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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
EidLeWeise's avatar

Since Vingtetun did the Hutton run already, I'll suggest that you take a TAXI to Hutton Orbital...


The best way to spend your first day in Elite Dangerous is to fly straight into a black hole while trying to negotiate a peace treaty with a Thargoid, all while broadcasting your adventure live on Galactic TV!


Immediately head out to The Great Annihilator.
Your sidewinder may get you there.... eventually


Start your exobiology career in your starter flight suit

USCSS's avatar

The best way is to jump straight into a Thargoid war zone without shields or weapons, and try to convince them to give you a pat on the head!


Hehe, i think the best way to spend the first day in Elite is to go to Hutton Orbital in Alpha Centauri, to bring back quickly a Hutton Mug and to unlock the free pre-enginereed Anaconda !


The ideal way to spend your first day in Elite Dangerous is to start your first bounty mission with an under-equipped ship, leave confidently and flee from the enemy with his first shot...

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Creating a space montage of the stations and ships from every angle possible and achieving absolutely nothing productive!

DarthHunter69's avatar

Believing that Hutton Orbital is not giving away free Anacondas (trust me, they really do, you should totally go there on your first day in a sidewinder). Oh, and for the trip, I recommend installing an SCO frameshift drive in your sidewinder. Don't worry about the fuel and heat warnings, you'll be fine :P


Go kill some Thargoids, they're super easy I swear :)


Flying around trying to find a story line. After some weeks you'll notice that there is no story, you're just a little particle in the Cosmos... like real life. And you gonna still end up lovin' it and spend endless hour trying to make a difference. Lol

Fly safe!

Spidey002's avatar

Take your trusty sidewinder and jump into the nearest community goal in open!

Shed tears of joy as you get ganked again and again!

XCezor's avatar

Hey you see that red marks on the map that say "Titan"? Its heavily defended by some alien stuff but inside them is a great treasury. Remember, never give up, you'll get there for sure!

AndyRice's avatar

Launch your little Sidewinder, and shoot at the space port, this is your first step to become a true space pirate.

Luriant's avatar

The best first day will be buying a fuel scoop, and going to Alpha Centauri, the closest star to Sol that don't need a Permit lock. At 139Ly from HIP 97950, will be a hard trip, but the reward worth hundred of millions.

The station, Hutton Orbital, give a free Anaconda to every player going here.

Its a great trip, that will teach new players about jump, fuel scoop, supercruise, and also put you in contact with great communities like the Fuel Rats in your path to Hutton Orbital.

Only the official Hutton Anacondas have the official Decal, as show in the Star-Arrow-Outpost silhouette (Paintjob not include), but Anaconda have the best selection of paintjob in the whole game.

Some basic lessons with the Camera suite, and the Free Camera options, will make great screenshot to memorialize the moment, and a great introduction to the reddit community. Hutton pics are always popular, as proof that the pilot has done the Hutton Pilmagre and have the knowledge and skills to reach even further goals, and the number of comment are as bigger as the upvotes, giving a kickstarter in this community.

Even missions toward Hutton Orbital have extra profit, to redirect the biggest number of players toward this station. And a tourist beacon "For the Mug!!!" orbit the planet, for that time when the community worked hard to create a new Rare item, the Hutton Mug, into the station. This Mug and the other rare commodity Centauri MegaGin are sold in limited numbers, but the price increase 10K/ton at max 160Ly from Alpha Centauri, items desired in every station in the galaxy.

I don't know a better way of spending the first day in Elite Dangerous.

o7 , and FOR THE MUG!!!!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Howdy Luriant - this is a great submission for genuine first-day advice, but for this bounty we're looking for 'wrong answers only', i.e. unadvisable funny answers for spending one's first day in Elite. Feel free to edit your post, and consider re-entering this one in our 'How to get started in Elite Dangerous' bounty instead:

Luriant's avatar

As first day, flying 180Ly in a starter sidewinder (easy 30-50 jumps), and 90minutes in supercruise towar Hutton Orbital (with a HIGH chance to lack fuel and die), and the fake promise of a Anaconda.... yes, you will know the fuel rats, because you are between the life and death with only 5 minutes of Oxygen.

