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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
ayebawl's avatar

The cross-over that I would like to see would be any of the multiple Alien games out there, such as Alien: Isolation or Alien: Dark Descent

I think it could be a great match as I'm often reminded of the Alien universe as I'm exploring the Elite one. The industrial space aesthetic of both universes are pretty closely aligned and I love the grimier work orientated ships like the Type 8 and the Nostromo. The new Alien Romulus movie was also pretty great and the setting in and around a ringed planet brought out a big smile for this Elite miner. Wonder if there were any overlapping platinum hotspots to be found...

I enjoy the Odyssey settlement missions as they often have a very creepy vibe if you there alone performing a repower mission for example. My main criticism is the lack of enemy variety and some skittery scary aliens could definitely help that issue.

I'd love the chance to dock with seemly abandoned ships, stations or settlements to explore for loot and go up against some random unexpected encounters. I'm a VR user however so I might need to be careful what I wish for - I'm not sure my heart could handle getting chased by a colony of facehuggers!

ENDERS's avatar

Elite: Dangerous X Cyberpunk 2077

When it comes to wanting two games to be one, one can understand a massive array of choices on a personal preference level but one crossover makes the most sense and will always stand out, to me. This isn't even so much my own "choice" as it is the most logical path.

Elite: Dangerous and Cyberpunk 2077 not only share the same DNA strands but their game universes could actually be in the same universe/galaxy. The first time I set foot into Elite: Dangerous after playing Cyberpunk 2077, it almost felt like I wasn't even in a different video game, especially after multiple updates came to Elite: Dangerous post 2020.

The two titles already share voice actors, concept artist, and most likey share 3D artists, Texutre art or artists, and more. Their similarities are very striking and it takes very little research leg work to find the actual threads that connect the two. The graphics and lighting and design of the two games are strikingly similar and equally beautiful, from the audible advertisments when walking in populated areas to the design of environments, models and more. The ambient sounds of the Karsuki Locust advertisments in Elite: Dangerous would blend seamlessly along site the audible advertisments of All Foods or EEZY BEEF in the R. Talsorian's Cyberpunk universe.

These games would absolutely make one of the greatest selling and most immersive video games of all time if combined into one title.

Similarities that Elite:Dangerous and Cyberpunk 2077 share:

If someone didn't know any better, they might easily mistake a screenshot from Cyberpunk 2077 and Elite: Dangerous to just be the same game.
Although there are some of my own opinions here, Cyberpunk 2077 and Elite: Dangerous do already make one of the most undeniable power couples to ever exist through their shared DNA, let alone, the possibility that these two games could co-exist inside of one.

If you made it this far; Thank you for reading and I hope you have learned something new about these two fantastic games and the many stands that weave them together in reality.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great idea, well explained! Boomer I nominate this for Member Monday!

ENDERS's avatar

Thank you for reading and I greatly apprecaite the nomination.

Eralm_237's avatar

Halo. We're not far off already.

  • Frontline does ODST actions with the dropping of CMDRs into conflict zones. Tthe only thing missing from it would be fellow CMDRs being able to drop off wingmates.

  • Humanity is at war with aliens in both realms, just Halo has ground units who tower over Humans and mow Humans down with ease.

  • Humans have FTL ability. But Elite has faster FTL than Halo, no need for Cryo pods.

  • Universes are vast and detailed. Whether it be Guardians or Ancients, Flood or Thargoids, or the Covenant, there are political alliances and military actions.

  • Player action intelligence gathering. We got data upload/download for Powerplay.

To integrate characteristics from Halo into Elite for a crossover, we'd need a few adjustments (hopefully minor in the code).

  • Matchmaking that is not strictly CQC. We would need on-foot matchmaking that has weapons/suits/modifications that is both in matchmaking as well as regular galaxy. Player made matchmaking types would need to be implemented.

