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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Will we ever get a new free ship bundled with the free conda at Hutton Orbital?

Ahnsyaraa's avatar

If the Thargoids were able to communicate with humans through music, which genre do you think they would most likely use, and how could that affect diplomacy in Elite Dangerous?

ThePunisher99's avatar

Why does the some space ports have the shape of 6 side dice ?


Will we ever get to walk around in our ships?

mypets's avatar

What do the aliens in the game look like? I know there are descriptions and even leaked files, but nothing official really, it would be fantastic to see a sculpture of a Guardian or even fight on the surface with a Thargoid

yan57436's avatar

One curiosity I have is to be able to measure how long it would take to cross the galaxy at the maximum speed of the 2001c supercruise, since it already takes forever just to reach Hutton Orbital so to cross the galaxy must be a number beyond human comprehension.

Doc's avatar

I am really curious about this. Is this scientifically accurate? A neutron star so close to another star without exploding or something else? Well, I really don't know.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

What is inside a gas giant, should the game simulate the first layer of a gas giant and give us the experience of flying though infinite clouds?


What made the game go with a 1:1 scale, this is what got me into the game and watching Dr Kay Ross videos were interesting

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I think CMDR Henckes answer in our Elite Dangerous players article, goes some way to answering this:

“You could ask ‘couldn’t the gameplay be faster?’ The answer is: ‘Yes, if the devs wanted it that way, the game would be completely different’. But what’s the point in a 400-billion-star-filled Milky Way if you could cross it in minutes? When you play Elite Dangerous, you feel how distant planets are to one another, you feel the vastness of the galaxy even while travelling 100 times the speed of light. And all this is important; it makes you feel immersed in a real galaxy. Sometimes we Elite players are in another life, living amazing adventures we build in our own vast universe.”

CMDR Henckes's avatar

the aspect that made me fell in love with the game!

ayebawl's avatar

Do you think we will see a version of Trumbles in the game?


What would really happen if i let my ship cruise for a year from one planet to another, would it really get there?


If I understand the question, if you were to fly your ship in normal space away from one planet in a given system towards another in the same system then yes, assuming you didn't run out of fuel, you would get to that other planet. I even know of a couple of occasions where people have managed to get their SRV going so fast that they bounced off one planet and then drifted across the intervening space to hit another. Your current stellar system exists as an entire physical reality in the game.

The only thing that won't work is between systems. Although the game won't stop you flying in supercruise for example from one system in the direction of another, even if you travel the requisite distance, you won't encounter the stars or planets of that other system because the hyperspace jump which takes us between systems is actually a kind of loading screen where the game runs stellar forge and does some BGS database lookups in order to generate the next system. Without the jump this won't happen.


What inspired Falcon DeLacey ships to be named after snakes? Is there going to be a archeology or salvage push with regards to thargoids.

SergeantRogers's avatar

What the hell is Raxxla? Is it a person? A god? A group of people? Everything I've heard about it is so vague.


How many years would take one player, playing 8 hours every day from Monday to Sunday, to cover all the map with his ship?


Now that the Second Thargoid War has finished, will we ever find another alien species in the galaxy. Or they find us? There are still billions of systems to be explored...

USCSS's avatar

Does Raxxla exist?

If so, will we find it?

Hunter's avatar

What do you think the reason behind the extinction of the Guardians ?

Kethervir's avatar

there is a way to change the livery for a spacestation? for exemple, im with Zemina Torval, and in her main sistem (Synteini) i was aspected to found a space station of the empire.. and then Lagerkvist Gateaway is Indipendent. there is a way to conquest or change the livery of the faction of the spaceship?

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I want to write something on the galaxy heat map, is there any tool that helps?


Have you tried using EDSM 3D map where you can see the trajectories you already made? Maybe you could use it to visualize some systems, draw the path... It's only going to be a lot of work plotting each jump individualy. I wish there was an easier way... Fly Safe!

Edit: My mistake, I rechecked and the map doesn't show adjacent stars... yeah, ploting everything in the in-game galaxy map would be a pain...

Odinoji's avatar

So i have more than one question:

why do we have night vision in supercruise? Did the developers make a mistake or is there something to find if its on ?

Why fdev never mentioned if they removed dark wheel missions or juust changed their spawn rate?

If drew wagar said that to the writers it was forbidden to use raxxla and dark wheel topics as it was fdev only but then im reading "and here the wheel" and it mentions it ?

Where is the mayflower 97 ? Am i the only one still looking ? 🤔


T0Nejy's avatar

Why frontier gave up on ship interiors?


the game has a huge galaxy, it's been 10 years since the game came out and I wonder in these 10 years, how many systems have been discovered and how many remain to be discovered?

because I discovered one at random and received the First Discovered award


February 2024: Around 250.000.000 galaxies have been discovered by players. This is 0.06% of all galaxies in game.


