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Elite Dangerous
GreybeardSeawolf's avatar

The stunning and eerie Thargoid structure in MEL 22 Sector ZU-P C5-1 is well worth a visit. If you are luckily as I was on this occasion you can see the moons primary ringed planet and another moon hanging over you in the sky


There's a fair amount of vulcanism on these close-orbiting bodies in the Aucownst sector. It takes only a couple of minutes to fly from one to the other - the "orbital cruise" limits intersect.

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar

This is on my way to SAG A the trip was 415 jumps on eco router so I could scan as many as possible.

Osiliran's avatar

I can't remember exactly where in between the bubble and the witch head nebula this was. I'd be guessing not too uncommon to find moons of the same type and look in one system but first time I really took notice.


had terrible luck this exobiology trip but managed to take a pretty standard photo from it


...pretty sure this is one of the Pilots Federation District systems, shortly after my most-recent reset.


Ing Ring's Backyard - Tionisla A 2 A

Hello fellow commanders! Hope you're having a nice 3311! I brought you a place from my current neighborhood, the company moved from G 123-16, and here are some photos from Tionisla A 2 A. A beautiful moon orbiting it's ringed planet, a blink away from the closest station, Ing Ring. In shades of blueish gray, and weighing less than 0.0071 Earth masses, I suppose we can say this place “Rocks”. Lol

Hope you enjoy the clicks! And if you ever need any hauling, call L&L Cargo and Transport! Fly safe Space truckers! James Lauer signing off!

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

Hopefully I'm not too late to submit to this reward 😅

Behold! Moons! (alt text is included with each screenshot to give some context)

Marukosu's avatar

Dromi 3 viewed from it's 3 moons

I was doing some missions in the starter area and when I took a good look at the Dromi system, I saw that gorgeous pink Planet with three orbiting celestial bodies, so I decided to take those screenshots from every moon view.




It took me some take to learn how to activate the free camera mode, lol.

CMDR John Wick's avatar

Taking the opportunity to admire the landscape in IC 4604 Sector AQ-O b6-1. The geyser warms the cold. The colors of the planet fill the photo with mystery.


I dont know where or when, but i found this Screenshot of two Moons in my archive.

AlvarZ4's avatar

This screenshot is from a little trip I made to HR 3230 to mine selenium, I turned around and saw this beautiful view of the moon behind the forest of brain trees.

Doc's avatar

My screenshot of a moon featuring a water geyser with Veil Nebula West and a gas giant in the background. Location: Veil West Sector QD-S b4-0 A 1 b


The moon Elska 7 D A and a Victory Class Fleet Carrier orbiting Elska 7 D


A new dawn on an atmospheric planet with its moon greeting the day.

Kethervir's avatar

Going around for trading with my Type 9, The U.S.S. Midgard, i was very surprised by this sistem.. yes, a lot of time you see moon and planets, near a spacestation, but i never see someting like this... when i was approaching i found 2 very big moons i a way more close that i never see.. this is one of them.. the wierd part of them is how they appear in front of me.. and was so quick.. i wasn't able to have a proper screenshot of that situation, so the picture above is my screenshot submitted for the bounty, but, just for fun, i'll share for you below the screen with uhd when the moons appear to me, so you will know why this moon was so special for me.. was a great flyby that was completely unaxpected...

Kethervir's avatar

as you can see the 2 moons is so close!

Vivisector's avatar

I destroyed one ship before found this moon, need to cleare saved games and restart. But in the second time i finally found a great system with this beautiful moon.


This is a small moon that had a huge mountain that was about 6-8km tall with some planets lined up in the sky


Wregoe NX-L d7-59. The planet in the background is a Sudarsky Class III Gas giant. And the snowy landscape is the moon A 2 a, which is home to the Roseum Brain Trees which I had hoped to show you but I stepped on a geyser and ended up doing an impromptu spacewalk.

Esme Wyrd's avatar

Here is a small Collection of Moons I discovered during different Expeditions

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

This time I will show you three moons.

1) Moon: Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454 3 a, in the System: PHROI BLUAE QI-T E3-3454 inside a nebula with the same name. (This system is passing the center of the galaxy)

2) This capture was on the way to Beagle Point but I did not note what system it was in.

