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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Just About 100 words

I'm stealing this idea from the inimitable Cmdr Psykokow I believe, but "the Abraca-Drabble" was a really popular competition on the forums and on Hutton Orbital Radio for a good long while. It involves writing an Elite short story in 100 words. I don't know if it got better marks for being exactly 100 or if poetry was encouraged but some of the short stories were great. Some were atrocious! I think it might be fun.

I guess the criteria should be that it should be over 80? but under 100? and it should be based in Elite. There could be required themes - humour, horror, speculative future elite plotlines...

another one I just put up that bounced would be

Galactic Drawing

It's possible to feed your log files from Elite Dangerous into a 3rd party website such as


These websites have permission from Frontier to access the files and show the routes taken by commanders in their time in game. This has led lots of people to draw pictures using their ships on the galaxy: that EDSM link above (if it's viewable when not me) shows my personal map, and my somewhat wonky Babel fish.

Considerations would be - players teaming up to make the pictures and so allocating rewards fairly, peoples innate desire to put rude things on the galaxy, and the length of time to allow for the challenge to be completes - 3 months would be more sensible than a week.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Both great, but I especially love the galactic drawing idea. This gets my first-ever Curator's Pick badge


What about listing your fleet carrier name with a photo and explaining why/how you decided on the name? There are some wild names out there so it would be simple and fun.

ENDERS's avatar

I know this is something Vidoe Game fans and creators have enjoyed doing in the past and I'd love to see the right twitst put on it:

Share a Time-lapse or Ambient video (30 minutes minimum video length) of an awe inspiring, beautiful or interesting location in Elite: Dangerous.

Format, Rules, Guidance:
Video entries only.
Stationary camera.
I would say that these videos must be new to be eligible, and can not be existing content.

Reward details:
1st,2nd,3rd,4th and 5th place prizes.
Quantity to be determined.

I have seeen a lot of awesome Time-lapse videos and ambient/asmr style videos of so many video games, its becoming so popular that companies like CD Projekt Red are creating and posting videos like this to their offical YouTube Channels.

Given that this content is of a production value and quality that even game Developers respect and utilize, this could be a perfect contest for Elite: Dangerous publicity and exposure, beyond what it already gets organically.

Here are two notable examples of vidoes in this format and style:

Alex Sinclair's avatar

We've actually run both of these rewards already, but you were right in that they both turned out to be awesome. I'm happy to award your thoughtful submission anyway, but if you have any other ideas you'd like to suggest instead, feel free to edit your submission.

P.S. We'll likely rerun those rewards at some point, although not in the immediate future.


ED Short Movie Contest

Produce an [8] to [15] minutes short movie, filmed in the universe of Elite: Dangerous, in whichever style you want - drama, thriller, romance, suspense, musical, art...

Might be quite an effort, so the prize should be accordingly.

yan57436's avatar

I like the idea of creating a “Space Adventure Challenge” within the game, which would further encourage the exploration of remote star systems (I know that's not enough), we will have the exploration of remote star systems, discovery of new phenomena, all duly recorded, in addition to the requirement that players design, a personalized space station, which could serve specific functions such as trade, refuge for explorers or even as an advanced base for bounty hunters, this part could be done even outside the game, either a drawing or even with editing, using the real data from previous exploration.

Evaluation criteria:

Level of difficulty presented, mainly due to the idea of “facing the unknown”

Originality of the entries.

Visual and narrative impact of the story (video submissions narrating the story would be given priority, almost like a documentary).

This challenge would allow players to try out their creative skills while encouraging players who had never before ventured into unknown areas, using the various survival guides that already exist.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey yan57436, this sounds like it could be interesting, but I'm not entirely sure that I have my head around the idea. Especially now that we already have a live design-a-space station challenge. Do you mean to create an adventure in the style of those of Élite Dangereuse?

yan57436's avatar

At first, the challenge is to explore unexplored regions. The idea of new stations would only add to the story, almost like a double challenge. Imagining what is most appropriate for the region and the structures that permeate it. Perhaps I haven't expressed myself clearly 🫠

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hmmm. I'm struggling to work out how we'd verify and choose winners for that. I do love the idea of sending commanders on a JA space adventure, but I think it'd need some more specific, fixed objectives and guidelines to differentiate it from normal exploration gameplay. Let me know if you think of how we could do it.

yan57436's avatar

I think a logbook would be very effective, and there could be written or video submissions, with a narration model. Some could explore art in their diaries, bringing in photos from real-life diaries, as if they were from their actual exploration. Bringing in the idea of a “Connect your virtual adventure with reality” bounty would allow them to connect with people, just as these diaries could include handwritten drawings of the stations. Participants could also draw in 3d, as I said before. I like the idea of combining exploration and creativity.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks for the extra inspiration, Yan! I've awarded this and we'll see what we can do :)

AlvarZ4's avatar

This is a simple idea but I think it could be a good reward: The idea is to take screenshots making a formation flying in wing. I think this could be a good reward for making players make nice and coordinated formations and can result in very nice images.