  • Ground combat settlements. These would need to be Powerplay settlements (so not to mess up BGS/PMF actions), where combat is encouraged, with larger, more intricate buildings. But where Halo has Elite in this, is Halo buildings do adhere to most building codes and emergency requirements (external exits, distance to exits, air flows, accessibility, etc).

  • Failed actions have more severe consequences. If a player does not kill the settlement alarms, the settlement goes into lockdown. Doors are closed (as if settlement is offline), and extra security comes out of the woodwork as technicians and high security clearance individuals become hidden or run to a sheltered location.

  • On-foot alien encounters. Not buzzing insects right above the ground surface. Let us try to run over or shoot aliens with the SRV. Yes, the Covenant consists of species regularly larger and taller than Humans (grunts and Jackals are about the size of humans), but the rest are significantly taller.

  • Alien weapons. Currently, all on-foot weapons are human based or guardian inspired (Plasma weaponry). No hand-held held Guardian or Thargoid weaponry. There are no thargoid weapons for ships.

In terms of story/universe, some parts could migrate such as:

  • Fortified large outposts. In Halo these would be ONI or the UNSC in the Core Worlds ("Bubble"). ONI is described as large, dark, and intimidating. There are no such structures or organizations in Elite that give players this sense of dread and being watched like Halo.

I'm not saying incorporate Halo's Plasma Sword in the game (though that'd definitely be a load of fun), but there are places where inspiration can come from the Halo universe.

yan57436's avatar

I think it might be interesting to see an idea of GTA V and Elite Dangerous together, in which the game could expand its mechanics of crime and illegal activities in space, being able to form criminal organizations, manage illicit businesses and carry out heists. The idea, in general, has already been explored by modders, who have made mods that take players into space.

Crime syndicates

The idea already exists in GTA online and players would join cartels in space which would also allow cooperative pve missions, like the heists we already know from GTA. Planning assaults on megaships, planetary bases, even high-security Federation or Empire transports.


Following the pattern of GTA, we'd have space chases, with camera changes in a cinematic style or even in slow motion (as we've already seen in GTA itself).

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Elite Dangerous x Detroit Become Human

Who already read some of the Elite Lore knows the Achilles Robotics, the corporation responsible to build androids in the galaxy, and this could fit perfectly with the plot of Detroit, where the androids in that game start to have sentience and start to rebel against the exploration and oppression of their creators.

So knowing how things work in Elite this could happen like the Thargoid war, and the actions of the community would lead the galnet news. Lets's say that in a region of the bubble a group of androids start an rebellion, maybe you can join them and help them get them Independence or there is a community goal to delivery weapons and ammunition the human army. And being optimistic we could have surface combat zones against or helping them, and they would be extremely hard to be killed.

So for me there are so much potential, for the gameplay and lore of the game, watch a rebellion or the revolution of the machines where tons of them get setience and now we must live together with them. We would have new npcs, maybe new questions and new political affairs in the galaxy, maybe a new superpower lead by androids!


There are various crossovers that can be done with Elite Dangerous, but a nice crossover with Doom would be nice, in which demons have invaded the Milky Way and you, together with the Doom Guy, must explore the universe to defeat the demonic ships and land on planets invaded by demons and free them from their dominion, all accompanied by the Doom Guys in which it will also be possible to use some of his weapons and pieces of the Preator armor, with rewards for players who decide to help the Doom Guy such as weapons and a new ship.

St4r_Lord's avatar

I really hope for a crossover with Halo. Ships and other vehicles from this game series would fit perfectly into the Elite theme. For example, we could get a Warthog as an SRV and a Spartan outfit for Oddysey players.


Probably not a popular game but when it comes to crossover with space/scifi games I would really love to see GTFO (yes it's the name of the game). It's an horror extraction shooter game with a pretty cool story and setting. When it comes to Elite we still have so much potential for the lore about the thargoids and onfoot gameplay so I feel GTFO will fit just right in with its gameplay usually happens inside abandoned space stations.

ENDERS's avatar

The creator of GTFO is wild.

