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dydo's avatar

Can it be on portuguese? With translation, of course


I could honestly pick a lot of lyrics from the song 'Wet Leather' by Woods of Ypres.

As someone who suffers with chronic illness even the melodramatic chorus isn't too much for me!

But my favourite is "Life is the comfort of a good old friends advice, who says its all your fault and you standards are to high"

A year or so after I first got ill I had that moment and the lyric resonated with me ever since.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

My fav lyrics are from Bennett - Lullaby - I struggle to sleep at night due to my EBD and this song helps when it comes on :)


Why you afraid, to fall asleep
You'll be safe, here with me

When the dark is all you see
Follow the sound of the melody

Hush, my darling don't you cry
baby I will be your lullaby

And no more tears you'll sacrifice
Promise I will be your lullaby


Video below

Rixx Javix's avatar

I first heard these lyrics in 1979. Since then I've heard them probably several thousand more times, so many that I can - if I put myself in the right mood - literally recite the entire album from start to finish. These are the lyrics that finish out the Wall by Pink Floyd and I didn't know it at the time back in 1979 - but these words would haunt me my entire life and career. As an artist, a creative, a writer and as someone who believes in standing up for what is right. Even today, I cannot read these words without becoming rather emotional.

Outside the Wall

All alone, or in two's,

The ones who really love you

Walk up and down outside the wall.

Some hand in hand

And some gathered together in bands.

The bleeding hearts and artists

Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all

Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy

Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.

Cristian J. Hidalgo's avatar

Enigma - The Child In Us.
This as short and simple song sing it in 3 languages: Sanskrit, Latin and English.

The song is one of my favorites for the content and message in each languages, personally it makes me feels conected with nature, with the entire planet, it makes me feel respect for everything that exist around me.

"Some day you came
And I knew you were the one
You were the rain, you were the sun
But I needed both, cause I needed you"

NOTE: every person that listen this song will interpreted the meaning different from others.


We Don't Need Another Hero (Thunderdome)

Song by Tina Turner

Out of the ruins
Out from the wreckage
Can't make the same mistake this time
We are the children
The last generation (the last generation, generation)
We are the ones they left behind

And, I wonder when we are ever gonna change, change
Living under the fear, 'til nothing else remains

We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond Thunderdome

Looking for something, we can rely on
There's gotta be something better out there
Ooh, love and compassion
Their day is coming (coming)
All else are castles built in the air

And, I wonder when we are ever gonna change, change
Living under the fear, 'til nothing else remains

All the children say
We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond Thunderdome

So, what do we do with our lives
We leave only a mark
Will our story shine like a light or end in the dark?
Give it all or nothing

We don't need another hero (hero, hero)
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond Thunderdome

All the children say
We don't need another hero (we don't need another hero)
We don't need to know the way home, ooh
All we want is life beyond Thunderdome

It's like a communication between us mankind and "E.B.E." (short for extraterrestrial biological entity).


Thunderstruck AC/DC

When me and my wife first talked on internet we were both listening to that song at the same time, so we adopted it as our song...

We are together for 5 years now

Horror and Cats's avatar

Jealous is the night when the morning comes, but it always comes

Morning Comes by Delta Rae is such a great song. That line has been the mantra on my Teams profile for nearly six years.

It’s like “time heals all wounds” or “this too shall pass,” but prettier

Makster's avatar

I'm gonna have to bust out the karaoke machine to see which ones

Another excuse to have a karaoke night haha


Honestly this is a very hard pick for me. There are a lot of songs that have deep meanings, but if I had to pick one right now it'd prolly be I'm still standing by Elton John.
The chorus to be exact

Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

It sometimes brings me back to the time when I was going trough pretty hefty depressive thoughts. And I did consider few things. But in the end...I'm still standing.

DarthHunter69's avatar

Most of my favourite lyrics come from Mori Calliope, aka Demondice, aka Karen Callani. I know the bounty asked for only one lyric, but I can't help myself, there's just too many good lyrics to choose, so here are some of them. There are some lyrics I would like to include, but since they contain a bit of bad language, I opted to omit them.

Cursed Night

The days are blending together

Pretending like I don't notice

Drowning in mental fog so thick my hands might close where my throat is

The song starts off with this banger. This is exactly how I feel sometimes. Feels like the days are flying by and blending together. I like to pretend like I'm present in the moment but I'm just not. And the mental fog really feels like it will drown me. I don't know how this started, but I know it can't stay like this.

"Sayonara" to the sorrow of eternity alone?

Ya, right.

Part of the joke is that it's all that I've known

As much as I don't like to admit it, I desperately want to stop being alone, but the irony is that I've always been alone and I'm honestly afraid of actually having someone. To the point that I end up sabotaging myself and I never manage to get in a relationship. Feels like an eternal sorrow.

There's more of this song I would like to include, but it would make my submission way too big, there's some bad language in it and also it would be kind of redundant, so let's move on.

Dance Past Midnight

But "time" exists, don't know where it ran

Never enough for what I'm plan, plan, planning

I get tired, and I end up sleeping all day

I'm hardwired to be motivated halfway

There's so much stress I can't convey

Just do my best with the role I play

Okay, I have to stop here before I write down the entire song. I really, really love this song and its lyrics. I don't think any explanation is required, it just resonates deeply within me. It's a portrait of my heart. I highly recommend you listen to it.

Six Feet Under

This is the penultimate one, just for the sake of keeping this submission as short as I can make it.

Now feels like I'm singing six feet underground

This heart is beating without any sound

There are no second chances for me

Nobody's likely to come back around

Upon the ashes of what once grew here

I'll plant a seed and depart by nightfall

Was I the hero no one believed?

Was I the villain after all?

