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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Finally bought my new ship, the first on that I bought after I start the game, no regrets of it!

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Same for me, one of the best ships for starters for sure, with its glorious legacy in Elite's long history! I had to sell mine due to a mistake I made blowing up in my T9 without a rebuy :( but she stays forever in my heart.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

CMDR Henckes's avatar

My Python chilling after kill a bunch of pirates.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I think this is brilliant CMDR Henckes! You were very much in the running for our first-place reward!


Hello Commanders, this is James Lauer, owner of L&L Travel Company in system G 123-16 7 A. Our current fleet is small: just a Type-7 for bulk economy transport, like refugees and tourists or medical aids, and also a Dolphin with limited capacity but carrying business and Luxury VIPs. Hope you all enjoy the site. If any of you are near the system, remember to visit Cataldo Entertainment Zone. Fly safe!

"Here is a beautiful shot from a Water Geyser at Cataldo Entertainment Zone in Planet G 123-16 7 A, where I set up my Travel Company, here is where I always come back when it's time to relax a little after some trips. Last flights a good quantity of tourists but also refuggees ande medical aids where transported as well. "L&L Travel Company taking you through the stars". At the last photo we are docked in Bulychev station. Really nice place."

XCezor's avatar

Under fire, the Guardians aren't very happy of my presence here.

Lambda's avatar

One of my better celebratory "first footfall" screenshots, IMO.

Block9's avatar

This screenshot was used for my series about Elite Dangerous A comedy-based series.


MQC's avatar

“Is that planet half empty or half full?”

- Typical talk between Ship and SRV in the middle of nowhere.


This Python is the ship I spend the most time in. Mostly used for trade in the Inti system doing silver and gold transport missions. This thing has made me billions (with a B not a M) of space bucks. Close second for seat time would be the Federal Corvette followed by the Imperial Cutter.

I thought that I would drop in on a little back water and check out the night life. The booze sucked, the cigarettes were stale and security kept scanning me. I had to bounce out of there quick, fast, and in a hurry. Time to head back to my carrier. The bartender knows me and always gets my drink right. He better because I write his paycheck.

RicZA's avatar

Alex Sinclair's avatar

The sunset photo is especially excellent!


A new world awaits, painted in hues of orange and gold.

The night sky, ablaze with the lights of civilization.

Preparing to descend into the beauty of the unknown.

ScreamingRaven's avatar

I Introduce the Bug Catcher, it Catches Bugs. Especially Thargoids.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

And long make it catch them. However, to be in the running for a prize, you'll need to first share it on a connected social media channel and then share that post as your bounty entry. It's how we validate authenticity for original media bounties. Check out AndyRice's entry for an example. No need to delete your entry; just hit the 'edit' button and paste in the social media link. o7

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

Read in David Attenborough's voice : "The Golden Dagger sits perched on a hill high above her target, allowing her pilot to get a final visual confirmation before diving down in what will undoubtedly be a devastatingly efficient strike."

Visiting a Thargoid Surface Site to experiment with Ancient Keys (the experiment unfortunately failed).

mastercesspit's avatar

this is "vendetta" a g5 corvette engineered for high threat assassination/massacre missions, it features a mix of conventional and energy weapons, one of 4 specialist g5 corvettes i own, my ship of choice for high threat mission targets.

JHenckes's avatar

Very creative! I love how symmetrical it is, it brings me peace hahaha

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Congratulations Hunter - we love this shot. Our first-place $8 reward is yours!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi SergeantRogers! Amazing screenshot, I love the scarlet and the angle. That said, to be in the running for a prize, you'll need to first share it on a connected social media channel and then share that post as your bounty entry. It's how we validate authenticity for original media bounties. Check out AndyRice's entry for an example. No need to delete your entry; just hit the 'edit' button and paste in the social media link.

AndyRice's avatar

Introducing the "Endurance", this is the ship that I used to complete my first long journey to Sagittarius A*. I named it Endurance to pay respect to the film "Interstellar".