Images will be uploaded to verified platforms and posted here explaining what you were doing with your wing in the picture when you took the screenshot.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Cool idea AlvarZ4! Consider it scheduled!

JHenckes's avatar

I'm going to suggest a Reward that I don't think I'd do because I'm not that experienced a player, but I'd find it really cool to watch the videos. It would be a “Fuel Rats Rescue Challenge” which would consist of a video post along with an original text explaining the situation of a rescue of another player (the player can be part of fuel rats or not to allow more submissions). I think it would be nice to focus on a fuel rescue because of the name of the reward, but sometimes a more accessible range is better, so allowing any type of rescue could make the reward more fun, whether it's guiding the player to a safe area, rescuing a player attacked by pirates or thargoids. It could be done in a podium format, with the best rescues (analyzing the quality of the video, the story told and the impact of the rescue) being the best rewarded.


Over the years, I have seen many suggestions for in game shenanigans and the hilarity and videos from them are still kicking about.

I would love to see a challenge to see how high you can get an SRV on top of someones ship,

Similar for people...

The in game fun I remember the most, was using geysers to fire your commander into the air and see how high you could get, whilst still surviving the fall.

That kind of challenge I think would be awesome.

Importantly it would be fun, and secondly encourages video records!!

I had such a laugh doing it..

Alex Sinclair's avatar

These both sound very fun! Stay tuned.


Based on the upcoming colonization update, I think it would be a good idea for commanders to submit designs/ideas for space stations or settlements, ensuring they are original while respecting Elite Dangerous's established style and dimensions.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great idea. Based on the excellent quality of the design-a-ship reward (yours included), we'll definitely get this one in the calendar.

Osiliran's avatar

My bounty idea is to showcase your favourite sound effect or noise in Elite Dangerous.


This can be a video entry up to 30 seconds in length of in-game footage where you can show off a unique or interesting sound that you love from the game.

Entries must be verified on social media or youtube where the footage can be posted.

Footage must be in-game and from the game Elite Dangerous. An example of an entry could be a recording of a unique interaction with a thargoid vessel or a specific ship's engine boost sound.

Entries must have a sentence or two to give the footage context so others can understand where and what they're looking at and listening to.


This wouldn't be a tiered reward, more of a set value for each successful entry (like this one).

I'd love to see this kind of entry...Elite's got so many fantastic and iconic sound effects. The sound design team are always nailing it.

Vivisector's avatar

Using any spaceship for crushing on a planet in the worst way possible. Anyone can use the spaceship from tutorial too, no rules about. The important thing to do is making a good crash on a planet or in its atmosphere.


I think posting screenshots of atmospheric planets from the surface of sunrise/sunset would be nice to see. This isnt exactly from the planet surface but its basically the same idea of a nice sunrise through the atmosphere

I would also like to see people post screenshots of landable planets with rings from the surface of the planet.

Another one would be a screenshot of some of the weird interstellar phenomena you can find out there like this.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great ideas, we'll add them near the top of our screenshot rewards list!

Donut's avatar

Everybody knows that the soundtrack to Elite is fire, but people prefer their own soundtrack.

What's on your Elite:Dangerous play list?

What do you listen to when you're cruising through the black?

Hair Metal? 80's Pop hits? Neo classical? Conway Twitty's Greatest hits of the 70's?