This is my favourite part of the song (which also happens to be the chorus). Something happened between me and a girl I liked and this part of the song pierced through my heart at the time, because it reflected exactly what I was feeling. There's no second chances in life. Once you screw up, it's game over. No restarting. When you screw up like this, you can feel like a villain - especially when the other person is actively trying to make you feel like a villain. But was I actually the hero no one believed in? I don't actually know. Of course, I really love the entire song, but this part in particular is very special to me.

Wish I Said

This one is not by Mori Calliope, but rather by Akuma Nihmune, who is my other favourite singer. I'm absolutely obsessed with most of her music currently, but for this submission I've chosen to share this one specifically.

Always was way too scared

Way too scared to face you

Face me

Help me

Help me

Let me pay for all my sins

Cowards don't deserve this love

This... just... ouch. It hurts, but in a healing way. That's me right there. This makes me want to actually try, to actually go and face my fears, especially my fear of rejection. I can't be a coward forever. I need to pay for my sins.

Wish I said hi to you 'fore you left

Now my world feels so cold

I wanna go back to you

Wish I spent some time with you 'fore you left

Now I feel down

I wanna go back to you

Again, I don't think an explanation is required. That's just how I feel whenever I fumble a girl. Or rather how I feel when I don't even try.

Well, that's it. I poured my heart on this submission. It's not about the bounty, it's about screaming my heart out and finally getting rid of this weight. I hope you enjoyed and I hope you check out these amazing artists. There's much more I'd like to share, but this will have to do for now.

ScreamingRaven's avatar

My Favourite Text is always from Adept - The Ivory Tower.

Listen up young hearts this world is yours
dont stop believing though you're scared have faith in yourself
and i'll promise that these anchors wont pull us down

we are the sun and the sea and the mountain

We are the children who still can believe
we have faith we have hope we have answers
In our heart is where we are free...

Honestly i just love it, it brings me back when i am Deep in my Depression and the World crushes on me. When my Chronic Pain succumbs me. It gives me the Feel i am not alone out there.

I Discovered the Band from and CS Source Fragmovie. And since that it is in my Head.

Elech's avatar

The lyric is 'How are your lungs' Now I don't really know why it is I like the lyrics but it makes you think what does the line actually mean but it can be interpreted in a lot of ways. I used to use this as my status on many platforms and I would always get responses to it. Often. 'Breathing how are yours' If you can answer the question though you know you're doing okay.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


When a man loves a woman I believe that everyone who has fallen in love has already suffered for love, he must identify with this song, a deep, heartbreaking song that was originally created in the 60s by the singer Percy Sledges , but better known now by the great Michael Bolton.

And although the song has completely good lyrics, the parts that I like the most are these.



-“ When a man loves a woman,

He'll spend his very last dime

Tryin' to hold on to what he needs.

He'd give up all his comforts

And sleep out in the rain”

“I gave you everything I have,

Tryin' to hold on to your heartless love.

Baby, please don't treat me bad.”

This is my contribution with this heartbreaking song 🎶

Now l go to cry 😢 for a few minutes 😔

Hey is a joke


henhid's avatar

This bounty may seem simple at first glance, but it’s actually quite difficult. The challenge lies in the fact that choosing just one song lyric inevitably means leaving others out, which feels unfair. But let's give it a try.

If there’s one song lyric that stands out in my mind as a favorite, it would undoubtedly be "Will You Be There" by the legendary Michael Jackson, included in his 1991 Dangerous album.

Why? It’s simple: the lyrics of this song remind us of the importance of being there for others in times of hardship—something most of us have failed to do at some point in our lives.

I would like to share the following excerpt from the closing of the song, which, although it exceeds the suggested two lines, encapsulates its essence:

In our darkest hour, in my deepest despair, will you still care? Will you be there?
In my trials and my tribulations, through our doubts and frustrations.
In my violence and my turbulence, through my fear and my confessions.
And my anguish and my pain, through my joy and my sorrow.
In the promise of another tomorrow.

TrialByStory's avatar

My favorite classic band is without question, Rush. And they've got a deep catalogue of great lyrics for me to pick from. My first instinct for this bounty was something from 2112, or maybe the chorus from Freewill, but what I've ultimately decided on a few lines from verse3 of Spirit of Radio:
"All this machinery making modern music
Can still be open-hearted.
Not so coldly charted,
it's really just a question of your honesty"

Which, yeah the song was largely a tribute to and lament of the loss of old-style, less commercialized radio, but this bit in particular I've always seen as a nod to music production in general or creativity as a whole. The way you don't need all the fancy tools, equipment, and software to make something good if you're heart's in it. But also the fact that even if some people call all the modern bells and whistles soulless, you don't have to ignore them to make something good either. The only thing that determines what you get out of the endeavor is what you put into it.

Makster's avatar

Son of Man - Phil Collins

Out of all the Disney movies, Tarzan isn't one that is commonly ranked. However Phil Collins went hard on this Man Raised by gorillas especially the featured track Son of Man.
It's the classic Disney montage as our hero goes through a period of change as we see him grow up from a boy through adolescence to a man.

The lyics that stick with me are in the second verse:

In learning, you will teach
And in teaching, you will learn
You'll find your place beside the ones you love

Oh, and all the things you dreamed of
The visions that you saw
Well, the time is drawing near now
It's yours to claim it all

After 5+ years into a job, I've finally been promoted into a senior management role where I now have employees that I manage and have to train up. Through out all that time, I did feel like a boy having to shadow, learn new skills and departments, and not given a lot of responsibility but now I'm in a place amongst my peers and in a position of recognition and respect.
Essentially it's a place where I am claiming all the reaped benefits and fruits of labour that I sowed in the last 5 years so it is very bittersweet and rewarding

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