'That's no moon!'
'Oh wait, yes it is.'
Here's another chance for you to show off your Elite photography skills. This time, your pictures must show a moon. To win a prize, submit your best screenshot that includes at least one moon. Be sure to include some text so we know what we're looking at.
Your screenshot does not need to be newly taken for this reward. As with most rewards on Just About, we're happy to award content that's previously been published on other platforms. It does, however, need to be your screenshot, so be sure to first connect a social media account, post your image on that social account, and then share that post in your reward entry.
You're welcome to enter with up to six images, but there's only one prize per entrant. We recommend removing the HUD before taking your photo. If you're yet to see it, check out the curated content we made showcasing your array of stunning Elite Dangerous planet screenshots, where you'll find other great images like OxygenSupply's which we're using as the cover photo above.
already paid
$220 / 250
This reward closed to entries at 10:08am on February 25, 2025 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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