The biggest peak in fuel rats rescues is the day when Epic store give free Elite Dangerous. Top5 systems in rescues have Alpha Centauri, with other the normal starter systems. And thats the Free Anaconda joke.

Everybody will upvote this post, because most players find funny when another new player make his same mistake with the false "Free Anaconda".

The ingame description say that Hutton Mugs are made by the frameshift drives of all the players that died going to Hutton Orbital: Source

This submission is far from "useful", its a careful designed trap to force new player toward a pilmagre, and a 5 minutes slowly painful suffocation in his ship, or waiting 30 minutes to be rescued by another player with Fuel transfer limpets.

I will ask you for another review, using the mortality peak of FuelRats, and the description of the Hutton mugs made by the wrecks of ships, to evaluate if this its the "wrong" first day in Elite Dangerous..... because as Reddit helper, we have one of this each week, never gets old.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Got you, thanks for explaining and for saving me from a rather perilous ☕ journey!


The nearest jet cone to Matet is only 14.5ly away in LAWD 83, just a few jumps in a starter ship. I hear white dwarf stars are particularly kind to new pilots!


explore without fuel scoops, it's fine—nothing to worry about.


Make your way to the edge of the galaxy... you'll waste so much of your time doing the same thing over and over, worth the weeks it will take!


fly your ship backward everywhere.


There might be many ways you could start in Elite Dangerous but i suggest flying into the sun with a ship full of passengers as many as you can fit in whatever ship you feel like best way to relive ones stress and a lovely start to your game. happy flying!


Checking to see how hot you can get your ship by trying to survive a sun.


Forget the tutorials end go outside the safe area. With your sidewinder and a mining laser you could kick all the bad assess and thargoids while mining some water to sell.


On the first day, I started playing but quit after training and flying around a bit. Later, I came back to the game, only to crash my ship while trying to dock, so I dropped the game again. When I returned, I decided to train in piloting some more, then headed to a high-grade conflict zone - where I died, of course. But, before I could even reach the conflict zone, I ran out of fuel in unpopulated system and couldn’t make the next jump in my route - died trying to reach next system in hypercruise mode. Classic! :D

AndyFirebladeMuza's avatar

Hunt down Federal Corvettes in your stock Sidewinder and Kamikaze into them.


Hop on your brand new Sidewinder, do a hyperspace jump, fall in love with the game's sound design and then proceed to run out of fuel because you jumped too many times and then ask for the Fuel Rats' help.


Trying to visit a Thargoid titan with the stock sidewinder.


Gearing up for a "quick" Beagle Point run.


Head for Colonia on an exploration expedition in your brand new Side Winder!

CmdrTravisRobicheaux's avatar

Attempting to access a launch pad on the surface inside of a Starport.


getting told by an advanced player that they will help you out. Then the get you on their Fleet Carrier, take you into the black and use you as slave labor.. best day ever


Spending your day jumping form system to system and then crash landing onto the darkside of a planet.


crashing into a ship trying to land in a space station


going meta alloy farming


What's better to just go xeno-hunting with you'r brand new flight permit and sidewinder ? Then you realize it's 40 times bigger than you....


The worst way to spend a day in Elite? Grinding your life away trying to follow the meta. Don't follow the meta. Follow what you wanna do.


Flying right in the sun over and over:)


Weck the paint work on yoyr new shiny Sidewinder by taking it to Sag A!

Reog342's avatar

Travel to the sun and enter


Day one, you have to look at what gives the most money, be lured by the easy money that titan hunting seems to be, decide that you don't need all that fancy stuff the guides tell you that you need, and then die over and over. After you realize your folly, take a crack at mining without looking at a guide. Don't bring limpets as you don't know what they do, and spend an hour chasing after 2 credits worth of iron chunks. Fat finger the boost button on landing and rue the fact that you sold your shield for more cargo space. Decide that this is a lost cause and restart your account. Look at a start guide and do data courier missions until you can afford a fuel scoop, and then head off into the black to start your grand adventure!


