • Colonia - a star system 22,000 Lys from Sol, where Jaques Station was found

  • CZ - Conflict Zone, sites of ongoing battles

  • ELW - Earth-Like World

  • HazRES - Hazardous Resource Extraction Site, for bounty hunting without system security

  • HGE - High Grade Emissions, a temporary POI in space that spawn high grade materials

  • HighRES - high intensity resource extraction site for bounty hunting with system security

  • HMC - High Metal Content world

  • Hotspot - a POI that has high concentration of a particular commodity to mine

  • Guardian Beacon - a Guardian Monolith in space from which you can collect an ancient key

  • Guardian Site - a Guardian site that houses the ancient terminal

  • Mission Target - a POI where you would expect to find the target of your mission

  • ​Noobula - a nickname for the restricted area accessible only to new players

  • Pirate Activity - a POI where you would find NPC pirates

  • POI - Point Of Interest

  • Nav Beacon - a POI that allows you to download system data. Only appears in populated systems

  • NHSS - Non-Human Signal Source, a signal source emitted by extraterrestrial species

  • Outpost - an orbital station that allows docking of up to MEDIUM SHIPS

  • Planetary Base - a port on surfaces of a planet which allows docking of any ships

  • RES - Resource Extraction Site, useful for combat and mining

  • Sag A, SGR A - Sagittarius A* the black hole in the centre of the galaxy

  • Sol - name of a the solar system containing Earth

  • Starport - an orbital station that allows docking of any ship

  • The Black - a generic nickname for uninhabited areas of space

  • Tourist Beacon - a POI that allows you to scan information about a historical event

  • USS - Unidentified Signal Source, an signal that has yet to be scanned to determine its type

Galactic Measurments

  • c - the speed of light (1c = 300,000km/s or 300Mm/s)

  • Clicks - nickname given to kilometer (5 clicks = 5km)

  • Km - 1000 meters

  • Ly - lightyear - the distance light would travel in a year

  • Ls - light second - the distance light would travel in a second (300,000km or 300Mm)

  • m/s - speed measured in number of meters per second (1m/s = 1 meter every second)

  • Mm - Mega-meter - a distance of 1,000,000m or 1000km

  • Mm/s - speed measured in Mega-meters per second

Flight & Gameplay Terminology

  • Auto Dock - a module that allows the ship to dock or take-off automatically

  • Beacon - wing beacon - used to help wingmates find each other

  • Broken - term used to describe when a ship loses shields

  • BGS - Background Simulation - the system that controls the economy and politics of the galaxy

  • CC - Command Capital - a crediting system used in Powerplay

  • CQC - Close Quarters Combat, a PvP arena game mode

  • DSS - Detailed Surface Scanner

  • Drop - a term used to describe when a ship goes from supercruise to normal space

  • FA - Flight Assistance

  • FA on - flying with the Flight Assistance turned on

  • FA off - flying with the Flight Assistance turned off

  • FD - First Discovery - refers to when you are the first player to discover a body

  • Feds - nickname used for players or NPCs aligned to the Federation

  • FSS - Full Spectrum Scanner - a method of scanning a star system

  • Honk - the sound made by the discovery scanner performing an initial scan of a system

  • Gank - a vague term which typically refers to a player being attacked and killed while not seeking PvP

  • Ganker - a vague term used to refer to players who attack other players

  • Gold Rush - method of rapidly acquiring credits

  • High Wake - the marker left when a ship jumps to a different star system

  • Imps - nickname used for players or NPCs aligned to the Empire

  • Loop of Shame - the long process of turning around in supercruise after overshooting a destination

  • Low Wake - the marker left when a ship goes into supercruise

  • Mailslot - the entranceway to a starport

  • Mass Jump - when many ships jump to a different system together

  • Merit - awards given to players for actions taken in powerplay

  • Pip - the indicators showing the powerflow through the distributor

  • PvE - Player vs Environment - a player interacting with the game, ie fighting NPCs

  • PvP - Player vs Player - a player interacting with another player, ie shooting each other

  • Reboot/Repair - shuts down the ship temporarily to fix modules and restore shields to 50%

  • Rebuy - the cost to buy back your ship having been destroyed (5% of the ship value)

  • SC - SuperCruise (mode used for travelling around a star system)

  • Toastrack - the metal structure outside the mailslot of a starport

  • WMM - Wing Mining Mission - A method of making money that involves taking "Mining" missions, however rather than mining you are able to buy the materials at another station.