CMDR John Wick's avatar

A crossover between Elite Dangerous and the universes of Cyberpunk, Star Wars, Alien and Mass Effect would be a dream come true for me (yes, I'm thinking really big).

I keep thinking about how well the Elite universe fits with these titles.

Cyberpunk in general talks about one of Elite's biggest themes, the war between corporations and us in the middle, it would be fantastic.

Have you ever thought about an Elite, Cyberpunk and Star Wars crossover, asking Gork to make an image.

It's hard not to think about Mass Effect and Star Wars when we talk about space. I think they are very connected to Elite, I felt the Mass Effect vibe with Trailblazers and I love the Star Wars jump.

Until this union, may the Force be with you, and may your travels through space be dangerous but fun.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


coming from the Far Cybertron the Transformers could be a very exciting crossover SPACE TO SPACE with similar franchise

This crossover that comes to mind the most would be Elite Dangerous crossover with Transformer, so we can see many spaceships transforming into robots, we can even think of Autobots and Decepticons joining different gangs,

I think that's what I would like the most Interesting

And why not, if I transform it, they belong to Hasbro, so we can also include GI JOE , members of the guides, and they would make everyone more interesting as a pilot of official ships and many more members.

Let’s participate it 💪🏼

psykit's avatar

For an answer that will surprise absolutely no one at all in the slightest, Mass Effect.

Now, do I want a huge big nod to the game? No. We already had a large alien enemy stealing humans, putting them in pods to be rescued from their ships and then as their final stand taking the battle to Earth, which I'm sure has only been done in those two videogames and no others.

But would I love to drop into a system that looks like it might be about where Trebia is and see a Palaven and its moon Menae just sitting there with Menae as a landable with a tenuous atmosphere? WOWSER.

Same for Thessia, Tuchanka, Illium, etc... the list goes on.

Now with Colonization we might have the opportunity to eventually put down our own spaceports and call them things like Cipritine but it wouldn't be the same.

Maybe one day a wandering commander in a beautiful purple nebula will happen upon the relic of a gigantic space station, over forty times the size of a coriolis, with five arms that are open and a broken. A relic from a forgotten time, pulled across dimensions, what stories it could tell?

If I can have the Normandy in No Man's Sky, I'd like to visit the Citadel in Elite Dangerous please!

JHenckes's avatar

A crossover that I think could work very well would be Elite Dangerous with the Monster Hunter franchise! Imagine being able to enter planets and encounter the monsters from the franchise (which are quite striking because of their grandeur). It would be such a cool experience!

I think it would work like Thargoids, but now with missions on planets too. Tracking, hunting and fighting these monsters. The crossover would allow the creation of space monsters that would allow battles with spaceships in the Monster Hunter theme.

I think what would differentiate it from being a real crossover is that complexity would be a key point, just as it is in Monster Hunter, where you need to study the beast you're going to face. So equipping your ship and using the ideal ships would make all the difference in combat. As I speak, I'm thinking that it could really work hahaha.

ThePunisher99's avatar

The UNSC and Covenant factions entering Elite space could shake things up, Imagine the Spartans as villains contaminated with Thargoid organics,

if frontier some how get a collaboration with Xbox they definitely use this crossover !

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ooh this could be fun. Do you envisage it as an FPS or something else?

ThePunisher99's avatar

Yes, like the on foot missions where we have to attack spartan bases

projectazone's avatar

Maybe a little unusual but I would like to see a crossover between Elite and First of descendant.

The Vulgus threat arrives in space

Create a new type of exploration and where the war is at the base both between the stars and on earth. I would take the base of First where you are a descendant who pilots your own spaceship with Elite-style missions against enemy ships where when you go to a planet you can find Vulgus threats and where you can use alien abilities and weapons perhaps found during explorations.

You can take from First raids to do on underground bases or planetary dungeons. And then the spaceships can undergo targeted upgrades with materials collected during the raids.

Niceygy's avatar

No Mans' Sky!