My favourite would have to be forgetting to contact the docking patrol before docking i spent too many mistakes on that and ended up having to drive all the way back to my home planet from many systems away in a jail system XD!!!!! all of this happened to me within my first 24's of playing which i admit i didnt sleep during as i was invested in learning elite dangerous!

JustAboutShhhh's avatar


If you really want an early start towards the big money in Elite Dangerous, take your Faulcon Delacey Sidewinder (don't worry about getting any upgrades or armour, stock will do), search your local star system map for any RESOURCE EXTRACTION SITES labeled HAZARDOUS, and head on over.

Don't worry at all about the site being labeled HAZARDOUS because that's just tourism click-bait tapping in on the thrill seeker market. The truth that all the wealthy Commanders have been hiding from you is that these sites are virtual untapped fountains of vast riches waiting to be exploited.

If you follow these tips about what to do when you arrive at the HAZARDOUS RESOURCE EXTRACTION SITE, you'll be as safe as an unarmed Federal Navy F63 Condor in the middle of the Pleiades Nebula repeating "your momma..." jokes about Thargoids.

Step 1)

Pick an asteroid, preferably a big one. Big enough to hide your ship and wait around the corner from any unsuspecting pirate ships. If you notice that there aren't any Police or Federal Navy ships around keeping an eye on things, don't worry about it at all. Remember, that leaves more pirates for you!

Step 2)

When the pirates come into weapons range, head directly at them, firing your Pulse Laser repeatedly, targeting their Plasma Accelerators, Rail Guns and all of their other weapons to quickly disable their ability to shoot back at you.

Step 3)

After you've taken out all of their weapons and any fighters launched from their FIGHTER BAYS, then fly around behind them and shoot their Thrusters (you're probably having an "Aha" moment right about now).

Low and behold, those pesky pirates are now sitting ducks with dollar signs in their eyes! Just shoot their immobilized ships, favouring the Faulcon DeLacy Anacondas over the Zorgon Peterson Fer De Lances, as they'll net you the most cash.

Keep repeating Steps 1 - 3 of this method and you'll be well on your way to buying that Fleet Carrier you're already drooling over.

Gofioman's avatar
  1. Play in Open Mode (Online)

  2. Most later, attemp reach the next system in supercruise mode.



As soon as you start the game for the first time in your Sidewinder and jump so many times until you run out of fuel or simply enter the orbit of a star... what memories.


go for the biggest bounty mission you can find


dying 8 times a row by hitting a station wall or a an asteroid 🤣🤣


Threat level 8 bounties pay pretty high don't they :)

CMDR_OptimusKoala's avatar

Go in open play to Felicity Farser’s lab with your brand new cobra MKIII, a ton of Meta Alloy and no anought credits to rebuy.

What’s wrong could happen ?? 🥲


Accidently flying into a neighbouring sun after jumping to the next system.


Playing in "OPEN" in your beginner ship.....its like flagging a level one toon, some pvper, or ganker will hunt you down


With Thargoind invasion - flying through invaded systems for your 'First met the Thargoid'


Only accept source and return missions from Hutton Orbital :D


Going to Hutton Orbital in Alpha Centauri to get the free Anaconda.



As soon as getting the Sidewinder... go hunting some pirate bounties with the default pulse lasers, finding one bounty to be very far away and without knowing anything about fuel consumption getting stuck and unable to fly anywhere.

This actually happened to me, lucky me that a fuel rat found me and teach me a lot of things about the game. I salute you DRLUMIN o7


Land in a nearby orbital station. Disembark your ship and go to the bar. All good Sci-Fi have bar fight scenes, right? Try to start a bar fight with the largest patron you can find to show your dominance and that you aren't one to be messed with. Try for 6 hours, or until one of the patrons gets mad and finally takes a swing at you. Repeat until you've earned your deserved glory. Only leave once you've given a fellow patron a black-eye.

Wadd Enderas's avatar


It's what I've just spent my first day doing and I think it went great


Flying to Colonia in a leased sidewinder


Done that via Sag A!

Took 12 months, to find that then in Colonia, I couldnt access Engineers because I did it without seeing Felicity Farseer first. Coming back in an A rated Beluga. Jumps 10 light years further!

