It's likely only a matter of time before we get a real-life selfie on the moon. In the meantime, we want you to capture your funniest, most dramatic, most glamorous, or otherwise most excellent selfie in-game. For it to count as a selfie, your photo must show your character's face (your helmet can be worn).
Include some text in your social media post so we know exactly what we're looking at. You're welcome to enter with up to six screenshots, but there's only one prize per entrant. We recommend removing the HUD before taking your photo. Say (moon)cheese!
Suggested tags: #JustCreators, #EliteDangerous, #EliteDangerousSelfie. Tag our social accounts too (details below)!
Image credit: Frontier Developments and Block9 as seen in our showcase of Elite Dangerous nebulae screenshots.
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