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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Niceygy's avatar

The colonia nebula, in the newly released Cobra Mk.V. Plus a few space fairy-lights for extra sparkle. The present bobblehead is from this year's Xmas event.


So I think some explanation is required for two of these..

OOOOH that station is on fire!!! Guidoni Orbital not faring so well...

This was from some ground combat, and as much as It would have been nice to still be in the ship at this altitude, sadly the drop ship pilot was in a hurry to catch Bake Off on TV and pressed drop... I tried to include some flight deck and window... but the ship... kinda.. left me..

I did not survive this fall... did win the battle though...

Is that an annaconda in the slot ahead?? No it's two... one is firmly wedged in tight....

Thank goodness I wasn't flying my beluga!!!!

They dock as good as I do...


Just before Titan Cocijo turned up in orbit above Earth I figured I'd better get one last shot of home just in case it wasn't there in the morning.

On a journey to Colonia I found this little floating Mollusc inside a notable stellar phenomena and couldn't resist the temptation to point some artillery at it. You'll be glad to hear that no molluscs were actually harmed in the making of this screenshot.

I do love how you can see the modules that deploy from the Krait's forward hardpoints right outside the cockpit window, and I particularly love the chunky industrial look of the mining equipment.

One of the advantages of having a headlook device (I use a TrackIR5) is that you can tilt your head and get these dramatic views of the hyperspace jump. I confess I do it all the time when I'm racing, even when no one's looking. Also gotta love mini-Braben and his mysterious girlfriend who have accompanied me on many an adventure!

Sturmer's avatar

HUD is an integral part of the cockpit!


Just in case your comment is in regard to the suggestion about turning the HUD off and you (or anyone else) wasn't aware it was possible to do so ... it's Ctrl+Alt+G to toggle the HUD on and off.

Sturmer's avatar

Thanks, my point was - it's an important part of the space fantasy


HIP 19026 B1C - Possible remains of a titan, perhaps killed by the Mycoid virus.


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