3) Here I put 3 captures of the same moon. This moon is in the Oevasy SG-Y d0 system. The system furthest from the bubble. It is even further away than Beagle Point. It is the furthest moon from the bubble. (Oevasy SG-Y d0 B 9 f)

(Translated with Google Translate)

Matt G's avatar

Surveying out in Graea Hypue, this is a moon of a small gas giant that's also close to it's parent Class A star.


Greetings pilots

This is a moon called Smojai OR-W d1-5 11 e a

Found on my last expedition

MQC's avatar

I believe that God does not play dice with the universe... he plays snooker!


That's no moon, it's a ... oh no wait, stand down everyone ... it is a moon. Screenshot also features a Type-8 which just came out of early access and is now available for in-game credits.

Original post:

Jaques Ufaltred's avatar

Taken at the brain trees. Where is that you ask? I have no idea, but I've been there. Probably my best Elite Dangerous screencap ever.


During my space exploration I came across a moon not very different from the Earth's, all on a system called Col 285 Sector HX-P B20-7, I reached the system while I was doing a long spacewalk

I caught the moon at the point where the visible part illuminated by the star and the dark part not illuminated by the sun intersect, creating a beautiful spectacle

LiquidMorkite's avatar

These are some screenshot I took during my last expedition. Now I cannot remember where it exactly was, but I was trying to go as low as I could beneath our planes, you can note it by the lack of stars in the skybox.


This is Moon A that orbits Myrielk VM-Z C27-62 AB 2. I took a photo of a lava spout from the surface, with the planet it's orbiting in the background. This system isn't far from the centre of the Milky Way.

Hunter's avatar

One of the best Biologicals screenshots I took last February but most Importantly what made it special is the thin atmosphere moon that was so close you feel it will fall on your head :

AndyRice's avatar

I don't remember much details of this three large spheres lol. But if I remeber right, the two moon on the right side are of similar mass and orbiting each other in a very close distance. And they, as a small binary moon system, is orbiting the planet on the left top.

Dydo's avatar

couldn’t resist showcasing Mitterand Hollow, the fastest moon in the galaxy. With an orbital period of just 86 seconds, this moon offers not only amusing interactions but also frequent total solar eclipses, as shown in the third picture. A must-visit destination in the galaxy!

Block9's avatar

They are aiming for moons from all corners of the galaxy but I want to focus our eyes back to our gorgeous Solar System. That is Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons a body I find particularly fascinating. This is an image of Europa in the backdrop of Jupiter This forms one of the best views in our universe and also makes me to rethink on the beauty of the same. There’s not much that can compare it to the extravagance of distant planetary systems like so many of the world’s explorers venture towards, but there’s nothing like the ageless elegance of our own Solar System and its moons.

*This text was translated using an AI-powered.

XCezor's avatar

Moons huh? Well in the universe is incredible amount of moons but there are some specific bodies that we can watch already from Earth. Let's see what the Solar System has to offer!

Unfortunately there are no Phobos nor Deimos, the only 2 moons of Mars so let's skip that planet.

Niceygy's avatar

It's very handy when the planet you're doing exobio on has a moon, that you can also do exobio on!

  • Here's my moon - it's about 750 light years out from the bubble, and it's covered in ice. there are fumeroles on it and the views are lovely with the parent gas giant and the sibling moon so close. the way the light shines on that other moon and the unusual rocky outcrops were lovely.

  • Here's a little potato moon picture below too cause it won't let me enter without "putting in a picture" and it also isn't accepting my Bluesky connection as valid so I needed the youtube :-/

Just a note, the site wouldn't let me enter at all. I just used the reply function in the end.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Beetlejude Sorry to hear that. Could you tell me what happened when you tried to enter as a normal submission? I'll report it to our tech team and try to get it fixed


yeah -I tried it again it doesn't like me. those denials at the bottom - this was with verified bluesky and youtube links embedded.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Beetlejude that's very helpful. I've just submitted a bug report, and I'll keep you in the loop. One way or another, we'll make sure your screenshot gets its reward

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Beetlejude, we're still not sure what went wrong with this one, so do give me a tag if it happens again, but we've manually credited your wallet with $5. Thanks again for your consistently brilliant entries!


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