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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Niceygy's avatar

The colonia nebula, in the newly released Cobra Mk.V. Plus a few space fairy-lights for extra sparkle. The present bobblehead is from this year's Xmas event.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I am a sucker for screenshots, and meanwhile I've always taken screenshot from the ship's camera, I still have some "from the cockpit" shots, fortunately, some of them even covered one of the biggest moments recently in our intergalactic space.

And of course, some non-Thargoid images

ENDERS's avatar

The "space trucking is my part time hobby" shot is awesome! Love these shots. Thank you for sharing them.

Hunter's avatar

Spamming the screenshot key is my thing in Elite dangerous, this a Pyro-caustic Explosion, Titan Taranis ! ( Cockpit POV ) way back at the start of the Titan war which most of the play time I spent last year.

Odinoji's avatar


"K-Type Anomalies are a form of Notable Stellar Phenomena. They can damage ships that approach too closely or come into direct contact with them." -fandom

This green anomaly I discovered appearead on my scanner as Notable Stellar Phenomena.
In all my years of exploration I found less than 5 NSPs so I cherish each one of them in my heart. Make sure you always check your left panel or your FSS and you wont miss them!
safe flying.

Flight deck of my Zorgon Peterson Mamba; Boobbleheads are of a viper and a guardian fighter (trident).

bonus images below :) :

XCezor's avatar

Here are some pictures from my collection:

I don't exactly remember what was that structure. This picture has been made long time ago but I suppose it's a point of interest where resources are being mined.

Majestic-Class Interdictor is a beautiful battle cruiser used by the Empire. Unlike Federal Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser, it's a good ally to have on your side 😅

One of the 8 that invaded our home territory, the Bubble. But this one is special. Taranis is the first known titan discovered by the humanity, the first who have arrived to the Bubble and the first that has been defeated. Such a wonderful hat-trick!
Also the message in the system chat says more than a thousand words about how I felt when first saw this thing 😄

Fog is something that makes every game mysterious. It's an icy ring with dense, gray fog that got my attention big enough to take this picture. Travelling through this place was really relaxing despite it's semi-graveyard atmosphere.

ENDERS's avatar

Only a mere 620.49ly from Sol ; HIP 88727 contains a High metal content world that closely orbits a cool Class M Star and is the only planetary body in the system. This provided stunning views from the cockpit of my exploration Vulture.
This body; HIP 88727 C 1 features Major Silicate vapour geysers and a Hot Thick Sulphur dioxide Atmosphere. It is exactly what you'd expect to see from a molten sphere that closely orbits a star.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That framing! * Chef's kiss *

Boomer - I nominate this stunning shot for Member Monday!

ENDERS's avatar

Its that graphic designer OCD kicking in while taking screenshots lol...

Sturmer's avatar

I can probably call myself a rare CMDR as I'm a shipless boots-on-ground child of Odessey. After 20h+ of gameplay, I bought my first ship to look around. Who knows, maybe it's just the beginning of my new journey!

Caenyx's avatar

Class O type stars are the most luminous and massive main sequence stars in the galaxy and is my absolute favorite. The first time I stumbled upon one I spent a good 30 minutes just flying around admiring it. Unforunately I can't remember the name of that star but it's one of my best memory in Elite Dangerous.

Eralm_237's avatar

Sometimes getting a screenshot from the cockpit with full hud is easier said than done, especially when under fire. But it's great to use to get streaming scenes set up, or lighting, or anything else.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I took this screenshot recently I was going to to dock in that station to by supplies to build my first starport .

Doc's avatar

When I went to Colonia, I stopped at a few nebulae and took some pictures. Here are some of them. I also took a picture from a neutron star that was close to another star. It was the first neutron and a normal star duo I had seen in the game, so I wondered if that would be possible in the real universe.

CelestialFlea's avatar

As noted in my tweet, I was actually on a hunt for a fleet carrier with Pioneer services as I had travelled over 1,000 LY with the wrong suit. Whilst in the same system as the carrier I spotted the phenomenon in the system targets. So I ventured out to see my first stellar phenomenon after collecting what I needed, it was certainly worth the happy accident! Otherwise I'd probably never have seen this.

ayebawl's avatar
  • This is Blaa Eohn GC-T, as seen from the cockpit of my newly purchased Mandalay.