I think at the last official count we'd discovered something like 0.06% so just another 15,000 years or so and we'll be mostly done! :-)


Will it again, be possible to create player factions, before the colonization of systems starts?

St4r_Lord's avatar

How is piracy fun, since there is no real illegal missons to kill somebody's ship? (I might be wrong)

LiquidMorkite's avatar

It might be the thrill from being wanted (both ways, I feel that), escaping from both npc and human hunters, sneaking your way inside a station, etc. But it's purely roleplaying in my opinion, mechanic-wise it's not rewarding and not being able to access certain station might make things less convenience.


As a VR player - I know that VR is only some addition, not main purpose - I wonder if on-foot activity will ever be supported to VR? (right now it's like sitting in cinema on VR, with flat scren right before your eyes)

mastercesspit's avatar

why does the "no valid collection" notification obscure the info panel instead of being top centre when you're collecting destroyed ship mats?


This might be a good reward idea now I think of it. How do you get into fighting the Thargoids?

Osiliran's avatar

Was the system Mingfu (currently permit locked) ever accessible and, if it was, how did one originally go about gaining access?

Stormseeker's avatar

Are you going to review the fleet carrier sometime? Like some more useful features.


I'd really love to know how to get better performance out of the camera suite.

I can't seem to get smooth panning.

Osiliran's avatar

Hey LCU, I can't help with the suite generally, there's heaps I don't know about it. But I have been doing a lot with panning lately. What kind of panning are you trying to do? straight line panning, time lapses, ship focused etc?

Vivisector's avatar

I don't understand all the infos on the EDdiscovery launcher. Is it helpful for the game?


I only use it to upload data to the various websites and to keep track of how much money for exobiology I currently have to turn in

ScreamingRaven's avatar

Will ever be the FPS part of Elite Dangerous fixed ?

XCezor's avatar

Can the new Mandalay with SCO FSD travel further using FSD boost or with casual Supercruise? Because if with the same amount of fuel SCO can make Mandalay go much further, maybe it's a candidate ship for a new record in travelling as far as possible beyond the dark edge?

Mandalay is made for SCO and it has greatly reduced fuel usage so I think it could be worth to check for record breakers.

Osiliran's avatar

Hey XCezor, just making sure I understand the question. Are you asking can the mandalay cover a greater distance in the same system by using SCO or just by supercruising naturally?

XCezor's avatar

Hi, yes that's exactly what I mean

Osiliran's avatar

Ok got you, thanks. So, if time isn't a factor, then we'll look at the most fuel efficient SCO module which is a SCO FSD B, throttled down to 0%. For regular supercruise, let's just assume a standard fuel rate of 1.50 tons per hour, which I feel will capture most exploration or general purpose builds. Both situations will assume a full standard tank of fuel at 32 tons.


  • SCO FSD B at 0% throttle achieves a total distance of 2,296,331 L/s, taking approx. 12 mins 17 seconds, ignoring acceleration time.

  • Regular supercruise at 100% throttle, assuming a max speed of 2,001 C and a 1.50 tons per hour fuel rate, achieves a total distance of 153,676,800 L/s, taking approx. 1,280 mins or 21 hours 20 mins, ignoring acceleration time.

To answer your question if you have all the time you need, regular supercruise will win out. Switching to a another SCO FSD may be quicker but will burn fuel faster and cover less distance than the B rating.


CelestialFlea's avatar

As a veteran player I have fond memories of the gold rushes of old, stacking dozens of skimmer missions or spending hours mining exclusively void opals. But those days of chasing gold rushes have come and gone with economy balancing and mission changes.

But as a returning player, what's currently the fastest way of making significant amounts of credits these days with minimal thought and effort?


Probably exobiology which there is a bounty about and people give lots of advice about it there

CelestialFlea's avatar

Is Odyssey needed for that one? I've not been impressed enough by it to pick it up.

Odinoji's avatar

unfortunately yes commander. But if you are like me i have odi and im not a fan of exobiology. my go to method to make money has been trading, possibly in a wing of 4. you must go to expansion ports and get allied then you will see missions such as: "mine 650 bertrandite for 50 milion" kind of thing. Avoid bromelite because you cannot buy it, go for bertrandite, gold, silver. use inara to find them as cheap and close as possible. you will make hundreds of millions per session, as i said even better with 3 friends because you can share the rewards with each other :) hope it helps o7

Stormseeker's avatar

Shared missions or Thargoids are the best by far for credits.
The first one you have to do it which other players and... well the second one today is not as good as it was during the war, but is far better than exobiology.
Btw regular exploration if better than exo too. People doesn't's count the time they spent in exo, they just look at the reward... but it takes really a lot of time to make credit in exo.
The rest of the mechanics are just the same, exo included, play anything you like to do, and get paid millions.
Sorry for my bad English o7

CelestialFlea's avatar

It's the effort and thought that counts o7

MQC's avatar

Is there a ‘quick’ way to know at what point a star takes me out of supercruise because I am too close to it?


