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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

I'd be the COVAS, because I like talking, andI like relaying useful information. I keep the commanders up to date with the latest events in the Galaxy.


I’d be life support because I’m the reason for you to live (romantic I am)!

JHenckes's avatar

I would be a heatsink launcher. I always put a bucket of ice in some discussion in my family to cool things down!

yan57436's avatar

I’d be a missile rack. I’m always explosive so it fit perfect in my personality hahaha


A power distributor. Why? Because I have to manage my energy along the day every single day of my life, glad that I have plenty of fuel (coffee).

mypets's avatar

I would be a hull reinforcement package because I always have to hold the hits that I receive from life itself.

CMDR John Wick's avatar

I would be a Fighter Hangar.

Life in the Elite is often a bit lonely, pilots from the Federation of Pilots have to travel long distances and at risk to their lives, but even if I was, for a brief moment, I could help you straight from my home, using my ship remotely, then you wouldn't be so alone!

Sturmer's avatar

I’m a Fuel Scoop!
Independent. Self-sufficient. Sustainable.

Donut's avatar

I'd be Pack hound Missiles.

I look good, but I'm actually useless.

Lambda's avatar

I'd be the Detailed Surface Scanner because I like exploration, and I like scanning for lil lifeforms!


I'd be "modified guardian shard cannons" cause I like to bonk bugs with the hand of God and all of his angels and the power of 10 billion lions.

Slamscape's avatar

Not technically a module, but I'd be Silent Running cause when strangers are around I keep to myself and try to avoid them lol


I'd be a D rated sensor module, just cause i like to see where everything is at all times and i dont need to be a rated!

Odinoji's avatar

I would be low emission power plant because i am cold as a cucumber in any situation. o7

TheHermit's avatar

I would be a Luxery Passenger Cabin because no matter where I travel, I need a cozy, quiet, place to return to.


I'd be a fsd,because our journey is to the ocean of stars


I'm a limpet I reckon. Hopeful, keen to please, bumping into things and covered in dust

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I would be the Azimuth Modified Guardian Shard Cannon, 'cause I can be useful but I can be picky once in a while, plus I overheat a bit fast.

USCSS's avatar

Like Cmdr CMDR_OptimusKoala I would like to be on life support because I like vegetation. A great source of oxygen. I would have the cabin with plants.


I'd be a Guardian gauss weapon, because i'm mysterious and don't like thargoids !


I would be a size 8 Prismatic shield Generator because I like having a chonky health pool


I would be the Frame Shift Drive since without me no one would be able to get anywhere and only I could help get the explorers to where no man has gone before.


I would be a Power Distributer because I like to try and keep the peace between everyone

Eralm_237's avatar

I would definitely be a Power Distributor: rarely keeping anything to myself and sharing everything I am allowed to with the community, directing new players to other streamers who are better at activities that I suck in.

Like bounty hunting, don't ask me, ask: Barnardo, Brother_Sabathius, SeleneStardragon, Psykit....

Esme Wyrd's avatar

I would be a Sub-surface Displacement Missile because I like to dig up hidden/buried things.


E Frame Shift Drive

I would like to travel but never get further than work and home again.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I would be Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller because looks like I'm only useful to help other people!


I'd be a 4A Beam Laser with the Thermal Shock experimental engineering effect because I just really really love cooking 🔥


I'd be a power distributor, I love nudging effort towards where it would be most useful.

CMDR_OptimusKoala's avatar

Thank you for using this idea as a bounty <3

I'd be a Firework Launcher because I work hard to bring joy in this amazing community 🎆

Evoflash's avatar

While my two daughters would demand that I be a Luxury Passenger Compartment for them, instead I see myself a their docking computer - it’s my job to make sure they get where they’re going and then home safely and that they’re happy.

mastercesspit's avatar

a reinforced multi weave prismatic shield generator, strong and resilient.

Stormseeker's avatar

I'll be the Bi-weve Shiled, Because I always hit everything and bump with anything, so better recover fast.

ScreamingRaven's avatar

I would be a Discovery Scanner because i love to Discover every bit of a System. :)


Frame Shift Drive Supercruise Overcharged, because space is expanding very fast we need to catch up or we are doomed. By the way time waits for no man. If space and time are intertwined, FSD SCO is the only solution.

Niceygy's avatar

I'd be the D-Scanner, because who doesn't like free money? Oh, and HHOONNKKK

MQC's avatar

I'm a cargo bay, for sure... it seems like everyone is anxious to fill me with heavy stuff, especially my boss... And all I can think of is to jettison it all away.

Moonshade Gaming's avatar

I would be a Shutdown Field Neutralizer, because while I'm not always needed within my niche, utilizing me can make you a credit to your team.

CelestialFlea's avatar

I'd be a multi limpet controller, because I try to do lots of different things at once, mostly collecting useless information 🤣 but from time to time I do deliver valuable gems.

Dydo's avatar

I'd be a SCO Frame Shift Drive, just to surprise the unsuspecting (I love being surprising) and fry ships around (mindblowing surprising!), while useful to reach Hutton Orbital without going AFK (I'm a lawyer, and everyone deserves QoL).

AndyRice's avatar

I’m going to be the Beam Laser with Heat Vent modification. Cause I’ll always keep you cool.

And why I want to keep people cool? Cause I’ve just experienced a summer in Europe without air conditioning, which is torturing😂

AndyRice's avatar

Now it's your turn for summer xd

mastercesspit's avatar

yep, already hit 40 celcius yesterday

mastercesspit's avatar

it's only spring, lol, it'll get to 50 c soon for a couple months, going to be a hot summer

AndyRice's avatar

That’s insane😂. The hottest weather I experienced in my country is about 43 degrees, can’t imagine what it feels like when 50 degrees.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Your European summer must have been very different to mine. No heat vents required over in the UK this year :D

CMDR_nailz_'s avatar

I'd be a Cargo Rack, because I always end up carrying everything wherever I go!

XCezor's avatar

So I'd be Detailed Surface Scanner. I love concept of scanners and carelessly shooting probes on a random planet. I would just scan every single planet no matter how worthless it is just for the sake of shooting those probes 😅

Osiliran's avatar

I'd be an E-rated Powerplant because whenever I try and do something, I overheat...


I'd be a Kill Warrant Scanner. I'm not essential but I very much embrace and add to your bounty hunting immersion and bring you a bunch of additional rewards you may not have realised were out there.

mastercesspit's avatar

never leave for hazres without one, ;)

Matt G's avatar

As a developer of a few 3rd party tools for Elite, I'd be an Advanced Docking Computer - I make it easier to do things but not without the occasional mishap.

Block9's avatar

I’d be the Fuel Scoop module, because I love soaking up energy from stars and leaving everyone gassed out with my hot jokes! 🔥😎 LOL

AndyRice's avatar

Bro is literally a Dyson Sphere lol


Passenger cabin. How else do I fit all alter egos?


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