When I docked it at the Jaques Station, Colonia, I took the first two pictures. After more than 20000 l.y. of journey, the cruel universe has left so many marks on the hull.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Gosht - excellent screenshot - I'd love to know the story behind it. To be in the running for a prize, you'll need to first share it on a connected social media channel and then share that post as your bounty entry. Check out AndyRice's entry for an example. No need to delete your entry; just hit the 'edit' button and paste in the social media link.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Jimmy0916 - gorgeous shot - it looks like the start of a sci-fi western. However, to be in the running for a prize, you'll need to first share it on a connected social media channel and then share that post as your bounty entry. It's how we validate authenticity for original media bounties. Check out AndyRice's entry for an example. No need to delete your entry; just hit the 'edit' button and paste in the social media link.


Thanks and Oops, missed that. Will leave it here tho, so ppl can download it.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Jimmy0916 - nice one, that's good of you. If you use Twitter/Instagram and you'd still like to be considered for a prize, you're able to edit your entry and include the link (if you do it before the bounty deadline).


Ooh thats definitely a wallpaper screenshot. :) this is actually a nice shot and if you dont mind i want a copy.


Thanks and sure, go ahead. 😃
Copyright is with FDev anyway 😉

JHenckes's avatar

This print looks like it came out of a movie scene, it's amazing, congratulations!

Hunter's avatar

Thank you for this super wallpaper screenshot ;)

AlvarZ4's avatar

A little capture of a Federation operation at a pirate base with my squadron "3ª Flota de Intervención Federal" or in english 3rd Federal Intervention Fleet.

mastercesspit's avatar

i struck a glitch with my submission, i uploaded the screenshot, but when i tried to put a link to the ship build in inara, i got a msg saying that only videos were allowed from a linked account and would not submit, i just resubmitted without the link and it was fine. just thought i'd bring that to your attention. :)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks mastercesspit. I'll investigate and try to get to the bottom of that. To be eligible for a prize, we do need these images to first be shared via a connected SM account and then that social media post to be shared as your bounty entry. That's why that notification appears, but it sounds like it's not quite working as intended. Have you tried doing that? If not, please could you try editing your post and adding the social media post. (Adding in the Inara link may work if you do it)

mastercesspit's avatar

u tube doesn't do screenshots apparently, i tried, and i'm pretty much reclusive these days, so social media consists of messenger for my family to contact me, inara would be an excellent addition, as it is just about essential for elite for inf. in game, arty is a gem. :)

sesheta's avatar

sniktau - Twitch

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi sesheta. To be in the running for a prize, you'll need to first share it on a connected social media channel and then share that post as your bounty entry. It's how we validate authenticity for original media bounties. Check out AndyRice's entry for an example. No need to delete your entry; just hit the 'edit' button and paste in the social media link.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey SirrionRising - welcome to Just About Elite and thank you for entering your first bounty! To be in the running for a prize, you'll need to first share it on a connected social media channel and then share that post as your bounty entry. It's how we validate authenticity for original media bounties. Check out AndyRice's entry for an example. No need to delete your entry; just hit the 'edit' button and paste in the social media link 🫡

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice shot Kassandria. However, to be in the running for a prize, you'll need to first share it on a connected social media channel and then share that post as your bounty entry. It's how we validate authenticity for original media bounties. Check out AndyRice's entry for an example. No need to delete your entry; just hit the 'edit' button and paste in the social media link 🫡


Ah, very sorry but I don't use any of the social media platforms you allow linking to. I'll leave the image but just won't run for the bounty.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Kassandria, and sorry for the inconvenience. We are investigating other routes of verifying images, but at least for the foreseeable future, this is our only option. Thanks for your understanding

Imperial Senator Bluecrash's avatar

odd i have all social connected but it wont let me share image

Boomer's avatar

Hey Imperial Senator Bluecrash, I think it's because you need to share the image from your connected social account rather than upload the image direct to JA.

Can give that a go and tag me if it doesn't work? Let me know how you get on 🙂


Juts post your photo on Instagram or on twitter and share the link in the submission. It will appear your post with this "original" label above it.


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