The ATLAS (the supercomputer of nms that runs the universe) is totally something that Pranav Antal of Utopia would do... Either commanders could enter into the ATLAS or the Travelers (players in nms) could escape from it!

// 16 // 16 // -kzzt- // 16


I'd love to see crossover ( I know It will sound exotic) with warhammer total war games + mount and blade type of a game! I think it could be very funny to see dwarf in a starship. And this kind of a first person fight in space when you can go with chosen by you best of the best ships in team to siege greenskin system, it sound like a dream!

ScreamingRaven's avatar

I think the best Game for a Crossover would be Probably Alien isolation or Helldivers II.

But i think Helldivers 2 would be the best.

I mean fighting against a Thargoid Swarm with a lovely Maschinegun, Screaming AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Would love to have that. The Endless possibilitys :) A SRV Buggy. Driving against the Enemys of Democracy !

(insert Helldivers II Theme)

Marukosu's avatar

I think a great crossover with ED would be managing simulator games, like Cities Skilines, where we could build and manage in the universe of Elite Dangerous, we could manage the traffic and missions in stations, try to make it more profitable and expand it. I think that could be a good experience, with some level design that made the game not boring and dynamic.


This is quite a rogue idea but hear me out - Call Of Duty (specifically the Warzone mode) crossover. Imagine you combine space age with warzone - you could land a ship, or some invaders could land a ship slap bang in the middle of the setting of COD Warzone. Then you can compete either against them, or you could play as the invaders and try to evade the ever decreasing warzone and survive until the end. The survivors could then get back in the spacecraft and escape back into the universe!

Dydo's avatar

For my Elite Dangerous crossover, I'd choose Forza Horizon. Imagine a universe where we have multiple SRV models, racing across different planets. Picture high-speed ship races through hills, canyon-like landscapes, or even weaving through a planetary ring - all wrapped in a Forza-style festival.

A planetary SRV race on a low-gravity world with rugged geography would require precise flight control, as pilots carefully manage airtime and navigate unique obstacles. Themed planetary bases could serve as race hubs where players land, interact, and prepare for upcoming races. Or an asteroid station on some planet ring with race circuits happening around it.

Race formats could go beyond traditional first-to-the-finish-line competitions, incorporating acrobatics-based point systems and demolition derbies. Prizes might range from Credits to Ships and Modules.

A political aspect could further integrate these races into Elite's Powerplay system, influencing galactic affairs by boosting tourism and economic growth in systems that embrace them. Beyond that, these events could serve as a proving ground for commanders, pushing their piloting skills to the limit - skills that might change the odds for certain high-risk missions.

Different powers/factions would host races reflecting their unique cultures - some favoring classic, structured competitions, while others embrace chaotic, high-stakes challenges


Hear me out, this sounds a bit too straightforward, but, No Mans Sky. Leaving from Elite you could for example, fall into a black hole and come out as one of your saves in No Man's Sky, or have an event where some of their ships get stranded in our universe and require specific community help to get them back to theirs. The entire human race in Elite Dangerous knows of only one(formerly two) alien species, I can only imagine how they might receive the Gek or the Korvex.


I would love to see a simple entry to the Elite franchise that crosses over with Papers Please.

The premise would be you are an up and coming flight controller in a station of your choice (why not let them pick a station from the galaxy map).

If you get good enough at the game, and with future development, actually integrate this into Open. So if you send a docking request to a station in Open, and someone is playing this other game as the controller there, you would literally see questions etc coming through from them

You would have to answer satisfactorily or not get docking permission.

Obviously there could be ways this could be abused, but nothing that cannot be mitigated through design.

This would go a long way to fleshing out the 'non independent pilots federation' life that most inhabitants of the Elite universe experience.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great idea! And might I suggest: 'Permits Please'

Stormseeker's avatar

Mass Effect.
The mass effect rails that let you jump to a different part of the galaxy would be a big addition. Imagine 1 or 2 of those on each sector, exploration will boom in many directions.
Plus multiple playable alien races and different alien ships... and I think is the most iconic space sci-fi non movie realed hehehe.
Star Wars, Star trek... a lot of ships and aliens too
Anything but Star Citicen XD


If crossover means, that when i. e. landing on a planet - like Earth - one enters another game, I would suggest to have a planet or body for each game or MMO people like.