    After outfitting it I set out on a little explore of the galaxy, and this was the first Earth Like World I found - my first and so far my only one.

    I spent probably way too much time circling it and getting plenty of shots. I was itching the whole time to land - I'll definitely be back to explore if it ever becomes a thing

Mistymeooww's avatar

I have only seen something like this once so far! I thought it looked interesting


"After every jump, comes that feeling of... humbleness. By the cockpit view, we are just specks of dust trying to change the universe. A universe of infinite stars of new discoveries. I hope I and a lot of other CMDRs are able to still fly countless years, gazing through our glasses chariots, our canopies to stare to infinity."

"Thoughts of CMDRs James Lauer while passing the border of Outer Orion Spur"

Hope you like the shots, CMDRs! Fly Safe!

CMDR John Wick's avatar

A photo close to the star of V337 Carinae, where there is a ring of rocks very close to the main star, causing a beautiful view of its flares.


I was tempted, albeit briefly, to spend some more time flying around like this, but a single sneeze would have been catastrophic.

MQC's avatar

Another day in the (space) office... playing with TrackIR.

Marukosu's avatar

I am very new at the game, so for me everything is amazing (maybe you guys can remember the feeling), and I was making an early game trip to the Sharur system, and in the way I encountered two brown dwarfs stars, Wolfsegen and Tarnkappe A. That was the view.


Tarnkappe A

AlvarZ4's avatar

I have this image saved for many years when I started playing on console, many will think it is stupid but this photo brings back many memories because it was my first landing of many, as well as my first mission.

GreybeardSeawolf's avatar

  • As a member of the exclusive Icey Water Geyser Jumping Survivors Club I took the shot at an altitude of 14.9 Km from the ahem...''Cockpit'' of my trusty SRV Binkey

jnTracks's avatar
  • Here are some nice ones from the past week or so. Stopped into jackson's lighthouse "on my way through" and visited one of the many fleet carriers parked there.
    And the next was in Lyncis 5 while I was runing around to some engineers.

  • Here is a screenshot from the cockpit of my carrier during a hyperspace jump

    My first Cyclops solo kill

    The first stellar phenomena I ever found

Kethervir's avatar

One day somewere in the Galaxy.....

I just wake up in my ship, docked to an amazing Stronghold, to start my duty as an imperial commander, thinking about doing some bounty hunting during the day..

my ship was exiting from the hangar and then this scenario appear just in front of me..... a LOT of enemy ship was attacking the Stronghold and a massive amount of ships was in combbat just veeeeery close to the Stronghold... i was mesmerized... unfortunately i didn't turn off the Hud in that situation, because they start to shoot even at my ship, but i've taked a screenshot.. for sure believe me the picture not speak enough.. that situation was incredibly full of ship destroying each other and the space around us become full of explosion like full of new year's fireworks.


when life gives you lemons head too system: BD+83 357 also known as the Lemon slice nebula and have a lemonade


From the cockpit of my fighter with views of my Krait II, Fleet Carrier, and the A class star.


My day always starts from Shakal in Doi Station

what I saw from my cockpit, while I was making trips

after several jumps I find this , i see this beautiful planet to land on

why not land and explore the planet in search of biological material

Osiliran's avatar

A neutron star I caught on my way back to the bubble from a small expedition. Nothing fancy from inside the Type-8's cockpit except for the generous view of the galaxy it provides.

Vivisector's avatar

I was thinking "how can i submit some screenshots from cockpit?" here you go the idea: found a sun and do the simple thing everyone doing in the summer. Sunlight is hitting my skin so guys who bring me some suncream?