There is no wrong answers! Just the opportunity to discuss your favorite tunes with your fellow CMDRs.

o7 and rock on.

mastercesspit's avatar


while inara is pretty comprehensive, getting to the nitty gritty can be perplexing on inara.

my suggestion for a reward is show us your codex, when meeting a cmndr often some do "self promote" somewhat, the "i've played for xxx years" is a common one, but how much game time? how many kills? how much have you mined? how much trading?

how long you have owned the game is irrelevant, how much have you done in the game is. so if someone is saying they know about a certain subject, ask to see their codex.

codex in elite is pretty straightforward and simple. something like this:

have fun 07

FloridaMan's avatar

I watch videos on Star Citizen cinematics all the time, and while I love the idea of that game, I dont yet support it fully (neither does my computer lol). Elite Dangerous is an equally gorgeous universe - why dont we highlight some of the best places to visit in a cinematics contest? Forget grinding Imperial ranks to snatch that Cutter, or getting stuck in the rings of a gas giant to mind numbingly blow up rocks. Lets take a step back and appreciate the beauty of some unique atmospheres, land formations, ship architechture, or crazy nebula.

mastercesspit's avatar

lol, everyone i know that walked away from ED for star citizen, don't play it anymore, and refer to it as "star shitizen". lmao! i'd be downloading a cracked torrent file before i spent any money if i wanted to play it, all new games are exciting at first, but most are a flash in the pan and become boring quickly, a mile wide and a puddle deep.

have fun 07


Greetings pilots

I'll keep my topic brief.

As you all know the last targoid titan has taken his course to the solar system, which was quite unexpected, and soon he will arrive in the system, at the moment although we do not have all the information about all the capabilities of the titans, but we know exactly that there will be a battle for the cradle of humanity.

And so I suggest that the pilots who will be taking this battle to capture it and make a photo or video report.


Galnet News Special Report

Galnet News spans the breadth of the galaxy, yet we only get news clippings and the written word. Since we live in an era of the 24 hour news cycle and live TV, it would interesting to have Commanders submit their own journalistic take of our galactic news through the video medium!

Main Idea: Commanders submit a video entry of themselves or others acting as reporters for Galnet News. Stories being reported on can be lifted straight from the Galnet News feed, but creative Commanders can also include news of community or squadron events affecting the BGS or PowerPlay.

Format: Video entry from a journalistic point of view. Think of a news report on CNN or your favorite news outlet but in the lore of Elite Dangerous and Galnet News. Maybe even include an interview with a galactic pundit/talking head.

Rules: Video must be between 3-5 minutes in length. Must reference Galnet News Feed or community/squadron and BGS updates.

Rewards: Tiered rewards that would be judged by creativity, production/technicality, and by viewer or community input. (Not entirely sure how that could work or if there would be a voting element where the community could chime in and vote for their favorite video.)

Odinoji's avatar

I love this! I already did some articles for vox galactica eheh so much cool stuff happening in the bubble, from lost megaships to raxxla hunters to new guardian ruins found in 2025 and so on

USCSS's avatar


I suggest that every week (or every 15 days or every month) a reward be made that consists of: analyzing a Galnet News. It can be written or by making a video.

The title would be: Galnet News of the Week, December 2nd: Show us your best analysis of Galnet News!

(or something similar)

This would incentivize players to familiarize themselves with this news source.

(Translated with Google Translate)

Jaques Ufaltred's avatar

I think collaboration is beautiful so I would like to suggest a bounty to showcase collaboration between multiple commanders (with photo or video evidence of course) whether that be wing or multicrew, wings or boots. I think it would be even funnier if there was also a reward for the most interesting or chaotic activity that was collaborated on, just because who doesn't enjoy shenanigans. And the only thing better than shenanigans is shenanigans with multiple people feeding into them for cartoon levels of tomfoolery.

I'll bring popcorn to cook on my silent running dash while I watch the madness.

mastercesspit's avatar

hahah, i agree my friends and i usually do more damage to each other jockeying for position on the kill than the enemy does to us! it gets pretty funny, all good fun though, someone has usually got bro beams and repair limpets.

have fun 07

Stormseeker's avatar

Talk about your best expedition with another players. Add images of your group of ships, landings, discoveries, systems with at least 2 player names as first discovered... What was your destination, how many people started the expedition and how many lasted till the end. This kind of thing you know


Produce a portrait of your commander. We want to see you face. The image should be in game footage but some editing such as adding a smile or a wink would be allowed or composting could be allowed.

Hunter's avatar

I took some time to find a idea of reward, and don't know if it was proposed before I join Just about but here It :

Show us The Permits that you have so far unlocked and explain how to get them :

many of us has already crossed systems that are locked behind permits, so here is the chance for you to show us your collection of permits and explains at least how to get one of them.

The explaining part can be simplistic by just mentioning the requirements or do a guide for a method to get those permits fast.

Format : Text with Pictures or / Videos

Videos gets more attention and should be at least 3 minutes long and the text should be accompanied with a screen shots of your permits unlocked and also visuals for the explanation.


Which ship would you like to see in the future?

I know that there are a lot of creative minds in the Elite community.