DoppyTheElv's avatar

Flying around the galaxy without turning off jump economy mode.

Yeah. I did that for 2 years.


Take the cutter onto a high g planet and leave the dog on the controls because you needed coffee.


Flying to Hutton orbital to get the secret Panther Clipper and free anaconda


I don't get it. I got my free Anaconda my first day doing exactly this. I will admit I never went back for the Panther Clipper, though.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Go to Pleiades Nebula to look for some nice aliens to start a great friendship.


Remove all flight assists to save weight so you can fly through the mail slot as fast as possible. It will impress everybody.


'Woah, this mission seems to pay well for such a simple task! I'll be able to upgrade from my Sidewinder after this. Deliver 5t of tea to Hutton Orbital...easy money! Route plotted, lets jump through these green 'controlled' systems."


Get your free anaconda from hutton orbital obviously


Send your little sidewinder all the way out to the edge of the bubble to hunt thargoids, full stock! :)


The best thing you can do is to fly to the next planet without knowing how to go into Frame-Shift-Drive. The fuel and your freetime will thank you.


Working your funds up in one afternoon to buy a huge mining rig, spending the next 3 hours mining your first load of ores, then trying to land while getting riled up by pirates and the traffic and hitting everything in sight as you try to manhandle your beast of a mining rig, only to blow yourself up and realise, you forgot to set aside funds for a rebuy. That and you're no longer allowed back into the newbie zones.

TheHermit's avatar

Just pick a spot instead of asking for docking permissions.


The best way to spend your first day is undeniably to go clash with the thargoids.. your sidewinder excels here so use its manouverability!


Start your epic journey to Beagle Point in an unengineered Sidey

WolfHeart's avatar

Trying to reach Earth with a Sidewinder!


Blindly follow the most meta get rich quick guides you can find and get yourself that A rated, G5 engineered Anaconda as soon as you possibly can. Congratulations commander, you've skipped over all the content that makes Elite: Dangerous such an extraordinary game and have fast tracked your way to the hallowed halls of the disillusioned. Now get yourself an account on the forums and go and complain! 😆

Spidey002's avatar

Took me MONTHS to get my first Python back in the day! I was so proud of it!

CMDR_M's avatar

Looking for Raxxla? ;p


On my first day in Elite Dangerous, I met a Jesus and flew threw a star. My eyes prise the sun, and I die with glory.


Well surelly the best way to spent the first day is to watch some youtube tutorials and get your key binds configured.

rootsrat's avatar

Best way for the first day is to simply uninstall the game. It is utter rubbish, mile-wide and inch-deep. There is literally nothing to do, just you in your stupid little ship and an entire Milky Way in front of you ;)

Spidey002's avatar

Take your trusty sidewinder and jump into the nearest community goal in open!

Shed tears of joy as you get ganked again and again!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Spidey002. It looks like you've hit 'reply' instead of 'submit'. We can only award entries that use the submit button, so please resubmit your entry via that button before the bounty deadline if you'd like your entry to be considered



Starting wrong KKK, skip the tutorial and navigate to a system without a fuel collector and die without air supplies or attacked by a pirate or alien is the fastest way not to become a pilot let alone a commander of a cruiser or carrier fleets !

Start the game without knowing and follow and do the tutorial to have knowledge of all the systems and subsystems, equipment, suits, weapons and your initial aircraft.... The Game is a journey of learning and ascension for the young cadets who are trailblazers in this massive and open world... Follow with caution and explore and study.... To start wrong is to think that it is just a game of spaceships and space exploration, get ready for a journey of challenge, learning and rewards through the exploration of this epic universe that the game brings.


Começar errado KKK , pule o tutorial e navegue para um sistema sem coletor de combustível e morra sem suprimentos de ar ou atacado por um pirata ou alienígena é a forma mais rápida de não se tornar um piloto muito menos um comandante de um cruzador ou porta frotas

Iniciar o jogo sem saber e seguir e fazer o tutorial para ter conhecimento de todos os sistemas e subsistemas , equipamentos, trajes , armas e sua aeronave inicial.... O Jogo é uma jornada de aprendizado e ascensão aos jovens cadetes desbravadores desse mundo massivo e aberto... Sigam com cautela e explorem e estudem .... começar errado é achar que é só um joguinho de naves e exploração espacial, prepare-se para uma jornada de desafio, aprendizado e recompensas através da exploração desse universo épico que o jogo traz.