For example, one for GTA, one for Fallout, several for different racing games (AC, ACC, GT, F1), the Planet Coaster planet or the Jurrasic Park Moon, replay medivial ages on the Kingdom Comes planet or land on the Minecraft ringed ewl...

Osiliran's avatar

I think a great crossover would have been with Hell Divers 2. There's a lot of the same elements there with on-foot cosmetics and weapons. The biggest similarity has to be the fact we fight 'bugs' in both games. I can't imagine having a cape in Elite but would have been an interesting unlock or reward for defeating the titans in addition to the ship decals. What would really sell the idea would be on-foot thargoid combat and AX rifles.

Not sure what capacity Elite has to make use of the fleet carriers in the same way that HD2 uses them to drop armaments and supplies. There are escape pods on carriers already you can make use of but not in the same way. I'd love to see a crossover explored here but they're very different games. I'll continue to hope, haha.

XCezor's avatar

I think it would be very interesting to cross Elite with Space Engineers. Elite Dangerous after all stands for a realistic development of human technology and it already has engineers that offer modifications. With Space Engineers advanced... well, engineering, we could be able to add our own modifications to the modules, risking possible errors or problems with module functionality (engineers never breaks our module so they would still be useful). We could even build our own ships that would need to meet the standard of small, medium and large size so they would be able to land on landing pads.

Advanced players would be able to increase capabilities of their modules even more, extending their ships (or new ships) functionality to the absolute limits, creating also new fun activities like making the lightest or the fastest ship possible, because right now we only have predifined modules and builds, but with advanced engineering straight from Space Engineers we could make our own modifications.

Pre-build ships would be still available for beginner players and for those who just like the OG ships, but more experienced players would definitely want to build their own, unique ship.



You can see Stargate-like structures on outposts. Why not set off from there on missions to settlements in the system?

As an extended service of APEX.

Or use them for survival missions, you arrive on a planet and have to explore various crashed spaceships or settlements to find your way back to the outpost.

Helldivers (2)

There is the option to equip your fleet carrier with drop pods, with these you can land on a planet with your friends at ground combat zones!

In combination with Thargoids you could make this even more exciting if the fleet carrier receives a health bar and can only stay on planets for a certain period of time, if the fleet carrier is too badly damaged it retreats and you are on your own, until then NPC troops and players can land.

You could also use the drop pod function for larger ships, such as the Anaconda, to drop your friends on the planet and fight against the ships over the settlements and then collect them all again.


I think that the obvious crossover would be with Frontier's Jurassic World franchise :)

Wouldn't it be amazing to be able to step out of your spaceship and punch a dinosaur?

Maybe not actual dinosaurs but perhaps some alien creatures.

Kethervir's avatar

I would really like it if the crossover considered the universes of

  • Star Trek,

  • Star Wars

  • Stargate

  • Battlestar Galactica

    All of that ones have a lots of games dedicated in the history of games on every platform.

    Star Trek in common with Elite Dangerous has the Federation, the Klingon Empire and the Romulans who would be perfect for the independent faction of the Alliance. It would be amazing to see the Cardassian space stations, or those of the Federation, obviously it would be a dream to cross paths with some ships from this fantastic universe.

    Star Wars for the Death Star, very similar to some space stations already present in Elite and for the mother ships with which fantastic battle events could be created.

    Stargate for planetary teleports, especially on foot, but also for spaceships, as happens in Stargate Universe for example.

    And finally Battlestar Galactica, since the small spaceships that came out of the main mother ship, were very often engaged in battles against the Cylons which could suggest new very fast ships for both factions and massive battle scenarios. Also offcourse Cylons can suggest a new massive faction of dangerous enemy.