You could divide this idea into:

Which ships would you like to see in the future?

Your wildest ideas (text)? Thargoid fighters? Guardian Battleship? or a mix of both? Maybe even the Panther Clipper?

Which ships would you like to see in the future?

Construction plans, drawings, graphics?

What does your dream ship look like and what should it be able to do?


I think there should be separate bounties for specific photos. I can think of a few photo ideas could be:

- Selfie

- Single ship

- Multiple ships

- Station docking (incl Carriers)

- Planet surface

They could be judged on the vibe, light, colours, and general photography skills.

Odinoji's avatar


First of all, this is awesome! I'm very much new here, and this adds so much fun and even more reasons to play Elite.

If I were to create a reward, it would be to pull off a short stunt with a ship! Whether it's high-speed flying through a canyon, "speed bowling," or landing a Beluga on a high-G planet—it's your choice! :)

Personally, my best stunt was managing to reverse a Cutter inside a mailslot. If you believe in yourself, you can do it too!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Odinoji; it's really great to hear you're enjoying what we're doing. Nice reward idea too, we've scheduled it in for early January!

Odinoji's avatar

no way!!! thats so cool :)))) thank you !!


I can think of a lot of ideas Invent a new alien species write or draw a new alien species that you would like to see in the game.

or create a guide on trading or space battles

create artwork of a new ship.

there will be other ideas that I can't think of right now

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice. The first and last ideas were already in our ideas bank, so if you think they'd be fun too, we'll take that as a green light to run them!


Tell us about your best emergent experience in Elite Dangerous.

Elite Dangerous is full of activities which have been explicitly authored into the game by Frontier Developments - things like bounty hunting, mining, exploring, trading and a vast array of mission running options. But it's also a vast multiplayer sandbox in which the game's simulation aspects mean you are free, as the tagline suggests, to blaze your own trail.

Tell us about your best emergent experience in the game, where some sequence of events transpired (either unexpectedly or through your own deliberate endeavour) which falls outside of the normal set of activities prescribed by the games developers.

CMDR_OptimusKoala's avatar

I suggest a reward based on recording our own voice for a Galnet News.
Galnet news are very cool, and I like to imagine them as TV news or, in this precise case, Radio news.

All recording can be judged with :
- Voice acting
- Immersion
- Sound Design

I hope this idea could give people more ideas.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

CMDR_OptimusKoala interesting idea! Would you have people record an existing Galnet News update or would you get them to write a new one and record it?

CMDR_OptimusKoala's avatar

I think it's easier to record an existing Galnet News. In the game Galnet News can be listen but I'm pretty sure it's a fake humain voice.

CMDR_Oso's avatar
  • "I feel the Need..." This one's for you, Maverick! Share with us a video of your hooning/racing

  • "Pop your bonnet!" Link us a coriolis/EDSY of your racer, good sir/lady

  • "I can do a barrel roll!" Show us a video of the craziest acrobatic stunt you can execute.


Share your most creative image showing a ship launched fighter in a strange situation!
The image must show a ship launched fighter (preferably not showing the ship that launched it) in strange situations in which you would not normally see an SLF. Most creative/unusual wins.

Show us your best christmas art (or any art) you made in the game!
Submissions must be images, showing art created in several ways. You could draw images using SRV tracks, make sketches using the ship exhaust fumes, or drop containers in a pattern of your choice. Anything that will create recognizable art will be allowed. Points for originality of method, originality of subject, and execution/style.

Describe your fondest memory with Elite Dangerous.
I'm sure the game has helped a lot of players through tough times, or make new friends, or go on adventures with old friends tightening their bond. Perhaps someone used it to let off steam while getting their PhD or they spent those long nights with their baby exploring the stars while rocking the kid to sleep. Perhaps the game even inspired some to choose a major like astronomy/astrophysics. Most touching and detailed descriptions win. Make us laugh or cry with your story.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice. I love the in-game art idea!


ALL of these please! I already have my submissions lined up - lol!


Cmdr Alec Turner SRV Banksy you say? hahaha this was so made for you :-D

ayebawl's avatar

Describe, draft or draw what the interior of your favourite Elite space ship might look like.

When you stand up in the cockpit after that loooong trip to Hutton Orbital, stretch and amble through that closed rear cockpit door, what would you see? Luxuriously appointed all leather interior and bespoke designer fittings? Cargo containers from floor to ceiling? Chewie and R2 arguing over holochess... whoops, wrong franchise...