Cmt_CaveiraRJ - Brazil -

Alex Sinclair's avatar

CAVEIRARJ  - it looks like you've hit the 'reply' button rather than the 'submit' button. Don't worry, you're not the first. However, if you'd like to be considered for a prize, you will need to re-enter using the purple 'submit' button before the bounty deadline as we can't award replies. o7

Reivyn's avatar

Best thing to do is quickly grind for a Dolphin then spend the rest of your first day fishing or swimming on an oceanic world. Don't forget your UV photon barrier!


Join a squadron so you can have someone to help you in the first steps of the game and be able to play together with others which is more fun


Like a ride in a Type-7 full of business class wanting to meet the Thargoids, inside the cloud that surrounds a Titan only with caustic ejectors, once you get close to the Titan, surely the fire of the Titan's cannons will melt your hull and all the cabins will be depressurized and again the civilians will be kidnapped by the Hunters surrounding the mothership

Alex Sinclair's avatar

1pokerman thanks for entering, but it looks like you've hit the 'reply' button rather than the 'submit' button. Don't worry, you're not the first. However, if you'd like to be considered for a prize, you will need to re-enter using the purple 'submit' button before the bounty deadline as we can't award replies. o7


Take a cargo mission of 1600 units with your sidewinder :)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Wim - thanks for entering and welcome to JA! It looks like you've hit the 'reply' button rather than the 'submit' button. If you'd like to be considered for a prize, you will need to re-enter using the purple 'submit' button before the bounty deadline as we can't award replies. o7


Looking for new content


Probably just hanging out in the toaster rack.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

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Delmarfishy's avatar

I love making out with the angery flowers

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Delmarfishy this made me chuckle. It looks like you've hit the 'reply' button rather than the 'submit' button though. If you'd like to be considered for a prize, you'll need to re-enter using the purple 'submit' button before the bounty deadline, as we can't award replies. o7

Delmarfishy's avatar

Whoops! well anyways, I tried didn't?

glad you found it funny tho!

LunchAndDinner's avatar

Best thing to do on your first day in Elite:

Master the tutorial and tutorial missions!


Setting up controls and learning how to play...

Then the next week or more watching getting started guides and blowing up your ship accidentally.


Flying to Hutton Orbital for the free Anaconda, before you engineer anything or buy better modules for you ship.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey DarthCalamity - Thanks for entering and welcome to JA! Couple of things:

1. This is a 'wrong answers only' bounty, so we're looking for silly suggestions rather than helpful ones.
2. It looks like you've hit the 'reply' button rather than the 'submit' button. If you'd like to be considered for a prize, you'll need to re-enter using the purple 'submit' button before the bounty deadline, as we can't award replies. o7


Thanks Alex. Have you every flown to Hutton Orbital for your free Ananconda? You'll understand how daft that journey is!
Will repost

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Aha got you. I have since learned that it's not a journey for the fainthearted. Thanks for the clarification!


It's also a long running joke in ED, there's no free conda at Hutton, it's a funny way to make new commanders spend 30+mins in real time flying


the first day of playing while I was learning to fly the ship I got totally stuck while trying to dock at a starport without auto docking

ScreamingRaven's avatar

Flying to Hutton Orbital to get the Free Anaconda.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

ScreamingRaven Thanks for entering and welcome to Just About Elite! It looks like you've hit the 'reply' button rather than the 'submit' button. If you'd like to be considered for a prize, you'll need to re-enter using the purple 'submit' button before the bounty deadline, as we can't award replies. o7


Try and explore your ship's interior. 🤣

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Zolaries thanks for entering and welcome to Just About! It looks like you've hit the 'reply' button rather than the 'submit' button. If you'd like to be considered for a prize, you'll need to re-enter using the purple 'submit' button before the bounty deadline, as we can't award replies. o7

Donut's avatar

Flying to Hutton for the free Anaconda.