Combat Gameplay Terminology

  • Banking - using a shield cell bank to recharge your shield

  • ATR - Advanced Tactical Response - A type of elite security unit that is deployed to take down criminals with a high notoriety level

  • Boost - use of a significant amount of distributor energy to temporarily increase thruster output

  • Boost Bleeding - countering the forward thruster component during a during a boost to orbit the target

  • Boost Choking - deploying cargo hatch after boosting to limit speed but still improve handling

  • Cancel - use of a rail gun special effect to reduce the effectiveness of a targets shield cell bank

  • Hybrid tank - a ship that uses both hull and shields to tank damage

  • Interdict - attempt to pull a ship out of supercruise and into normal space

  • Pip check - taking fire with less than 4 pips in system to mitigate the damage

  • Plasma Ram - hitting a target with plasma accelerators, then ramming them, a very high damage combination

  • Peel - drawing an attacker off a wingmate

  • Tanking - absorbing damage, ie shield tanking = absorbing damage in shields

AX Gameplay Terminology

  • Agitate - the state of the thargoid swarm when it passes around the player

  • AX - Anti Xeno - generic term for fighting against Thargoids

  • AXI - Anti-Xeno Initiative - a player group dedicated to fighting Thargoids

  • Banked Swarm - when a Thargoid interceptor has a swarm ready to deploy after a heart is destroyed

  • Basi - nickname given to the Basilisk variant, the fastest type of interceptor

  • Caustic - an effect of some Thargoid weapons that directly eats away at the hull over time

  • Clops - nickname for the Cyclops variant, the most common Thargoid interceptor

  • Cold Orbit - a combat technique used to avoid damage while fighting Thargoid interceptors

  • CSN - the Coalsack Nebula

  • Dusa - a nickname given to the Medusa variant, the second hardest type of interceptor

  • EMP - Electro-Magnetic Pulse, an Thargoid interceptor weapon that can shut down human ships

  • Enraged - the state where an interceptor swarms become much more deadly

  • Exert - when a heart becomes vulnerable after the interceptor suffers sufficient hull damage

  • Gib / Insta Gib - the process of quickly killing an interceptor by massive damage output

  • Goid - a nickname for Thargoids

  • Heart - an internal module of Thargoid interceptors which allow rapid hull repair

  • Interceptor - a term given to describe the variants of Thargoid ships

  • Lettuce - a nickname for the Hydra, the largest and toughest Thargoid variant

  • Lightning - a Thargoid interceptor attack which slows your ship and inflicts damage

  • Pass - flying past the interceptor, forcing it to turn around to pursue

  • Pleiades - the Pleiades nebula

  • Scout - the smaller, more agressive Thargoid ships

  • Sleep Phase - the period following the destruction of a heart, when the interceptor searches for a target

  • WHN - Witchhead Nebula

CMDR_Oso's avatar

Feel free to leave some for the rest of us!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi KPA1, thanks for entering the bounty. We won't be able to accept this entry as it currently stands for two reasons. The primary reason is that it needs to be original text, that you've written (it can't be taken from another website). Secondly, we need you to try to follow the formatting example we've provided:

'The Bubble (proper noun): Nickname for the Core Systems, the relatively densely populated star systems that make up the centre of human civilisation. Also known as the Core Worlds.'

Please feel free to edit your entry before the bounty deadline if you'd still like to be considered for a reward.


Did you c&p the codex or something?


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