Thargoid laser show from the first few days of the invasion of the Sol

Block9's avatar

I was in the HIP 23759 system, look how many beautiful planets there are here <3

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

Here are some screenshots of the ship's cockpit

1. Tranquility Stop, a fascinating tourist facility located in the “Black in Green” nebula

2. Black hole located in Sagittarius A

3. Two ringed planets very close to each other. Located in the WRUETHOO XF-N C20-5 system

4. The highest mountain peak I have ever encountered. 6.31 Km high. If I recall correctly, it is located on one of the Beagle Point planets

5 and 6. “Remarkable Stellar Phenomena” (Purpureum Metallic Crystals) in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system. Next to Sagittarius A.

Slamscape's avatar

This is from an earthlike world I found while exploring today out near Colonia.

AndyRice's avatar

This screenshot might not be particularly impressive from an artistic standpoint, but the story behind it felt like a thrilling scene straight out of a hardcore sci-fi movie.

It was taken during the Titan Cocijo's invasion of the solar system while I was defending a surface settlement on Europa. This marked my first experience with Anti-Xeno combat. In the chaos of the battle, my ship was hit by the shutdown field of a Thargoid Interceptor. In an instant, all my systems went offline—my HUD disappeared, life support and sound simulation shut down, and even the thrusters stopped working. I lost complete control of my ship and started spinning aimlessly in space. To make matters worse, Europa's gravity began pulling me closer and closer to its surface.

All I could do was sit in the cockpit, listening to the eerie sounds of Thargoids striking my hull and my own heavy breathing. From the cockpit view, Europa and Jupiter alternated in a dizzying dance as I spiraled downward, inching closer to the surface. Just as I was about to crash, my systems miraculously came back online. The powerful thrusters of my Federal Assault Ship immediately killed the rotation and stabilized my movement, saving me in the nick of time.

St4r_Lord's avatar
  • A rather unusual sight of a thargoid at Shinrarta Dezhra station. This is not a game bug, but just a cheater who wanted to have some fun I guess.


HIP 19026 B1C - Possible remains of a titan, perhaps killed by the Mycoid virus.


So I think some explanation is required for two of these..

OOOOH that station is on fire!!! Guidoni Orbital not faring so well...

This was from some ground combat, and as much as It would have been nice to still be in the ship at this altitude, sadly the drop ship pilot was in a hurry to catch Bake Off on TV and pressed drop... I tried to include some flight deck and window... but the ship... kinda.. left me..

I did not survive this fall... did win the battle though...

Is that an annaconda in the slot ahead?? No it's two... one is firmly wedged in tight....

Thank goodness I wasn't flying my beluga!!!!

They dock as good as I do...


Just before Titan Cocijo turned up in orbit above Earth I figured I'd better get one last shot of home just in case it wasn't there in the morning.

On a journey to Colonia I found this little floating Mollusc inside a notable stellar phenomena and couldn't resist the temptation to point some artillery at it. You'll be glad to hear that no molluscs were actually harmed in the making of this screenshot.

I do love how you can see the modules that deploy from the Krait's forward hardpoints right outside the cockpit window, and I particularly love the chunky industrial look of the mining equipment.

One of the advantages of having a headlook device (I use a TrackIR5) is that you can tilt your head and get these dramatic views of the hyperspace jump. I confess I do it all the time when I'm racing, even when no one's looking. Also gotta love mini-Braben and his mysterious girlfriend who have accompanied me on many an adventure!


Does the tracker give you more control when in freecam inside the bridge? I hate that its so limited inside from inside the ship I would like to be able to properly have freecam to look around at the coffeee maker


No, headlook doesn't seem to operate in freecam mode, at least not the way I've got it set up.

Odinoji's avatar

braben bobblehead is awesome id pay alot of arx for it

Sturmer's avatar

HUD is an integral part of the cockpit!


Just in case your comment is in regard to the suggestion about turning the HUD off and you (or anyone else) wasn't aware it was possible to do so ... it's Ctrl+Alt+G to toggle the HUD on and off.

Sturmer's avatar

Thanks, my point was - it's an important part of the space fantasy


On the screen of HIP 63835 B black hole, although it is small, but inspires its greatness even at this size.

JHenckes's avatar

The emptiness of space. The height of technology. The beauty of celestial bodies...


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