    Evrything will be a dream, just one of these will be awessome aswell..


Leaving aside "classic" Sci-fi games, I would say that the best crossover would be with the Monster Hunter universe. Imagine landing with your ship in an unkown planet, and suddenly, BOOM! A giant monster! You could team up with another players online to beat it and get some rewards for your profile. Also you could trade food, gear, etc. on campaments.

Sturmer's avatar

Reciprocal Crossover: Elite x Space Invaders!

Both iconic brands share a rich history, making this collaboration a perfect nostalgic fit that works in both directions:

  1. Space Invaders: Players can play as iconic Elite ships, battling waves of invaders with a touch of retro flair, complete with 8-bit Elite-inspired soundtracks.

  2. Elite Dangerous: Imagine an authentic Space Invaders minigame integrated into the cockpit UI, a fun distraction while cruising the galaxy

A blend of retro and modern, this crossover could honour their shared legacy

Matt G's avatar

Frontier published another game (written by Haemimont Games and released through Frontier Foundry ) called Stranded: Alien Dawn.

It's a fantastic game. You control a small group of survivors, each with their own skills, whose spaceship has crashed on an alien world. You need to set up accomodation, find or grow food and keep your survivors alive long enough to get rescued.

It would've been so easy to have written this for the Elite galaxy. They could've tweaked some of the organic life to be more like those we're more familiar with in Odyssey. There are already angry insect-based creatures, these could easily have taken on a more thargoid-y form. They could've had tools closer to those we have already in Elite. There's limited weaponry, but they could've used guns found in Elite and based some of the heavier base defense on the ship weapons of Elite. Improvements to the guns and defenses could've been based more on Elite's engineering.

It's a cross-over that almost writes itself, and that I wish existed!

Phoenix_Dfire's avatar

An obvious cross over would be with the Mass Effect Galaxy. If we could add the Races from Mass Effect into the Elite Galaxy would be awesome. There's that much free space in the Galaxy to put those Empires/Federations in and not impace the human bubble. We already know (approximately) where the Alien Races home worlds are, so you could visit the Asari, Krogan, Salarians and Turians. The Quarian Migrant Fleet would be atsounding to visit, but who wouldn't want to see the Thargoids vs the Reapers or the Geth take on the Guardian AIs?

Also any excuse to have a Normandy Flyable ship in Elite Dangerous; after all it's only slightly bigger than an Anaconda, Imperial Cutter or Federal Corvette


I would say No Mans Sky. Keep ELite Dangerous and add atmospheric planets with living creatures, enable base building, and empire buildinng. Enable trading of ships and bases. You'd definitely need to keep Elites flight model as the one in NMS is terrible.


A part of me would say EVE Online, However this wouls be under a major caveat, as EVE online is based on an alternate universe set a millenia after the collapse of the eve gate, and the speculation that wormhole space is set in the desolate remains of the original himab world. EVE online cross over with elite dangerous would have to be set in the lore of the eve universe, thus either the lead up to unversal expansion leading to the major conflicts between empires and space faring conglomerates , this could also lead up to the discovery of the natural wormhole leading to new eden.

Hunter's avatar

For Elite Dangerous I'm thinking about some crossover with the universe of the Expanse from the game : The Expanse: A Telltale Series, It would be fantastic to see cloths or some story event where the ring opens in a system and we have the chance to speak to Iconic Characters, many opportunities for Elite and I think this the logical one.

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar

Elite Dangerous mixed with Star Citizen. I think with Elite Dangerous which is full of stories and lure and optimized game mixed with Star Citizen visuals of atmospheric planets. I think this would create the most amazing game to date. Having Hand crafted zones for EVERY planet would be absolutely insane! I couldnt think of a more perfect game.

mastercesspit's avatar

evochron legends, mercenary, legacy x elite dangerous,

if you could meld the two games together, taking the best points from both games

the combat nav in evochron is far superior, having indicators for system plane, and the distance is represented accurately,

the KB/M flight controls are easier to use, being much more straightforward and usable,

elite's jump system rather than the gated method in evochron, and the expansive recreation of the galaxy in elite,

this would be a magic game


Star Wars would make the best crossover. I want to fly all of the star wars ships in Elite!

