Well this is a question.
I never really played Elite (1984) or any of the franchise, I instead would watch my brother play and sit in the back bored and wanting to put Skool Daze on. I tried them and while the concept sparked my imagination, I really didnt have the concentration to get into it deep enough.
Fast forward 40 years, and I have months of play time in the game and that really asks the question why?
From the end of the kickstarter I was hooked, not by gameplay, not by the promises or plans set out. Instead I was hooked on the community of the forum. I had made a lot of friends we had all been letting our imaginations run wild, making artwork, mugs, podcasts... you name it.
Then the game came out.
So clearly the community was the hook and the collective imaginations made this game something special before it was even released... How could it possibly live up to that hype?
First release was combat scenarios, and a few choices to get into a ship.
The flight systems were amazing, it felt right. The ship felt responsive and combat just was naturally satisfying.
Then we had stations. Flying through the slot was magical the first few times, gut wrenching in vr.
Then we had the bubble. This was the start of how the jumps worked, supercruise and trading.
And missions...
So I have through many iterations of gameplay seen the bits I love and hate change over the years.
FIrst I LOVED the grind of trading, flying in wings.. collecting trade dividends and playing with friends for hours and hours. Back and forth for weeks/ months until finally I got my type 9.
Tried Mining... didnt like it. And We couldnt land on planets. So Combat didnt excite me much.. it was something you had to do to keep NPC Pirates off you but it was simple enough.
Then Deep Core Mining came out... wasn't particularly interested. Tried it. ABSOLUTELTY LOVED it... it was AMAZING. The BOOM, the fragments...
I also found exploration to be very relaxing... and spend months and months scanning through systems and trying to find the elusive Earth Likes.
With Netflix on, I could spend days just building up the amount of data I could lose with a single hilarious docking incident.
Then Elite Feet came out, well horizons... on foot stuff. Wasn't really interested. Then I tried it and love it.
So I think the thing that keeps me playing elite is the amount of choice of activities you can do when the whim takes you and its always changing and trying to improve bits so you can do them again as if they were new.
That is a huge way Elite stays fresh, Ok Xenobiology is my current hate.. scanning plants is fine... hunting for them on foot drives me bonkers, losing an entire afternoons scans because my returning anaconda landed on me was priceless... but I was sooooo angry.
The Community and players I've met and played with along the way from the BS news crew, Lave Radio Crew, the Hutton Truckers and Mobius and so many groups I've been privelidged to play along side and with. Lavecon, ECM, Fantasticon all the Real world meet ups I've been able to cement those friendships at. And though they are not the game they had a huge impact on me playing.
So that aside... the game has stunning visuals, from the planet-scape varieties, the Ice plannets can be stunning and not all planets are beige potatoes. The frustration of SRV ground driving, the joy of on foot combat and rocket launchers.
The Blowing up of Asteroids to collect their hidden valuables... the mind numbing supercruise back and forth for missions and trade.
I love it all.
It is a game of facets to suit your mood... the issue is always "what are you going to do in Elite today?"
I didn't really thargoid much... in case you're wondering why its not mentioned... I did one day help with a few friends to kite a thargoid to the nearest Coriolis …. that was fun... Died about 100 times on that little carry on.
You not installed it yet??? Well watch videos, join groups and ask for help because there is so much in it, it can be daunting to navigate and find what you want to do... not to mention the customising your controls.. it's worth it though.
Fly safe