You could consider how and if your interior is interactive, and what could you actually do back there besides admiring your superior design choices.

Make it serious, make it funny, make it fantastical... go make it!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's a very cool idea. We'll be sure to run that one!

Block9's avatar

How about a reward based on the game elite dangerous, about killing thargoid alone without the help of npc or group. to participate in the reward you will have to record a video eliminating a thatgoid interceptor and all your hearts.

XCezor's avatar

Describe Different System States

Some are easily understandable, like the Allegiance. It just tells to which major Superpower each system is aligned:

But what does the Economy or State means for the system? Does it give any benefits, extra resources or better missions?

There's a lot of different filters that new players may not understand how they work, so to submit to this bounty, you have to:

  • Describe at least 3 of the states from chosen category.

  • Explain what effects they have for the system.

  • Your submission can be either a video, explaining different states and showing their effects in the system, or text with at least 100 words.

    • Video entry must be submitted with a link to the connected social media account.

  • Try to describe states that hasn't been yet explained in previous submissions to catch as many different states as we can.

Sturmer's avatar

Most of you are seasoned commanders, but imagine a calamity occurs - the game server's database and all backups are wiped!

You and other players have a unique opportunity to start completely fresh, building a new character from scratch. This time, however, you have all your accumulated knowledge.

What would your first steps be? Which ships would you choose, and what activities would you focus on to regain your lost glory? Share your strategy and vision for starting over with all the experience you’ve gained.

mastercesspit's avatar

I reset my account on xbox, a long time ago, completed everything in the game at the time, got bored waiting for oddy when they were still saying it was going to console, I'm considering resetting my second account ATM, with the changes in engineering it would be quite rewarding, of course I'd do what i did on xbox, and transfer all credits to my other account, so I'd have 10 billion or so to start with, when I reset my xbox account, I bought a carrier in the starter sidewinder, lmao!

MQC's avatar

Create an Elite Dangerous wallpaper for computer or mobile.

Using original, official, or web-based material, participants must create a static or animated desktop or mobile wallpaper.

  • It is not mandatory to present in-game scenes, ships, planets, nebulae, but logos, abstract designs can also be created, as long as the game is clearly identified.

  • Entries must not contain offensive or inappropriate content.

  • Entries must be submitted on a link associated with one of the user's social media accounts.

The judges' assessment should look not only at the beauty of the entries submitted, but also at whether they fulfil the function of a wallpaper.

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar

Bounty Title: Elite Dangerous Commercial Challenge: Showcase Your Favorite Ship!

Attention Commanders! Do you have a favorite ship in Elite Dangerous? Whether it’s the reliable Sidewinder, the sleek Asp Explorer, or the mighty Anaconda, this is your chance to show the galaxy what makes it special!

Your mission is to create a captivating commercial for any ship in Elite Dangerous. Highlight its unique features, showcase its capabilities, and make it shine in a way that would convince even the most skeptical pilots to buy it. Feel free to use gameplay footage, cinematic effects, and creative storytelling to make your entry unforgettable.


  1. Duration: Videos should be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes long.

  2. Content: Focus on one ship. Highlight its design, features, and strengths.

  3. Creativity: Use voiceovers, music, and visuals to make your commercial stand out.

  4. Branding: Feel free to invent slogans or taglines for your chosen ship.

  5. Submission: Upload your video and share the link here.

Judging Criteria:

  • Creativity and originality.

  • Cinematic quality and editing.

  • Informative content about the ship.

  • Overall presentation and entertainment value.


  • 1st Place: N/A

  • 2nd Place: N/A

  • 3rd Place: N/A

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great minds think alike. We have a very similar reward planned that we're going to merge with this idea. Thanks for taking the time to lay it out in detail!

Niceygy's avatar

"Ships in unusual places"

We all love this game, but it can be.... Buggy at times! So for this bounty you need to submit a (not necessarily your own) ship, SRV or commander stuck in an unusual place, along with a brief caption.

Entries are judged on the "stuck-ness" of said ship, SRV or commander & wittiness of the caption.

For example:

"It's a SUN! No... That's a star. Dammit Steve!"

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Tell us about the most profitable activity for you in game and how to get into it!

In this, the players must tell which activity they uses to makes their fortune, and that could be anything, Xenohunting, Exploration, Bounty Hunter, Mining or Trading. The their would have to describe how it works and teach the best way to make the most of profit from it with tips or step by step. Recommend 3rd party tools that help with that would be welcomed as well!