I want to fly the Naboo fighter, both of Padme's chrome ships, jedi fighters, the Twilight, the Millenium Falcon, Slave I, X wings, Tie fighters or have fleet carrier skins of Star Destroyers, Super Star Destroyers, and Venators.

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

I'm a fan of the Alien saga. And for me, the best crossover would be with Alien Isolation.

Let's imagine that we received a distress signal from an abandoned settlement. Upon arriving, we discover that the settlement is infested with xenomorphs. The mission becomes a fight for survival, where we must explore the settlement, find supplies and avoid being detected by the xenomorphs (or fight them).

It would be epic!!

I leave an image of a montage that I made where you can see a xenomorph entering where the commander is

(Translated with Google translator)

Vivisector's avatar

I'm thinking about Beat Hazard because I imagine going thorugh space in Elite Dangerous and kills opponet with the loudest music possible. Its like you're on a car trip with radio on, but in the space. How cool could be for Elite? REALLY COOL!

MQC's avatar


Of course, why not, and Frontier Developments would have it very easy...

I honestly think that additional content to include Elite Dangerous theming in Planet Coaster 2 could make the rides in our parks look like they were taken from any star system in the Bubble...

Not to mention an Entertainer that is a Commander in a space suit.

And what about balloons in the shape of a Sidewinder, or a Thargoid ship? The possibilities are endless.

Another possible additional mechanic would be to make an ED-themed career mode scenario, with specific objectives and achievements.

Honestly, as an ED player, and a PC2 player, I love the idea.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Seeing my username, you've already known. Game crossover would be rad if it was with Deep Rock Galactic, other honorable mentions could be EVE, or NMS.

Media crossover could be 2001: A Space Odyssey, though the game is almost a resemblance of it.

If we reach over to anime or animation series it would be fire if it's Neon Genesis Evangelion, some EVA paintjob would look so good on the ships.

Block9's avatar

I believe that in man's sky, because they are a little similar but in the game in man's sky I miss other multiplayer players, I've really never seen another player in no man's sky. but it would make a great crossover with elite dangerous.

GoJapan's avatar

Being a spatial game there may be many crossings, such as with No Man's Sky, Star Wars, Star Trek and obviously Starfield. There are many possibilities, you just have to justify the crossover, and develop it at best, without being forced.

Ahnsyaraa's avatar

An Elite Dangerous crossover has to fit the grand scale, deep spacefaring, and immersive simulation elements that make the game special. Here are a few top picks for the best crossover:

1. Mass Effect

Elite Dangerous already has deep lore and a massive galaxy, but mixing in Mass Effect’s alien species, biotic powers, and deep storytelling would be incredible. Imagine flying an SRV across the surface of a planet while a Reaper looms overhead or running into the Normandy in deep space.

2. No Man’s Sky

A crossover with No Man’s Sky would bring in procedural alien worlds, base-building, and exotic lifeforms—something that would add more exploration depth to Elite Dangerous. On the flip side, Elite could lend its deep spaceflight mechanics to No Man’s Sky.

3. Star Wars: Squadrons

Combining Elite’s vast open galaxy with Squadrons’ intense dogfighting could lead to epic space battles featuring X-Wings, TIE Fighters, and even capital ships. Plus, having the ability to land on Elite’s realistic planets while piloting an iconic Star Wars ship? Yes, please.

4. EVE Online

Merging Elite with EVE Online would create the ultimate space MMO. Imagine massive player-driven economies and wars playing out across Elite’s realistic galaxy. Adding EVE’s corporation mechanics to Elite’s player groups could turn the galaxy into a truly living, breathing space economy.


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