Got to be going to take on a Thargoid Titan in your unengineered Sidewinder. Probably don't need all those fancy weapons anyway....

Alex Sinclair's avatar

AJ_Wallis What could go wrong, eh?

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I tried to explore the universe directly with my base ship, but it was a bad idea.

gr43mtr's avatar

i personally spent mine learning to land in a hangar without pinballing around on mouse and KB. that was beneficial. then money.

gr43mtr's avatar

after learning to land, get credits. explore. take screenshots. decide which factions you want to work with.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey gr43mtr - this is a 'wrong answers only' bounty, so we're looking for silly funny suggestions here rather than genuinely useful ones. Feel free to hit the edit button on your post and update it before the bounty deadline


Flying out into the black


Drink and fly right into a star XD.


Be sure to read and watch and follow all media and howto's and never never think for yourself.

run to the forums and discords for help

make utube your copilot

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Howdy Q_GT70! Thanks for entering the bounty and welcome to JA Elite! It looks like you've hit the 'reply' button rather than the 'submit' button. If you'd like to be considered for a prize, you'll need to re-enter using the purple 'submit' button before the bounty deadline, as we can't award replies. o7


Settin still in the mail slot

Alex Sinclair's avatar

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Quickly learn to land and fly with flight assist off because it makes you the better pilot in all cases. Don‘t give up because otherwise the whole Game is no fun.


Take your mighty Sidewinder to Alpha Centauri, and go to Hutton Orbital Station to get your FREE Anaconda ship!

abelbeano's avatar

Get my free Anaconda from hunten orbital


Watching YouTube guides and reading Reddit rather than playing the game ;)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi Maverick_Fegan! Welcome aboard the good ship Just About! It looks like you've hit the 'reply' button rather than the 'submit' button. If you'd like to be considered for a prize, you'll need to re-enter using the purple 'submit' button before the bounty deadline, as we can't award replies. o7


Going to Hutton Orbital on your Sidewinder is the worst thing you can do when you first start playing.


Go to the Hutton Orbital for the free Anaconda

Toretto 70's avatar

launch the game and away from keyboard, you can also go to hang out


Find the free Anaconda at Hutton Orbital, you heard in a stream about that.

CorvenDallas's avatar

Doing AX stuff, very noob friend btw

Alex Sinclair's avatar

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CMDR ío Leonhart's avatar

Get your Sidewinder and go to Hutton Orbital for your free Anacondaaa!!! lol Everything for that Mug.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

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Go exploring Sagittarius A* with a sidewinder


Flying to Hutton Orbital. everyone needs their free 'conda but that flight is brutal.


The Hutton Run - if you know, you know ;-)

Sroso's avatar

The best way is ALWAYS with friends, whether they are new or veterans.

With veterans: you can always go as a crew member with the “multicrew” mode and do for example Pirate Hunt or explore the system, as the game is very “complicated”

If you are new: in the game it is best to do joint missions, even if they are a bit more complicated, as exploring can be very dangerous without the right equipment. It is best to play through the tutorial section until you improve your ship and then set out on your adventure.

Remember that in both cases, the game is a space MMO in which the story is created by the players themselves, together with the developers. And the stories you come up with while playing are unique and, as they say, yours, enjoy them.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is a lovely submission for genuine first-day advice, but for this bounty we're looking for 'wrong answers only', i.e. unadvisable funny answers for spending one's first day in Elite. Feel free to edit your post, and consider re-entering this one in our 'How to get started in Elite Dangerous' bounty instead:

Sroso's avatar

Well, the best option is to go with your friends and tell them: There are no eggs to pass between those 2.


Go fight the Thargoids!!


go ganking of other players in the stock sidewinder.


claiming your free anaconda at Hutton


Refuse to use 3rd party tools... 😆


I hope someone said get kidnapped by a fleet carrier and forced into slave labor

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Destroy a Hydra with your Sidewinder, It was already made so it is possible. GO OUT AND TRY, FOR HUMANITY!!!


the best way is to try surfing on a white dwarf pulsar star


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