This would be easy task to review which submission would be eligible and it could even have 2 types of rewards, one for text only and other with high prize in video format posted in a linked account!

AndyRice's avatar

“Design a new (reasonable) feature or updates that you would like to see in future Elite gameplays”

We all know that Elite Dangerous has been released for almost a decade, and it’s really exciting to see it still develops and grows nowadays. In this year we have titan combat, 4 new ships, powerplay 2.0, and we’re about to welcome colonization in the next year (hopefully).

But how about futures? The game still has great potential as one of the most sophisticated and well made space sim. I hope we can see more new contents in the future, and I think as players we can all make our own contribution.

The entries can be judged by the creativity and rationality of the features.

As far as I can remember, the ED section of JustAbout is supported by FDev themselves, I’m proposing this idea because I hope this platform can not only be a place where players share their excellent contents concerning this game, but also a player-oriented place that connects FDev and players together(although we already have a forum). It would be great if FDev can find inspiration in those bounty entries and make it real in game.


I can't enter a second time it seems, so I'll just say my bit here.

Build an Elite Themed christmas bake. It could be a a Gingerbread Coriolis. Thargoid Scout Mince Pies. A Yule Cargo Canister. Sidewinder Biscuits. Anything really.

Submissions could be video or images.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks LCU! We've got our festive slate of rewards all scheduled now, but I've set up a reminder to launch this one next year!

Kethervir's avatar

Thinking about rewards on Elite Dangerous, I would like to propose a new series of achievements and gifts when reaching certain ranks by doing certain activities. In particular, I would suggest donating a certain number of arks when reaching important ranks, such as the various elite ranks, but especially when reaching the ranks of the empire and federation factions. Also the ranks related to Powerplay. There could be gifts such as a specific module, for example instead of just unlocking it, it would be nice to also have one as a gift. More than anything else, it could be nice to receive a special livery depending on the rank reached and not just a sticker that is not customizable. Finally, I would propose as a gift for each rank an item from the shop or a certain number of arks to spend. It would also be nice if when reaching all the ranks there was a special gift, perhaps an exclusive ship or a set of modules.

GoJapan's avatar

an idea for new bounties could be this, create a new module for the ship, describe a new alien race, draw a terrestrial planet and new types of biological plants

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hello GoJapan, all of these ideas have the potential to be good rewards. But we'll need more info if you're going to win a prize

GoJapan's avatar

Imagine you can add a module in which a friend of yours uses weapons in combat in your ship while fighting or inventing a module that can help you have players, unfortunately the game has only the Thargoids as a confirmed alien breed if there would be More would make the game even more interesting, in the type to meet a pacific alien breed


A reward idea for Elite Dangerous could be a Galactic Merit System, designed to reward exploration, discovery, and contributions to major galactic initiatives.

Players could earn "Galactic Merit Points" by exploring new star systems, contributing to the construction of megastructures, participating in faction wars, or completing historical missions. These points could be exchanged for unique rewards such as:

  • Exclusive ship skins, inspired by galactic cultures or historical events.

  • Access permits to secret star systems or restricted zones with rare resources or special missions.

  • Modular ship customizations, including unique lighting, personalized interiors, or decorative details showcasing achievements.

  • Commemorative items for ship cabins, like holograms of discovered stars or trophies representing personal accomplishments.

The system could also include narrative-driven rewards, allowing players to influence the future of the game’s universe through decisions tied to ongoing events, leaving a tangible mark on galactic history. This would make every achievement not just functional but meaningful and unique to each commander.


How about a "Legendary Pilot Insignia" reward system in Elite Dangerous? This would be a personalized emblem or badge that evolves based on your in-game achievements, like exploration milestones, combat victories, or trade profits.

For example, if you reach Elite rank in multiple categories, your insignia could display unique elements—like a glowing trail for explorers who’ve mapped undiscovered systems, or a fiery aura for combat pilots with an impressive kill count. It would show up on your ship, flight suit, and even in your holo-me profile, so others know exactly what kind of legend you are.

To make it even better, the insignia could unlock small perks like discounts at starports, exclusive missions, or cosmetic upgrades for your ships. It wouldn’t give a massive gameplay advantage but would offer prestige and a sense of accomplishment in the galaxy. After all, in Elite Dangerous, being recognized as a legend is just as important as the journey itself


Rewards (and other cool stuff) inside!

Not only are there great reward submissions to check out, but some of the best conversations on the internet are happening here - and our members are getting rewarded for having them. Don't miss out!

sunglasses emojiemoji pointing left


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