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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

I thought that this would be already included. Hans Zimmer has created a lot of masterpieces, wonderful worlds in each work...but this one has something different, specially this track: "Detach". How is increasing little by little, the big theme, and the melody at the end...for me is perfect to be alone in the space.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I too suspected this would make an appearance. How couldn't it? What a movie and what a composer!

USCSS's avatar

I'm not from the United States, but I really like the sound of country music. I really like this music for exploring because it's calming and meditative, especially when I'm away from civilization.

Vivisector's avatar

I know all of you can hear the space vibing with this song. I put the video here too so everyone can just easly play it! I liked this reward and i'm ready to share the song for the other situations :D

MagmaMelon's avatar

This is my pick! I think some chill rock music always fits the vibe when it comes to space and galaxies. I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out Elite Dangerous (I just started playing), but if there's something that clicked with me instantly, is vibing to some music when I'm traveling!

(send some gameplay tips plz)

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I realised when I was submitting this reward that I've shared another music from Muse in other reward in EVE community, "Uprising", both have similar themes and message and for me this show one of the reason I love both games (a little more Elite because the simulation style), the distopia in both games create a feeling in me that we must be always defending and fight for our rights!

Exploring and listen to those songs calm my soul and the same time cheers me up even in the most simplest activities like exploring!

ayebawl's avatar

Greetings Commanders, on the rare occasions I'm exploring the black I tend to choose a classic soundtrack of 90s grunge to accompany me. High on that list is the following track by Soundgarden.

lionriver's avatar

Hi, Commander and JustAbout:

Just listening to the guitar solos and the bass guitar in the accompaniment, with the synthesizers and one of the best drummers in the rock industry, Lars Ulrich.

The song "Nothing Else Matters" came from a European tour where guitarist Hetfield wrote it for his girlfriend. It talks about love, which we sometimes overlook, and I'd say it's Metalica's best song apart from one.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks for sharing lionriver, but please take another look at the reward description. We're looking for these to be shared on social media first, and then for those social media posts to be shared here on Just. We want you to tell the world what the best ED exploration songs are, not just us :)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey JCPeters23 - Oasis fan over here 🙋 This entry is almost there, but a couple of little things:

  • We'd love it if you included a link to your song in your social media post

  • Please mention Elite Dangerous in your social media post, so those who read it know which galaxy you're referring to

MQC's avatar

Jean Michel Jarre - Waiting for Cousteau

For those who are looking for ‘peace’ when exploring, and want to have ‘peace’ for their ears...

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well this is ominous. Great choice though.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

It's hard to think of a more appropriate song title

AndyRice's avatar

Yeah exactly, and this album also has a song called 'The Call of the Void', it's very heavy, and the lyrics reminds me of the Thargoid invasion last December lol.

Donut's avatar

Yeah, I keep trying to post but despite the fact that I am using links and linked accounts just like the instructions say, The system keeps telling me I need a link in my post.

it started telling me this back in January and this is the reason I've not even tried to post in months.

AndyRice's avatar

Yeah I've met the same problem with this reward :(

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Donut AndyRice - try now, I think this should be resolved

AndyRice's avatar

It works! Thanks for the help :)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks both, do continue to tag me if you ever run across issues like this :)


My favorite song during exploration is "Hello Love" by Kadeshi. It keeps me going in the hope of finding something new!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Wolborg! Thanks for entering the reward! To verify ownership of the social media account, we ask that all entrants connect their social media accounts to Just. It only takes a minute and you only have to do it once. Once done, all future social media posts from your linked account will contain the blue 'verified' badge you'll see on the other entries here.

Check out the How to connect your socials section below for a quick how-to:

Once done, you might need to hit 'edit' on your submission and re-add the link for it to appear on this entry, as it was made before you connected the account. o7

CMDR_M's avatar

So difficult to choose, but it’s probably something from Sverre Knut Johansen - the title track from Contact kicks off quite a few of my ED playlists :]

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey CMDR_M, it looks like you've entered with a reply rather than a submission. Please re-enter via the purple 'submit to this reward' button if you'd like to be considered for a prize

CMDR_M's avatar

So difficult to choose, but it’s probably something from Sverre Knut Johansen - the title track from Contact kicks off quite a few of my ED playlists :]

ENDERS's avatar

First off, I love the reward idea, I would love to see more of these! In my opinion Elite: Dangerous is a perfect game to kick back and play your favorite music to while spacefaring. I loved the days when AMVs and frag videos were a new thing that could ganger tons of views on YouTube, I would love to see more things like it but the algorithim and copyright often get in the way of people just creating cool stuff in this day and age.

I have been producing electronic music for about 13 years and have intentionally created some songs just for chilling at your favorite Space Station Bar or Cantina.

This is my song Callisto Cantina.
This song envisions a live performance by a sentient intelligence performated at a Cantina/Bar located on Jupiter's moon Callisto. I can imagine this song would fit pretty well for exploring the galaxy.

Yes I do listen to my own music and love playing Elite: Dangerous while listening to tons of music (primarily Electronic Music).


(sorry I didn't use the cool suggested hash tags this time, there was no room in the character limit.) ;) <3


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