Yes. If you turn on orbit lines then you will see a circle drawn around the star (and all planetary bodies) which represents the exclusion zone. If you also turn on the "mouse widget" (even if you don't use mouse controls - it's somewhere in the control bindings settings) then the basic rule is, keep the dot in the center of your screen outside the circle and you will never crash ino an exclusion zone.

Block9's avatar

I would like to know why black holes don't have that accretion disc?


The simple answer is because Frontier haven't updated the game's black hole graphics to include that.

Sturmer's avatar

Is peaceful Exploration possible without a PVP intervention? If yes, then which ship and fittings are the best for Galaxy Sightseeing?

AndyRice's avatar

Yeah since you can always choose solo mode. And if you’d like to play in open, when you leave the bubble, it’s almost impossible for you to meet another commanders in the space.

Currently I would recommend Mandalay, it’s the best exploration ship that I’ve ever used. But basically you can fly any ship you want, since one of the biggest part of exploration is taking beautiful screenshots, and flying the ship you like will definitely makes your picture more satisfying.

CelestialFlea's avatar

It's highly unlikely you'll ever meet another player whilst out exploring past the bubble as long as you're not plotting silly routes in known pirate areas.

As for ships it really depends on your budget, if you want pure jump range and money isn't a worry, you can't go wrong with a trusty old Anaconda. But never EVER leave the bubble without the highest class of fuel scoop you can fit. Honestly the rest of the fittings are purely optional based on what you want to do.

If you're skint then a Mandalay or ASP Explorer would both be good choices. The ASP Explorer was my first exploration ship, so I have something of a soft spot for it. But I would recommend an engineered FSD to get the most out of it.

Sturmer's avatar

Katia Sae Infinite Tour: Elite Edition :)

CelestialFlea's avatar

I don't think even Katia could visit every system in Elite. Around the Milkyway in 80 days maybe?


Greetings pilots

I've been wondering for a long time, where do all pilots live?

Because I have never found more than five :)

mastercesspit's avatar

look on the most wanted board at any station, it'll tell you their last known location, :)

have fun 07


As aplayer who jumps in and out due to realworld commitments, is elite dangerous still a good game to play casually? One the you dont havr to religiously grind?

mastercesspit's avatar

if you just want to play casually, the grind is much easier now, same with on foot grind, but if you want to do powerplay they just increased it by 5x, but just to engineer ships and suits is pretty casual now.

have fun 07


Absolutely. There's a saying "the only grind is the one you make for yourself". I know it annoys a lot of people and is perhaps slightly glib, but it's also perfectly true. You don't NEED any engineering at all to play the game (with perhaps a few end game exceptions like Thargoid combat). Even then, it really is entirely possible to collect the materials required for some casual engineering through normal gameplay. It's only when people get fixated on a particular end goal (e.g. I must have grade 5 long range FSD engineering and am now going to devote all my time to getting that as fast as possible) that the game stops being a game and starts being a chore.

Doc's avatar

Yes, Elite Dangerous grind is easier than other space games. As a casual gamer too, I will not give names, but there are some other games that prioritize only group playing and heavy grinding, which is really bad if you have a busy life.

Marukosu's avatar

Which is the best way to upgrade a ship or settings to buy a ship to exploration, mining and hunting?

NarratorID's avatar

When they're gonna do collab with Guardian of the Galaxy ?


Well ... with the right paintjob and ship kit I have to say the Mandalay has pretty strong Milano vibes so, there is that!

GoJapan's avatar

I am approaching the game recently and I must admit that I find it difficult enough to understand, the commands are many as well as the activities and customizations, even if the game has a detailed tutorial. I haven't understood yet what Edcopilot is for.


EDCoPilot is a 3rd party add-on (i.e. a utility written by one of the players) which, while non-essential, adds to the Elite player experience in a huge number of ways. You can read the full EDCoPilot feature list here:

As well as providing its own UI (which can be placed on separate screens and/or as a semi-opaque popup over the main game window) it also supports voice input (especially useful for VR players) and output (of both contextual information and background AI driven chat to make the galaxy seem a bit more alive).


i always wanted to know where is Raxxla?


Where will the new titans come to make berth?


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